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Results for "urs vonarx"

Name: Urs-Peter Von Arx

Birth: 10 JUN 1700 Olten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: 13 DEC 1765 Volmunster, Lothringen, France

Father: Urs Von Arx

Mother: Anna-Maria Karlin

Name: Urs Von Arx

Birth: 20 NOV 1658 Olten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: 1715 Solothurn, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Father: Urs Von Arx

Mother: Eda Von Arx

Name: Urs Von Arx

Birth: 7 JUN 1621 Niederbuchsiten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: BEF 1664

Father: Jakob Von Arx

Mother: Esther Probst

Name: Urs Von Arx

Birth: 23 MAY 1613 Olten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: Not Available Olten

Father: Ulrich Von Arx

Mother: Agnes Hess

Name: Urs Moritz von Arx

Birth: 1721 Turmwirt, Seckelmeister und Gerichtssäss, in Olten

Death: Not Available

Father: Urs Johann von Arx

Mother: Katharina von Arx

Name: Urs Johann von Arx

Birth: 1701 Schuster, Olten

Death: Not Available

Father: Urs von Arx

Mother: Ursula Misteli

Name: Urs Joseph von Arx

Birth: 10 Mar 1780 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Death: 10 Mar 1780 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Father: Joa. Udalricus von Arx

Mother: Anna Lack

Name: Urs von Arx

Birth: 1649

Death: 1717 vulgo Speckli, Kronenwirt, in Olten

Father: Johann von Arx

Mother: Elisabeth Propst

Name: Urs Victor Von Arx

Birth: 04/24/1855 Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Urs Victor Von Arx

Mother: Maria Barbara Rippstein

Name: Urs Moritz von Arx

Birth: 1813

Death: 1877

Father: Johann Baptist von Arx

Mother: Anna Elisabeth Disteli

Name: Urs Victor Von Arx

Birth: 18 Aug 1827

Death: 15 May 1884

Father: Johann Jakob Von Arx

Mother: Anna Maria Hagman

Name: Urs Viktor von Arx

Birth: 1 Jan 1839

Death: 29 Nov 1907

Father: Urs Martin von Arx

Mother: Barbara Rudolf von Rohr

Name: Urs Jakob von Arx

Birth: 7 Dec 1810

Death: 7 Jan 1891

Father: Jacob von Arx

Mother: Anna Maria Brosi

Name: Urs Jodicus von Arx

Birth: 11 Feb 1764 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Joa. Udalricus von Arx

Mother: Anna Lack

Name: Urs-Victor Von Arx

Birth: 1689 Olten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Urs Von Arx

Mother: Anna-Maria Karlin

Name: Urs Jacob von Arx

Birth: 28 Dec 1800 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Joannes Christian von Arx

Mother: Magdelenae Fluri

Name: Urs Jodocus von Arx

Birth: 18 Jul 1799 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Joannes Christian von Arx

Mother: Magdelenae Fluri

Name: Urs Hieranymus von Arx

Birth: 23 Dec 1809 Oensingen Solothurn Switzerland

Death: Not Available

Father: Joannes Christian von Arx

Mother: Magdelenae Fluri

Name: Urs Von Arx

Birth: BEF 1530 Olten, Solothurn Canton, Switzerland

Death: AFT 1599 Olten

Father: Heinrich Von Arx

Mother: Private

Name: Urs Viktor von Arx

Birth: 20 May 1808 Niederbuchsiten, Solothurn, Switzerland

Death: 16 Mar 1900 Niederbuchsiten, Solothurn, Switzerland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Urs Von Arx

Birth: 18 Feb 1946 Niedererlinsbach, Solothurn, Switzerland

Death: 3 Aug 2013 Lake Havasu City, Mohave, Arizona, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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