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Results for "Uther Lockhart"

1 - 25 of 44 Records
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Luther Melanthon Bookhart - 1831 to 1908

Birth: 27 Feb 1831 South Carolinabirth0

Death: 21 Dec 1908 United Statesdeath0


Father: John Nicholas Bookhardt

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Enzminger

Luther Lockhart - 1904 to 1978

Birth: 04 Nov 1904 Polk County, Texasbirth1

Death: 7 Nov 1978 Lufkin, Angelina, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Charles Lockhart

Mother: Virginia "Jeannie" Waldrep

Luther V Lockhart - 1876 to 1936

Birth: 26 Aug 1876 Indiana birth2

Death: 5 Mar 1936 Swanington, Benton County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath2


Father: William Lockhart

Mother: Margaret Madowel

Luther Ransom Lockhart - 1920 to 1998

Birth: 19 Jun 1920 McDowell, West Virginiabirth3

Death: 5 Jan 1998 Citrus, Beverly Hills, Citrus, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: William M Lockhart

Mother: Mary Justice Lockhart

Luther B Lockhart - 1915 to 1995

Birth: 25 Dec 1915 Georgiabirth4

Death: 16 Nov 1995 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath4


Father: Jim Lockhart

Mother: Quilla Lockhart

Auther William Lockhart - 1924 to 1997

Birth: 18 March 1924 Polk Texasbirth5

Death: 28 August 1997 Porter, Montgomery, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: William James Lockhart

Mother: Mary Catherine Burnett

Luther Scott Lockhart - 1892 to 1963

Birth: 5 Aug 1892 Bentonville, Virginia, USAbirth6

Death: December 31, 1963 Charlottesville, Albemarle, Virginia, USAdeath6


Father: Joseph D Lockhart

Mother: Nancy Virginia Henry

Luther Bynum Lockhart - 1881 to 1969

Birth: 16 AUG 1881 Chapel Hill, Orange, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 12 DEC 1969 Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgiadeath7


Father: Gaston Brown Lockhart

Mother: Margaret Adelaide Clegg

Luther Lockhart - 1902 to 1978

Birth: 4 Nov 1902 Polk, Texasbirth8

Death: 7 Nov 1978 Lufkin, Angelina, Texas, USAdeath8


Father: Charles Monroe "Charlie" Lockhart

Mother: Jennie Lockhart

Luther Lockhard - 1922 to 1922

Birth: 4 Aug 1922 Tennessee, USAbirth9

Death: 4 Aug 1922 Lauderdale, Tennessee, USAdeath9


Father: Albert Lockhard

Mother: Lucile Alston

Luther Lockhard - 1922 to 1922

Birth: 4 Aug 1922 Tennessee, USAbirth10

Death: 4 Aug 1922 Lauderdale, Tennessee, USAdeath10


Father: Albert Lockhard

Mother: Lucile Alston

Luther J Linkhart - 1921 to 2005

Birth: 21 Feb 1921 Adams Township, Clinton, Ohio, USAbirth11

Death: 27 Mar 2005 Alameda, Alameda, Californiadeath11


Father: Harry Glenn LINKHART

Mother: Edith M Crites

Luther Lockhart - 1927 to 1983

Birth: 02 Oct 1927 Virginia, USAbirth12

Death: 08 Feb 1983 Massillon, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Luther J. Lockhart

Mother: Viola M Compton

Luther Lockhart - 1926 to 2011

Birth: 13 May 1926 Madison Co, ALbirth13

Death: 24 November 2011 Harvest, Madison County, Alabama, USAdeath13


Father: Gus Garner Lockhart

Mother: May Willie Littles

Luther J. Lockhart - 1905 to 1974

Birth: 13 Sep 1905 Buchanan, Virginia, USAbirth14

Death: 24 Jan 1974 Massillon, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath14


Father: David Stueart Lockhart

Mother: Ida A Lockhart

Ether Mae Bookhart - 1923 to 1992

Birth: 3 Jul 1923 South Carolinabirth15

Death: 5 Jun 1992 Columbia, Richland, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Herbert Bookert

Mother: Lou Ella Hollins

Luther Lockhart - 1917

Birth: abt 1917 South Carolinabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: James Lockhart

Mother: Minnie Blakeney

Luther Lockhart - 1917

Birth: abt 1917 South Carolinabirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: James Lockhart

Mother: Minnie Blakeney

Luther Bynum Lockhart - 1917 to 2012

Birth: 13 Sep 1917 Fulton Co., GAbirth18

Death: 12 May 2012 Fairfax, Virginia, USAdeath18


Father: Luther Bynum Lockhart

Mother: Louisa Berrien HAMILTON

Luther E Lockhart - 1879 to 1965

Birth: 08 Oct 1879 Missouribirth19

Death: 8 February 1965 Crane, Stone County, Missourideath19


Father: Lemuel Frisby Lockhart

Mother: Harriet Newell Ohler

Luther Lockhart - 1903 to 2008

Birth: abt 1903 Oak Bowery, Chambers, Alabamabirth20

Death: 15 Jul 2008 Opelika, Lee, Alabama, United Statesdeath20


Father: Thomas Lockhart

Mother: Carrie Thomas

Luther Lockhart - 1877 to 1920

Birth: 04 May 1877 Owsley, Kentuckybirth21

Death: 13 Sep 1920 Fayette, Kentucky, USAdeath21


Father: James B Lockhart.

Mother: Mary Nancy Jones.

Luther Lockhart - 1878

Birth: August 13, 1878 Athens, Athens, Ohio, USAbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: John Lockhart

Mother: Sara Lockhart

Luther E Lockhart - 1881 to 1882

Birth: 16 Apr 1881 Citybirth23

Death: 21 Mar 1882 Richmond City, Virginiadeath23


Father: Edward Mason Lockhart

Mother: Hester Josephine Duval

Luther S Lockhart - 1941 to 2017

Birth: 5 May 1941 Woodward, Oklahomabirth24

Death: 2017


Father: Henry David Lockhart

Mother: Anna Evelyn Geerdes

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