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Results for "Unknown Lev"

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Unknown (Sidney) Lee - 1891 to 1954

Birth: 30 May 1891 Philadelphia Co, Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 16 Mar 1954 Philadelphia, PA, USdeath0


Father: Sidney Lee

Mother: Elizabeth Amy Jones

Unknown Levy - 1879 to 1964

Birth: abt 1879 M E N T, Middlesex, Englandbirth1

Death: Sep 1964 California, USAdeath1


Father: Phillip Levy

Mother: Sarah Moslyn

unknown Lee - 1900 to 1975

Birth: abt 1900 NYbirth2

Death: 26 Mar 1975 Los Angelesdeath2


Father: William S Lee

Mother: Ida Loretta Kenney

Unknown Lee - 1804 to 1865

Birth: 26 Mar 1804 Clarksburg, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth3

Death: 1 April 1865 Stamford, Bennington County, Vermont, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Samuel Lee

Mother: Rachel Buffum

Unknown Lee - 1804 to 1865

Birth: 26 Mar 1804 Clarksburg, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1 April 1865 Stamford, Bennington County, Vermont, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Samuel Lee

Mother: Rachel Buffum

Unknown Levy - 1879 to 1964

Birth: abt 1879 M E N T, Middlesex, Englandbirth5

Death: Sep 1964 California, USAdeath5


Father: Phillip Levy

Mother: Sarah Moslyn

Unknown Lee - 1886 to 1916

Birth: abt 1886 Scotswood, Northumberland, Englandbirth6

Death: 27 Apr 1916 Corbie, France death6


Father: John Lee

Mother: Jane Partington

Unknown Levy - 1875 to 1932

Birth: 16 Mar 1875 Main-Tauber-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth7

Death: 29 Jul 1932 Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Raphael Levy

Mother: Babette Reich

Unknown Lek - 1883 to 1942

Birth: 6 Mar 1883 Amsterdambirth8

Death: 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz-Katowice, Polanddeath8


Father: Wolf Lek

Mother: Rachel Pruim

Unknown Lee - 1901 to 1973

Birth: Abt 1901 Sudboro, Northamptonshirebirth9

Death: Dec 1973 Kettering, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath9


Father: William Elias Lee

Mother: Amelia Clipson

Unknown Lek - 1883 to 1942

Birth: 6 Mar 1883 Amsterdambirth10

Death: 8 Oct 1942 Auschwitz-Katowice, Polanddeath10


Father: Wolf Lek

Mother: Rachel Pruim

Unknown Lee - 1858

Birth: 1858 , Horry, South Carolinabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Noah Lee

Mother: Winiford Chestnut

Unknown Lee - 1665 to 1705

Birth: 1665 Farmington, Hartford, Connecticutbirth12

Death: after 1705 Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath12


Father: Walter Lee

Mother: Mary Hart

Unknown Lee - 1862 to 1885

Birth: abt. 1862

Death: 1885/1890 Usadeath13


Father: James Henry Lee

Mother: N.

Female IconMale Icon

Unknown Lee - 1905 to 1911

Birth: aft 1905 Northumberland, Englandbirth14

Death: Bef. 1911 Northumberland, Englanddeath14


Father: George William Lee

Mother: Florence Ada Humble

unknown Lea - 1896 to 1897

Birth: 30 Dec 1896 KELSEYVILLE, CAbirth15

Death: 02 Jan 1897 CAdeath15


Father: Emmett Napoleon Lea

Mother: Mary Laura Ferguson

Unknown Lee - 1828 to 1840

Birth: Abt. 1828 Fleming County, Kentucky, USAbirth16

Death: Before 1840 Fleming County, Kentucky, USAdeath16


Father: Randolph Lee


Unknown Lee - 1836 to 1837

Birth: MAR 1836 Clark Co, Ohbirth17

Death: 23 JUL 1837 Clark Co, Ohiodeath17


Father: William Lee

Mother: Margaret Haney

unknown Levi - 1706 to 1788

Birth: January 1706 Werther, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanybirth18

Death: 1788 Werther, Gutersloh, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanydeath18


Father: Aron ha'Levi

Mother: daughter bat Moses Joseph

Unknown Lee - 1874 to 1879

Birth: 22 Oct 1874 Shelby County, Iowa, USAbirth19

Death: 4 Mar 1879 Shelby County, Iowa, USAdeath19


Father: Henry C. Lee

Mother: Mary Catherine McConnell

unknown Lea - 1896 to 1897

Birth: 30 Dec 1896 KELSEYVILLE, CAbirth20

Death: 02 Jan 1897 CAdeath20


Father: Emmett Napoleon Lea

Mother: Mary Laura Ferguson

Unknown Lee - 1845 to 1846

Birth: 1845 Vandalia,Fayette,Illinois, USAbirth21

Death: 1846 Vandalia,Fayette,Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: William Henry Lee

Mother: Emeline Daggett

unknown Lee - 1804 to 1878

Birth: 1804 Lamoille, Vermontbirth22

Death: 08 Jul 1878 Mendon, Monroe Co., New Yorkdeath22


Father: Stephen Lee

Mother: maybe Sullivan

Unknown Lee - 1835 to 1862

Birth: BET 1835 AND 1840 Alabamabirth23

Death: Oct 31, 1862 Choctaw County, Alabama, USAdeath23


Father: Daniel Lee

Mother: Eliza B Reed

Unknown Lee - 1867 to 1925

Birth: 1 Aug 1867 Buffalobirth24

Death: 30 Nov 1925 Buffalodeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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