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Results for "Ulrika Lonnmark"

1 - 25 of 26 Records
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Ulrica Lundmark - 1801 to 1890

Birth: 14 maj 1801 Fasterna, Stockholm, Sverigebirth0

Death: 7 jan 1890 Sandudden, Viksjö, Järfälla, Stockholm, Sverigedeath0


Father: Elias Jansson

Mother: Brita Ersdotter

Ulrik Landmark - 1881 to 1959

Birth: 10 January 1881 Oslo, Oslo, Norwaybirth1

Death: 13 Feb 1959 Holedeath1


Father: Even Landmark

Mother: Doris Christie

Ulrik Landmark - 1881 to 1959

Birth: 10 January 1881 Oslo, Oslo, Norwaybirth2

Death: 13 Feb 1959 Holedeath2


Father: Even Landmark

Mother: Doris Christie

Ulrika Lundmark - 1766 to 1839

Birth: 27 FEB 1766 Viby (T) Odensvibirth3

Death: 10 JUL 1839 Paraden, Hedvig, Norrköping (E)death3


Father: Anders Svensson Lundmark

Mother: Ulrika Andersdotter

Ulrika Carolina Lindmark - 1839 to 1921

Birth: 1839/07/22 Lövånger, Västerbotten, Sverigebirth4

Death: 1921/05/18 Lövånger, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath4


Father: Anders Andersson Lindmark

Mother: Maria Pehrsdotter

Ulrik Lindmark - 1849 to 1849

Birth: 7 okt 1849 Lövånger, Västerbotten, Sverigebirth5

Death: 22 dec 1849 Vallen, Lövånger, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath5


Father: Pehr Jonsson Lindmark

Mother: Eva Maria Johansdotter

Ulrika Gabriella Ronnmark - 1784 to 1830

Birth: 02 Feb 1784 Bole, Lovanger, AC, Sweden

Death: 02 Jul 1830 Lövånger, Skellefteå, Sverigedeath6


Father: Petrus (Pehr) Pehrsson Rönnmark

Mother: Anna Bergstedt

Ulrika Gabriella Rönnmark - 1858

Birth: 30 Jun 1858 Böle, Lövånger, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Per Anton Rönnmark

Mother: Sofia Albertina Westerlund

Ulrica Pehrsdotter Lundmark - 1805

Birth: 8 Sep 1805 Käpäri, Otois, Piikkiö, Turku and Pori, Finlandbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Pehr Jacobsson Lundmark

Mother: Anna Johansdr

ULRIKA LUNDMARK - 1863 to 1950


Death: 9 AUG 1950


Father: Johan Ulrik Lundmark

Mother: Marta Lovisa Jonsdotter

Ulrika Elisabet Lindmark - 1863

Birth: 18 Okt 1863 Kvarnbrånet, Degerfors

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Lindmark

Mother: Margareta Ulrika Nilsdotter

Ulrica Sophia Lundmark - 1822

Birth: 3 DEC 1822 Tortuna, Västmanlandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Lundmark (Jansson)

Mother: Anna Maria Eriksson

Ulrika Vilhelmina Lingmark - 1818 to 1867

Birth: 27 Sep 1818

Death: 24 Mar 1867


Father: Johan Fredrik "Jöns" Lingmark

Mother: Helena Catharina Knoop

Ulrik Fredrik Wilhelm Landmark - 1879 to 1881

Birth: 30 Aug 1879

Death: 29 Jan 1881


Father: Even Anthon Thomas Landmark

Mother: Doris Christie

Ulrika Kristina Lundmark - 1854

Birth: 1 jul 1854 Alunda, Uppsala, Sverigebirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Mathilda Lindmark

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrik Fredrik Wilhelm Antonsen Landmark - 1881

Birth: 10 Jan 1881 Christiania (Oslo), Norwaybirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Sophia Lundmark - 1822

Birth: 1822

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Lundmark - 1863

Birth: 19 Aug 1863

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Mathilda Lindmark - 1842 to 1892

Birth: Abt 1842

Death: 27 Maj 1892 ster Åkers, Stockholm, Sverigedeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Lonnback - 1845 to 1893

Birth: 30 Nov 1845

Death: 2 Dec 1893


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrik Fredrik Wilhelm Landmark - 1881

Birth: 10 January 1881 Oslo, Oslo, Norwaybirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lundmark

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Mathilda Lindmark - 1842

Birth: Abt 1842

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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