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Results for "Unknown Lockwood"

1 - 25 of 71 Records

Unknown Lockwood - 1919 to 2000

Birth: 10 Mar 1919 Missouribirth0

Death: 5 Nov 2000 Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USAdeath0


Father: Alexander Hiram Lockwood

Mother: Alice Ash

Unknown Lockwood - 1919 to 2000

Birth: 10 Mar 1919 Missouribirth1

Death: 5 Nov 2000 Kahoka, Clark, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: Alexander Hiram Lockwood

Mother: Alice Ash

Unknown Lockwood - 1825 to 1904

Birth: 14 Jan 1825 Englandbirth2

Death: 25 Sep 1904 Wellington, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: Abraham Lockwood

Mother: Sarah Lockwood

Unknown Lockwood - 1825 to 1904

Birth: 14 Jan 1825 Englandbirth3

Death: 25 Sep 1904 Wellington, Ontario, Canadadeath3


Father: Abraham Lockwood

Mother: Sarah Lockwood

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1890 to 1892

Birth: 1890 Indiana, USAbirth4

Death: 11 Apr 1892


Father: Samuel Elsworth Lockwood

Mother: Virginia Jane Adams

Unknown Lockwood - 1892 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1892 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkbirth5

Death: BEF 1900 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Basil Grant Lockwood

Mother: Jennie Stimus

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1898 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1898 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkbirth6

Death: BEF 1900 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkdeath6


Father: Basil Grant Lockwood

Mother: Jennie Stimus

Unknown Male Lockwood - 1832 to 1841

Birth: abt 1832 New York City, N.Ybirth7

Death: 6 Apr 1841 New York City, N.Ydeath7


Father: George W Lockwood

Mother: Eleanor (Ellen) Burling

Unknown )Probably Daughter Lockwood - 1818 to 1850

Birth: 1818/1828 Vermont, or, New York, USAbirth8

Death: Bef. 1850


Father: Nathaniel Lockwood

Mother: AMANDA Hutchins

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1861 to 1900

Birth: Bet. 1861–1900 Hamilton County, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: Bef. 1900 Hamilton County, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Jesse C Lockwood

Mother: Frances Woodruff

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1890 to 1910

Birth: from 1890 to 1910 Monroe, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth10

Death: Bef. 1910 Monroe, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath10


Father: John William Lockwood

Mother: Eurydeyce Adell "Dicey" Lamb

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1897 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1897 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkbirth11

Death: BEF 1900 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkdeath11


Father: Basil Grant Lockwood

Mother: Jennie Stimus

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1893 to 1900

Birth: Bet. 1893–1900 Hamilton County, Illinoisbirth12

Death: Bef. 1900 Hamilton County, Illinoisdeath12


Father: Len Jesse Lockwood

Mother: Mary J (Mollie) Redfearn

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1896 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1896 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkbirth13

Death: BEF 1900 Brooklyn, Kings County, New Yorkdeath13


Father: Basil Grant Lockwood

Mother: Jennie Stimus

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lockwood - 1900 to 1910

Birth: After 1900

Death: Before 1910


Father: John Wesley Lockwood

Mother: Elvira KEENEY

Unknown Girl Lockwood - 1878

Birth: July or Aug 1878 Radical City, Montgomery, Kansas, USAbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Nelson Lockwood

Mother: Armeda Elizabeth Jacobs

unknown identical Twin to Living Lockwood - 1948 to 1948

Birth: 6 September 1948 Wangaratta,Victoria, Australiabirth16

Death: 6 september 1948 Wangaratta, Victoria, Australiadeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Gloria Joan Howe

Unknown Lockwood - 1786

Birth: Abt. 1786 Pawling, Duchess Co., NYbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Lockwood 5GGF

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1786

Birth: Abt. 1786 Pawling, Duchess Co., NYbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Lockwood 5GGF

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1605 to 1631

Birth: Abt. 1605 Englandbirth19

Death: 1631 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1766 to 1841

Birth: abt 1766 Suffolkbirth20

Death: bef 1841 Suffolk, Englanddeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1860

Birth: ABT. 1860 Guisborough Cleveland, Englandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1860

Birth: ABT. 1860 Guisborough Cleveland, Englandbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood

Birth: Not Available Germanybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Unknown Lockwood - 1623 to 1656

Birth: about 1623 Englandbirth24

Death: about 1656 Kittery, York, District of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial Americadeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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