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Results for "ursula volter"

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Name: Ursula Velter

Birth: 17 Apr 1575 Bissingen, Donaukreis, Wuerttemberg

Death: 19 Aug 1637 Bissingen an der Teck, Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Andreas Vetter

Mother: Anna

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: 17 Sept 1921 Breslau, Schlesien Germany

Death: 13 March 2009 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA

Father: Willi Oskar Wolter

Mother: Anna Schulz

Name: Ursula Volmer

Birth: 20 OCT 1775 Ehingen a.N., Schwarzw., Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 25 JUN 1776 Ehingen a.N., Schwarzw., Wuerttemberg, Germany

Father: Joseph Volmer

Mother: Agatha Heberle

Name: Ursula Helga Wolter

Birth: 1 Feb 1939 Aschslebeh, Federal Republic of Germany

Death: 11 Dec 1998 Other, Moore, North Carolina, USA

Father: William Oskar Wolter

Mother: Bertha Peters

Name: Ursula (Sue) Voltmer

Birth: 14 JUN 1919 Missouri

Death: 6 JUL 2008 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa

Father: Emmett Voltmer

Mother: Anna Meyers

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: 28 Sept 1904 Danzig, Polen

Death: Not Available

Father: Paul Alfred Wolter

Mother: Anna Klara Schmidt

Name: Ursula Marie Belter

Birth: 10/15/1932 Buffalo, New York, USA

Death: 13/03/1998 Orchard Park, Erie, New York, USA

Father: Herman Belter

Mother: ursula cook

Name: Ursula Volmer

Birth: Abt 1672 Gamshurst (A. Achern), Baden, Germany

Death: 01 Dec 1707 Gamshurst, Ortenaukreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Father: Matthias Vollmer

Mother: Maria Elisabetha Berger

Name: Ursula Marialouise Volker

Birth: 29 Jul 1934 Bremen W, Germany

Death: 13 Dec 1990 Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, USA

Father: Bruno Sielaff

Mother: Anna von Behrensberg

Name: Ursula Voelter

Birth: 4 Jul 1863 Bissingen

Death: 1 Sep 1863

Father: Martin Voelter

Mother: Anna Marie Braun

Name: Ursula Völter

Birth: 20 OCT 1837 Oberdischingen

Death: Not Available Ulm

Father: Matthias Völter

Mother: Kreszenz Wilgertshofer

Name: Ursula Volmer

Birth: 15 SEP 1826 Ehingen a.N., Schwarzw., Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 29 APR 1827 Ehingen a.N., Schwarzw., Wuerttemberg, Germany

Father: Gregor Volmer

Mother: Gertrud Menzer or Muenzer

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: 1763

Death: 12 Feb 1808 Steinfeld (Ba. Bergzabern), Bayern, Germany

Father: Georgii Philippi Wolter

Mother: Barbarae Neis

Name: Ursvla Belter

Birth: abt 1911 New York

Death: Not Available

Father: Charles Cook

Mother: Mary G. McGinnis

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: ca. 1820 Bliesheim, Erftstadt, Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Adam Wolter

Mother: Margaretha Zimmermann

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: 18 JAN 1940 Niedersachsen, Germany

Death: ABT JAN 2014

Father: Heinrich Hermann Wolter

Mother: Adele Sophie Bakenhus

Name: Ursula Wolter

Birth: 1928 Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Heinrich Wolter

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Maria Wolter

Birth: 16 Aug 1938 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany

Death: 19 Jan 2019 Somers Point, Atlantic, New Jersey, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Velter

Birth: 17 Apr 1575 Germany

Death: 19 Aug 1637 Bissingen an der Teck, Esslingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Velter

Birth: 1828 Germany

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Valter

Birth: 1809 Mischendorf

Death: 10 MAY 1869 Mischendorf

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Hedwig Volger

Birth: 12 Apr 1653 Hannover

Death: 28 Apr 1691 Hannover

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Anna Louise Voller

Birth: 31 Mar 1931 California, United States

Death: 15 Aug 2012 California, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ursula Emmi Dorothea Wolter

Birth: 4 Jan 1930 Wesermunde, Bremen, Germany

Death: 4 Oct 1996 Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremen, Germany

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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