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Results for "Ursola Logreco"

1 - 20 of 20 Records
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Orsola Greco - 1883 to 1886

Birth: 23 May 1883 Capitignano, Giffoni Sei Casali, Salerno, Campania, Italybirth0

Death: 15 Oct 1886 Capitignano, Giffoni Sei Casali, Salerno, Campania, Italydeath0


Father: Felicio Greco

Mother: Anna Rossomando

Ursola LoGerfo - 1844 to 1845

Birth: 25 SEP 1844 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italybirth1

Death: 12 OCT 1845 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italydeath1


Father: Giusto LoGerfo

Mother: Angela Vitrano

Orsola Palma Greco - 1849 to 1900

Birth: Apr 01, 1849 Rende, Cosenza, Italybirth2

Death: 1900 Rende, Cozensa, Italy


Father: Vincenzo Greco

Mother: Mariantonia Depaola

Orsola Mary Greco - 1883 to 1934

Birth: 20 May 1883 St. Onofrio, Italy

Death: 7 February 1934 Massillon, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: Dominick Greco

Mother: Raphael Addessi

Ursola LoGerfo - 1839 to 1840

Birth: 2 SEP 1839 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italybirth4

Death: 6 JUL 1840 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italydeath4


Father: Giovanni LoGerfo

Mother: Giuseppa Di Silvestre

Ursula Lourenco - 1745 to 1762

Birth: 20 OCT 1745 Corvo Azores Islandsbirth5

Death: 11 OCT 1762 Corvo Azores Islandsdeath5


Father: Antonio Lourenco Mendes

Mother: Isabel de Avelar

Ursula Francesca LoGerfo - 1878

Birth: 1 DEC 1878 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italybirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Giuseppe LoGerfo

Mother: Giovanna Traina

Ursola LoGerfo - 1844

Birth: 19 SEP 1844 Misilmeri, Palermo, Italybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni LoGerfo

Mother: Giuseppa Di Silvestre

Orsola Greco - 1821

Birth: 17 Dec 1821

Death: Not Available


Father: Antonio Luigi Pasquale Greco

Mother: Maria Raffaella De Napoli

Orsola Greco - 1889

Birth: 1889

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Maria Ciranla

Orsola Greco - 1806

Birth: 1806

Death: Not Available


Father: Angelo Greco

Mother: Not Available

Orsola LA GRECA - 1758 to 1833

Birth: 1758 Campobella di Licata ( Italiebirth11

Death: 01 SEP 1833 Campobella di Licata ( Italiedeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Crocifissa Riniolo

Orsola Greco - 1746 to 1809

Birth: 1746 Fagnano Castello, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth12

Death: Januar 18, 1809 Fagnano Castello, Cosenza, Calabria, Italydeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola La Greca - 1824 to 1831

Birth: 12 Aug 1824 Campobello di Licata, Agrigento, Italybirth13

Death: 31 Aug 1831 Campobello, Girgenti, Girgentideath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola Greco - 1720

Birth: ABT 1720 Santo Stefano Quisquina, 92020, Italybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola La Greca - 1837

Birth: 15 Jun 1837 Campobello di Licata, Agrigento, Italybirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola Loreto

Birth: Not Available Caivano, Napoli, Campania, Italybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola Greco

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Orsola Greco

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ursula Lourenco - 1663

Birth: bef 1663

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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