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Results for "Ulysses Logan"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Ulysses Logan - 1869 to 1948

Birth: 18 Mar 1869 Fayette, Fayette, Alabama, United Statesbirth0

Death: 30 Nov 1948 Houston, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath0


Father: Daniel Logan

Mother: Martha Musgrove

Ulysses Logan - 1869 to 1948

Birth: 18 Mar 1869 Fayette, Fayette, Alabama, United Statesbirth1

Death: 30 Nov 1948 Houston, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath1


Father: Daniel Logan

Mother: Martha Musgrove

Ulysses Logan - 1863 to 1922

Birth: 9 Nov 1863 Washington County, Illinois, USAbirth2

Death: 1 Jul 1922 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath2


Father: James Samuel Logan

Mother: Lorinda* DYKE

Ulysses Grant Logan - 1924 to 2010

Birth: 11/10/1924 Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma, USAbirth3

Death: 21 Feb 2010 Odessa, Ector County, Texas, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Ulysses Grant Logan

Mother: Mary Selena Miller

Ulysses Logan - 1863 to 1922

Birth: 9 Nov 1863 Washington County, Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 1 Jul 1922 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath4


Father: James Samuel Logan

Mother: Lorinda* DYKE

Ulysses Grant Logan - 1924 to 2010

Birth: 11/10/1924 Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma, USAbirth5

Death: 21 Feb 2010 Odessa, Ector County, Texas, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Ulysses Grant Logan

Mother: Mary Selena Miller

Ulysses Alwood Logan - 1882 to 1934

Birth: 22 MAY 1882 Red Cloud, Heler, USAbirth6

Death: 14 Nov 1934 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath6


Father: James Asbury Loggan

Mother: Dimmis Hollcraft Loggan

Ulysses Grant Logan - 1878 to 1961

Birth: 9 June 1878 Marion County, Alabama, USAbirth7

Death: 19 December 1961 Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma, USAdeath7


Father: Robert Henry Logan

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Matthews

Ulysses S Grant Logan - 1865 to 1943

Birth: 17 Jan 1865 Punxsutawney County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth8

Death: 9 Jul 1943 Jackson, Butler County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: David Coffee Logan

Mother: Mary Hearold

Ulysses Elwood Logan - 1868 to 1958

Birth: 25 Apr 1868 Jay, Indianabirth9

Death: 22 Mar 1958 Portland, Jay, Indiana, USAdeath9


Father: James W Logan

Mother: Francenia Pitt

Ulysses S Grant Logan - 1863 to 1943

Birth: Aug 1863 Boston, allegheny pabirth10

Death: 12 Jul 1943 Harmony, Butler, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath10


Father: Isaac D Logan

Mother: Catherine E Hall

Ulysses Grant Logan - 1899 to 1948

Birth: Jul 1899 Georgiabirth11

Death: 30 Nov 1948 Harris, Texasdeath11


Father: Brantly "Brandy" Logan

Mother: Louisa Jones

Ulysses S Grant Logan - 1886 to 1903

Birth: 21 Feb 1886 Indianabirth12

Death: 9 December 1903


Father: William Nelson Logan

Mother: Margaret Ann Kugler

Ulysses Logan - 1864

Birth: abt 1864 Pennsylvaniabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: James Matthew 'Matt' Logan

Mother: Charlotte Logan (Logan)

Ulysses Grant Logan - 1870

Birth: Abt 1870 Tennesseebirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles W, Logan

Mother: Not Available

ulysses Logan

Birth: Not Available oaklahoma

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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