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Results for "Ursula Volkner"

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Ursula FALKNER - 1695 to 1773

Birth: 21 FEB 1695 Kasberg, Wegscheidbirth0

Death: 26 JUL 1773 Kasberg, Wegscheiddeath0


Father: Lorenz FALKNER

Mother: Apollonia NN

Ursula Falkner - 1716 to 1790

Birth: 4 Nov 1716 Guilsborough, Brixworth, Northamptonshire, Englandbirth1

Death: 19 Jan 1790 Guilsborough, Brixworth, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath1


Father: William Faulkner

Mother: Elizabeth Smith Falkner

Ursula Falkner - 1765

Birth: 1765 Hohenberg, Altlag, Gottschee, Austria birth2

Death: Deceased


Father: Paul Falkner

Mother: Maria Koenig

Ursula Falkner - 1765

Birth: 1765 Hohenberg, Altlag, Gottschee, Austria birth3

Death: Deceased


Father: Paul Falkner

Mother: Maria Koenig

Ursula Falkner - 1622 to 1672

Birth: 17 Feb 1622 Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerlandbirth4

Death: BEF 1672


Father: Sebastian Falkner

Mother: Ursula Hoffmann

Ursula Marialouise Volker - 1934 to 1990

Birth: 29 Jul 1934 Bremen W, Germanybirth5

Death: 13 Dec 1990 Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, USAdeath5


Father: Bruno Sielaff

Mother: Anna von Behrensberg

Ursula Margaretha Falkner - 1694 to 1748

Birth: October 18, 1694 Mainbernheim, Unterfranken, Bayern, Germanybirth6

Death: December 29, 1748


Father: Marx Daniel Falkner

Mother: Margaretha Rohr

Ursula FALKNER - 1499 to 1502

Birth: 1499 Basel-Stadt, Basel, Switzerlandbirth7

Death: 1502 Basel-Stadt, Basel, Switzerlanddeath7


Father: Ullrich Falkner

Mother: Margaretha Iselin Tschann

Ursula Falkner - 1559

Birth: 10 MAY 1559 Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerlandbirth8



Father: Heinrich Adolph Falckner

Mother: Anna Schmid

Ursula FALKNER - 1572 to 1629

Birth: 23 Mar 1572 Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerlandbirth9

Death: 25 Sep 1629


Father: Hans Heinrich FALKNER

Mother: Salome Falkner

Ursula VOLKER - 1713

Birth: 1713

Death: Not Available


Father: Phillip VOLKER

Mother: Anna Katharina SCHNEIDER

Ursula Falkner - 1740

Birth: 11 APR 1740 Niederthai, Ötztal, Tirol, Habsburg-Lothringen

Death: Not Available


Father: Anton Falkner

Mother: Elisabeth Höllrigl

Ursula Falkner - 1654

Birth: 28 May 1654 Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerlandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Daniel Falkner

Mother: Judith Trmy

Ursula Falkner - 1558

Birth: 1558 Basel, Basel, Switzerlandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Heinrich Adolph Falckner

Mother: Anna Schmid

Ursula Falkner - 1765

Birth: 03 Nov 1765

Death: Not Available


Father: John Falkner

Mother: Ann Andrews

Ursula Volkmer - 1936 to 2016

Birth: 25.April 1936 Breslau, Niederschlesien, Polenbirth15

Death: 11.April 2016 Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschlanddeath15


Father: Georg Adolf Franz Volkmer

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Christa Volkmer - 1936 to 1977

Birth: 02. Mai 1936 Hirschberg im Riesengebirge, Niederschlesien, Polenbirth16

Death: 13. Juli 1977 Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Falkner - 1772 to 1806

Birth: bef 1772 Altlag#44, Altlag, Gottschee, Austria

Death: bef 1806


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Falkner - 1804

Birth: 21 OCT 1804 Niederthai, Ötztal, Tirol, Habsburg-Lothringen

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Falkner - 1784

Birth: Abt 1784

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Völkner

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1794


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Falkner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Falkner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula S Volker - 1902

Birth: abt 1902 Louisianabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Goldner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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