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Results for "urban volf"

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Name: Urban Edward Wolf

Birth: 13 Aug 1936 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA

Death: 20 Oct 1982 Vanderburgh County, Indiana, USA

Father: Leroy Wolf

Mother: Ida Mae Ziliak

Name: Urban Anthony Wolf

Birth: 9 JAN 1916 Fort Recovery, Mercer, Ohio

Death: 12 APR 2014 Centerville, Montgomery, Ohio

Father: Edward Wolf

Mother: Elizabeth Anna King

Name: Urban H Voll

Birth: 3 Dec 1919 Columbus Franklin County, Ohio, USA

Death: 24 Dec 2010 London, Madison, Ohio, USA

Father: Urban C Voll

Mother: Mary Trager

Name: Urban John Volk

Birth: 21 Oct 1898 Pennsylvania

Death: 10 Sept 1969 Erie, PA

Father: Frank J. Volk

Mother: Barbara Scheloske

Name: Urban Louis Wolf

Birth: 03 AUG 1874 Moniteau, Missouri, USA

Death: 5 Jun 1949 Moniteau County, Missouri

Father: John Baptist Wolf

Mother: Anna Evalina Washburn

Name: Urban C Voll

Birth: 3 Aug 1898 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio

Death: 28 Apr 1978 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States of America

Father: George Joseph Voll

Mother: Mary Catherine Schumacher

Name: Urban George Volk

Birth: 19 nov 1914 South Muddy TWP,Jasper County ,Illinois,USA

Death: 7 Jan 1945 Lorraine, France

Father: William Ludwig Volk

Mother: Sophia Mary Dorn

Name: Urban F Wolf

Birth: abt 1925 Indiana

Death: Not Available

Father: Henry Ferdinand Wolf

Mother: Anna Mary Koressel

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: 1540 Konigswalde, Chemnitz, Sachsen, Germany

Death: 7 Nov 1568

Father: Lang Wolf

Mother: Lang Wolf

Name: Urban WOLF

Birth: 1490 Koenigswalde, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany

Death: Dead

Father: Cuntz WOLF

Mother: Mrs. Cuntz WOLF

Name: Urban James Volk

Birth: 21 Feb 1931 Pennsylvania

Death: 1 Sep 2008 Seattle, King, Washington

Father: Urban John Volk

Mother: Margaret Martha Delaney-Volk

Name: Urban S Wolf

Birth: 21 September 1883 Sandusky County, Ohio, USA

Death: 8 June 1942 Fremont, Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Father: Joseph Wolf

Mother: Catharine Moore

Name: Urban Anthony Wolf

Birth: 9 Jan 1916 Fort Recovery, Gibson Township, Mercer County, Ohio, USA

Death: 12 Apr 2014 Centerville, Montgomery, Ohio, USA

Father: George Edward Wolf

Mother: Elizabeth Ann KING

Name: Urban Joseph Wolf

Birth: 7 Aug 1897 St. Mary's, Elk County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 25 Dec 1965 Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon, USA

Father: Michael Henry Wolf

Mother: Julia Anna Hoffman

Name: Urban Cleveland Wolf

Birth: 27 Feb 1888 Sunbury, Northumberland, Pennsylvania

Death: 24 JULY 1965 PA. USA

Father: Urias Gideon Wolf

Mother: Jennie Renn

Name: Urban Joseph Volz

Birth: 19 Apr 1932 St Marys, Franklin, Indiana, United States

Death: 1 May 1981 Oxford, Butler County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: Henry Anthony Volz

Mother: Mary Anna Gramman

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: 23 May 1847

Death: 14 Aug 1847

Father: Florian Wolf

Mother: Theresia Frey

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: 1596 Scheibenberg, Sachsen, Deutschland

Death: Not Available

Father: Andre Wolf

Mother: Private

Name: Urban Voll

Birth: 1899 Ohio

Death: Not Available

Father: George Joseph Voll

Mother: Private

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: 1545 of Nasau, Drsdn, Sxny

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Urban Wolf

Birth: 1475

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Urban Volm

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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