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Results for "Ursula Schodler"

1 - 25 of 121 Records
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Ursula Scholer - 1701 to 1772

Birth: Abt. 1701 Zunzgen, Canton Basel, Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 12 Feb 1772 Itingen, Canton Basel, Switzerlanddeath0


Father: Hans Scholer

Mother: Barbara Frey

Ursula Scholer - 1701 to 1772

Birth: Abt. 1701 Zunzgen, Canton Basel, Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 12 Feb 1772 Itingen, Canton Basel, Switzerlanddeath1


Father: Hans Scholer

Mother: Barbara Frey

Ursula Scheidler - 1588 to 1654

Birth: 1588 Donitz, Karlsbad, Böhmenbirth2

Death: APR 1654 Ober Meierhöfen, Falkenau, Böhmendeath2


Father: Hans Scheidler

Mother: Margaretha Fischer

Ursula Schaller - 1768 to 1813

Birth: Abt 1768 Pfetterhouse (68480, Haut-Rhin, France)birth3

Death: 8 April 1813 Pfetterhouse (68480, Haut-Rhin, France)death3



Mother: Ursula Dattler

Ursula SCHALLER - 1599 to 1637

Birth: 01 Nov 1599 Kochersteinsfeld, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth4

Death: 15 Sep 1637 Kochersteinsfeld, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath4


Father: Michael Schaller

Mother: Eva Theueriph GRONBACH Laszka

Ursula Schoeler - 1887

Birth: 19 SEP 1887 Reichenbachbirth5

Death: Unbekannt


Father: Albrecht Schoeler

Mother: Ottilie Methner

Ursula Schoeler - 1887

Birth: 19 SEP 1887 Reichenbachbirth6

Death: Unbekannt


Father: Albrecht Schoeler

Mother: Ottilie Methner

Ursula Scholler - 1742 to 1751

Birth: 12 OCT 1742 Oberhausen, Emmendingen, Baden, Germanybirth7

Death: 8 APR 1751 Oberhausen, Emmendingen, Baden, Germanydeath7


Father: Jacobus Scholler

Mother: Magdalena Sprang

Ursula SCHALLER - 1728

Birth: 11 JUN 1728 Mittelwihr,68630,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,birth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann David SCHALLER

Mother: Marie-Ursule KELLER

Ursula Barbara SCHALLER - 1643

Birth: 28 NOV 1643 Gerabronnbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Nikolaus SCHALLER

Mother: Anna Katharina HARTMANN

Ursula Schaller - 1794 to 1853

Birth: 28 Nov 1794 Bavaria, Bayern, Germanybirth10

Death: 10 Mar 1853 Bavaria, Bayern, Germanydeath10


Father: Josef Schaller

Mother: Katharina Spath

Ursula SCHALLER - 1723

Birth: 31 OCT 1723 Pfetterhouse (68480, Haut-Rhin, France)birth11

Death: ?unknown


Father: Christian Schaller

Mother: Elisabeth Studer

Ursula Schaller - 1752

Birth: 12 OCT 1752 Schlanders, Tirol, Austriabirth12



Father: Jacobus Schaller

Mother: Ursula Schuester

Ursule Scholler - 1800 to 1869

Birth: 15 Sept 1800

Death: 2 Juin 1869 Bartenheim, Mulhouse, Francedeath13


Father: Jean Scholler

Mother: Ursule Schneider

Ursula Schaller - 1927 to 2015

Birth: 8 NOV 1927 Sachsenhausen, Hessen, Deutschlandbirth14

Death: 23 MAY 2015 Sachsenhausen, Hessen, Deutschlanddeath14


Father: Karl Schaller

Mother: Lina Schaumburg

Ursula SCHODER - 1682 to 1742

Birth: 13 AUG 1682 Birr,Aargau,Switzerlandbirth15

Death: 10 JUN 1742


Father: Johannes SCHODER

Mother: Margaretha SIEGRIST

Ursula Schamler - 1846 to 1846

Birth: 25 Juni 1846 Laichingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth16

Death: 25 Dez 1846 Laichingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath16


Father: Jeremias Schamler

Mother: Anna Maria Erb

Ursula Schaller - 1588

Birth: 11 DEC 1588 Waldshut, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Johannes Schaller

Mother: Barbara Elsässer

Ursula Scholer - 1687 to 1756

Birth: 5 Aug 1687 Muellheim, Loerrach, Baden, Dbirth18

Death: 24 Oct 1756 Muellheim, Loerrach, Baden, Ddeath18


Father: Emanuel Scholer

Mother: Barbara Rauberin

Ursula Schaller - 1785

Birth: 17 Oct 1785 Hauenstein, Baden, Germanybirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Conrad Schaller

Mother: Francisca Woehrlin

Female IconMale Icon

Ursula Schedler - 1747

Birth: 17 Sept 1747 Neuffen, Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Joh. Conr. Schedler

Mother: Anna Barbara Schedler

Ursula Schafler - 1791 to 1873

Birth: 13 APR 1791 Offingen Germanybirth21

Death: 25 JAN 1873 Offingen Germanydeath21


Father: Franz Schafler

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Scholler - 1754 to 1817

Birth: 28 OCT 1754 Streichen, Württemberg, Germanybirth22

Death: 6 JAN 1817 Endingen, Württemberg, Germanydeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Schaller - 1668 to 1737

Birth: 28 Jul 1668 Glems, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth23

Death: 18 Mar 1737 Glems, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available


Birth: Not Available Colmarbirth24

Death: BEF 16 JUL 1767 Sainte Croix en Plainedeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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