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Results for "Ursula Leicht"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Ursula Leicht - 1815 to 1883

Birth: 15 nov 1815 Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germanybirth0

Death: 24 JAN 1883


Father: Matthias Leicht

Mother: Anna Maria Weisskopf

Ursula Leicht - 1852

Birth: 29 Jul 1852 Berkachbirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Ulrich Leicht

Mother: Luzia Fuchs

Ursula Leicht

Birth: 29 Jul Berkach, Donaukreis, Wuerttemberg

Death: Not Available


Father: Ulrich Leicht

Mother: Luzia Fuchs

Ursula Leicht - 1808 to 1808

Birth: 06 Oct 1808 Altsteusslingenbirth3

Death: 15 Oct 1808


Father: Simon Leicht

Mother: Maria Anna Goettle

Ursula Leicht - 1702 to 1707

Birth: 1702 Ringsheim, Freiburg, Baden, Deutschlandbirth4

Death: 19 Sep 1707 Ringsheim, Freiburg, Baden, Deutschlanddeath4


Father: Johann Georg Licht

Mother: Anna Maria Liele

Ursula Leicht - 1594

Birth: 22 Sept 1594

Death: Not Available


Father: Balthas Leicht

Mother: Agnes Leicht

Ursula Leicht - 1594

Birth: 22 Sept 1594

Death: Not Available


Father: William Leicht

Mother: Joane Smythe

Ursula Leicht - 1792

Birth: 22 NOV 1792 Wittershausenbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Georg Leicht

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leicht - 1796 to 1862

Birth: 27 Aug 1796 Leidringen, Baden Württemberg Germanybirth8

Death: 25. March 1862 Leidringen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath8


Father: Johannes Leicht (Leich)

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leicht - 1735 to 1790

Birth: 1735 Aichstetten, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth9

Death: Abt 1790


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leicht - 1735 to 1790

Birth: 1735 Aichstetten, Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth10

Death: Abt 1790


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leicht

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Leicht

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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