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Results for "Ursula Leslie"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Ursula LESLIE - 1877 to 1944

Birth: 1877 Dunrossness, Shetland Islands, Scotlandbirth0

Death: 25 Oct 1944


Father: Robert Leslie

Mother: Elspeth Ridland

Ursula "Celia" Leslie - 1858 to 1944

Birth: 29 Dec 1858 Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlandbirth1

Death: 14 October 1944 Mower County, Minnesota, USAdeath1


Father: Robert Leslie

Mother: Elizabeth Margaret Henry

Ursula Strong Leslie - 1829 to 1878

Birth: 3 May 1829 Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlandbirth2

Death: 21 Nov 1878 Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlanddeath2


Father: Laurence Leslie

Mother: Jane Humphray

Ursula C Leslie - 1886 to 1911

Birth: 19 Oct 1886 Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USAbirth3

Death: 18 Aug 1911 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath3


Father: William H. Leslie

Mother: Ursula Charolette Gottseelig

Ursula Leslie - 1870 to 1950

Birth: 16 Mar 1870 Tolob, Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlandbirth4

Death: 5 NOV 1950 Virkie, Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlanddeath4


Father: William Leslie

Mother: Martha Poplar or Papla

Ursula Mouat Leslie - 1901 to 1991

Birth: 14 DEC 1901 Brake, Quendale, SHI, SCTbirth5

Death: 1 JUN 1991 Lerwick, SHI, SCTdeath5


Father: Adam Leslie

Mother: Mary Johnson

Ursula LESLIE - 1831

Birth: 1831 Dunrossness, Shetland Islands, Scotlandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Laurence Leslie

Mother: Jane Humphray

Ursula Leslie - 1820 to 1881

Birth: 07 Oct 1820 Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlandbirth7

Death: 1881 Dunrossness, Shetland, Scotlanddeath7


Father: Thomas Leslie

Mother: Ursula Aitken

Ursula Leslie - 1883

Birth: 26 Jan 1883 Haddo, Westmoreland Jamaicabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: William IV Leslie,

Mother: Elizabeth Fraser

Ursula Smith Leslie - 1909

Birth: 29 OCT 1909 Ringesta, Quendale, Dunrossness, SCT



Father: James Leslie

Mother: Ursula Leslie

Ursula LESLIE - 1776

Birth: 1776 California, United Statesbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Marcus Gottfried Lässle

Mother: Anna Barbara Rimpi

Ursula LESLIE - 1776

Birth: 1776 California, United Statesbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: János Kis Mártony

Mother: Rebeka Kaszás

Ursula Leslie - 1783

Birth: 23 FEB 1783

Death: ?


Father: Laurence Lesslie

Mother: Margaret Lesslie

Ursula Grace Leslie - 1942 to 2005

Birth: 13 Dec 1942

Death: 2005


Father: William Leslie

Mother: Margaret Ann Flaws

URSULA LESLIE - 1779 to 1867

Birth: 1779 Dunrossness, SHI, SCTbirth14

Death: 17 FEB 1867 Hillwell, Dunrossness, SHI, SCTdeath14



Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leslie - 1782 to 1867

Birth: 1782 Dunsrossness, Shetland, Scotlandbirth15

Death: 1867 Dunsrossness, Shetland, Scotlanddeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leslie - 1735

Birth: BEF 1735

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leslie - 1783

Birth: Bef 1783

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Gloria Leslie

Birth: Not Available

Death: 17 Dec 1912


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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