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Results for "Ursula Schonemann"

1 - 14 of 14 Records
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Ursula Schönemann - 1926

Birth: 21.11.1926 Osnabrück

Death: Not Available Osnabrück


Father: Hubert Schönemann

Mother: Erna Hein

Ursula Martha Schünemann - 1959

Birth: 02.06.1959 Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschlandbirth1

Death: Not Available Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Balearen, Spaniendeath1


Father: Günther Schünemann

Mother: Lorelotte Schünemann

Ursula Schönemann - 1793 to 1834

Birth: 24 Feb 1793

Death: 28 Apr 1834


Father: Christoph Schönemann

Mother: Ursula Schönemann

Ursula SCHOENEMANN - 1609

Birth: 19 NOV 1609 Brend, Jagst, Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Michel Schönenmans

Mother: Maria Knödler

Female IconMale Icon

Ursula Schönemann - 1940 to 1940

Birth: 5 Apr 1940

Death: 9 Apr 1940 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschlanddeath4


Father: Johannes Schönemann

Mother: Helene Ella Feibicke Schönemann

Ursula Kaethe Scheunemann - 1920 to 1921

Birth: 22Jul1920 Kolberg, Pmmrn., Prssbirth5

Death: 12Jan1921


Father: Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Scheunemann

Mother: Luise Gertrud Wachtel

Ursula Schunemann - 1950 to 1951

Birth: 24 February 1950

Death: 13 August 1951


Father: Alfred Schunemann

Mother: Hedwig Effenberger

Ursula Eva Christel Scheunemann - 1945 to 1945

Birth: 15 Jan 1945

Death: 20 Jul 1945


Father: Willi Karl Erich Scheunemann

Mother: Gertrud Ella Berta Engel

Ursula SCHOENEMANN - 1609

Birth: 19 NOV 1609 Brend, Jagst, Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Michael SCHOENEMANN

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Schünemann - 1924 to 1988

Birth: 01. Okt. 1924

Death: 19. Sept. 1988 Magdeburgdeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Schoffmann - 1670 to 1747

Birth: Abt. 1670 Alsace, Francebirth10

Death: 24 Feb 1747 Muespach, Alsace, Francedeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Schnemann - 1926 to 2000

Birth: 28 Apr 1926

Death: 02 Mar 2000 Floridadeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Maria Schönemann - 1680

Birth: ca 1680

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Schneemann

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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