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Results for "Ursula Lohrmann"

1 - 25 of 76 Records

Ursula Lohrmann - 1704 to 1779

Birth: 1 Dec 1704 Aufhausen, Württemberg, Germanybirth0

Death: 16 Mar 1779 Aufhausen, Württemberg, Germanydeath0


Father: Michael Lohrmann

Mother: Barbara Scheiffele

Ursula Lohrmann - 1704 to 1779

Birth: 1 Dec 1704 Aufhausen, Württemberg, Germanybirth1

Death: 16 Mar 1779 Aufhausen, Württemberg, Germanydeath1


Father: Michael Lohrmann

Mother: Barbara Scheiffele

Ursula Lohrmann - 1829 to 1917

Birth: Sep 18, 1829 Kuchen Germanybirth2

Death: Mar 25, 1917 Gingen an der Fils, Germanydeath2


Father: Kaspar Lohemann

Mother: Maria Stetter Lohemann

Ursula Lohrmann - 1860 to 1942

Birth: 12 Feb 1860 Gingen an der Fils, Goppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth3

Death: 17 Mar 1942 Gingen an der Fils, Goppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath3


Father: Johannes Lohrmann

Mother: Barbara Krindewis Frabinger

Ursula Lohrmann - 1922 to 1999

Birth: 15.11.1922 Osornobirth4

Death: 18.11.1999 Hamburgdeath4


Father: Theodor

Mother: Berta Lohrmann

Ursula Lohrmann - 1760 to 1826

Birth: 29 Aug 1760 Berghulen, Germanybirth5

Death: 5 JAN 1826 Machtolsheimdeath5


Father: Johann Jacob Lohrmann

Mother: Maria Apollonia Mercklin

Ursula Lohrmann - 1585 to 1585

Birth: 15 Jun 1585 Aufhausen, Goppingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth6

Death: 1585 Aufhausen, Goppingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath6


Father: Enderlin Lorman

Mother: Anna KELLER

Female IconMale Icon

Ursula Lohrmann - 1756 to 1756

Birth: 17 Apr 1756 Ettlenschieß u. Reutti, Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: 23 Apr 1756 Ettlenschieß u. Reutti, Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath7


Father: Nicolaus Lohrmann

Mother: Margareta Müntzin

Ursula Lohrmann - 1859 to 1937

Birth: 10 FEB 1859 Kuchenbirth8

Death: 19 JUL 1937 Kuchendeath8


Father: Johann Georg Lohrmann

Mother: Anna Katharina Vetter

Ursula Lohrmann - 1784 to 1860

Birth: 02.11.1784 Machtolsheim,Alb-Donau-Kreis,Baden-Württemberg,Deutschlandbirth9

Death: 22.07.1860 Machtolsheim,Alb-Donau-Kreis,Baden-Württemberg,Deutschlanddeath9


Father: Jakob Lohrmann

Mother: Maria Nägele

Ursula Lohrmann - 1742 to 1783

Birth: 5 July 1742 Kuchen,Donaukreis,Württemberg,Germanybirth10

Death: 28 Jan 1783 Kuchen,Donaukreis,Württemberg,Germanydeath10


Father: Georg LOHRMANN


Ursula Lohrmann - 1803 to 1873

Birth: 21 Mar 1803

Death: 10 Juni 1873


Father: Christian Lohrmann

Mother: Ursula Lochlin Lohrmann

Ursula Lohrmann - 1842 to 1925

Birth: 9 Dez 1842

Death: 29 Sept 1925


Father: Johannes Lohmann

Mother: Apollonia Rettingel Lohrmann

Female IconMale Icon

Ursula Lohrmann - 1749

Birth: 17 Jan 1749 Holzkirch u. Neenstetten, Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Lohrmann

Mother: Cathar. Spätin Lohrmann

Ursula Lohrmann - 1734

Birth: 9 APR 1734 Berghulen, Germanybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Hanß Jerg Lohrmann

Mother: Anna Hahnin

Female IconMale Icon

Ursula Lohrmann - 1736

Birth: 9 Okt 1736 Blaubeuren, Nellingen u. Oa, Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Eberhardt Lohrmann

Mother: Anna Locher

Ursula Lohrmann - 1734

Birth: 9 APR 1734 Berghulen, Germanybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Hanß Jerg Lohrmann

Mother: Anna Hahnin

Ursula Lohrmann - 1565 to 1622

Birth: 12 April 1565 Aufhausen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germanybirth17

Death: 29 January 1622 Aufhausen, Donaukreis, Württemberg, Germanydeath17


Father: Hans Lohrmann

Mother: Affra SCHMID

Ursula Lohrmann - 1868 to 1873

Birth: 30 AUG 1868 Filsbirth18

Death: 05 APR 1873 Filsdeath18


Father: Michael Lohrmann

Mother: Agnes Best

Ursula Lohrmann - 1697 to 1734

Birth: 16 AUG 1697 Aufhausen Würtbirth19

Death: 7 OCT 1734


Father: Johannes Lohrmann

Mother: Maria Kammerer

Ursula Lohrmann - 1827 to 1855

Birth: 18 März 1827

Death: 7 Juni 1855


Father: Abraham Lohrmann

Mother: Ursula Hagmaier Lohrmann

Ursula Lohrmann - 1595

Birth: 18 Dez 1595 Aufhausen, Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Hanß Lohrmann

Mother: Barbara Durst

Ursula (+) Lohrmann 4 - 1630 to 1630

Birth: 21 FEB 1630 Kuchenbirth22

Death: 09 MAR 1630 Kuchendeath22


Father: Georg "Jörg" Lohrmann 4

Mother: Katharina Ulmer 2

Ursula (+) Lohrmann 4 - 1625 to 1625

Birth: 09 SEP 1625 Kuchenbirth23

Death: 25 SEP 1625 Kuchendeath23


Father: Georg "Jörg" Lohrmann 4

Mother: Katharina Ulmer 2

Ursula Lohrmann - 1840

Birth: 25 März 1840

Death: Not Available


Father: Abraham Sohrmann

Mother: Ursula Scherraus

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