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Results for "Ulrich Leuenberger"

1 - 25 of 287 Records

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1844 to 1927

Birth: 20 Apr 1844 Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 11 Jan 1927 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath0


Father: Ulrich Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Habhegger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1844 to 1927

Birth: 20 Apr 1844 Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 11 Jan 1927 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath1


Father: Ulrich Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Habhegger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1844 to 1927

Birth: 20 Apr 1844 Switzerlandbirth2

Death: 11 Jan 1927 Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath2


Father: Ulrich Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Habhegger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1785 to 1835

Birth: 21 SEP 1785 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlandbirth3

Death: 9 OCT 1835 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlanddeath3


Father: Hans Leuenberger

Mother: Salome Schütz

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1814 to 1877

Birth: 9 Apr 1814 Bern, Bern, Switzerlandbirth4

Death: 24 Mar 1877 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlanddeath4


Father: Christian Christen Leuenberger von BE

Mother: Elizabetha Schar

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1785 to 1835

Birth: 21 SEP 1785 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlandbirth5

Death: 9 OCT 1835 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlanddeath5


Father: Hans Leuenberger

Mother: Salome Schütz

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1776 to 1839

Birth: 31 Mar 1776 Ob'Glasbach-Rohrtachgraben, Switzerlandbirth6

Death: 20 Jun 1839 Switzerlanddeath6


Father: Andreas Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Leuenberger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1814 to 1877

Birth: 9 Apr 1814 Bern, Bern, Switzerlandbirth7

Death: 24 Mar 1877 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlanddeath7


Father: Christian Christen Leuenberger von BE

Mother: Elizabetha Schar

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1776 to 1839

Birth: 31 Mar 1776 Ob'Glasbach-Rohrtachgraben, Switzerlandbirth8

Death: 20 Jun 1839 Switzerlanddeath8


Father: Andreas Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Leuenberger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1776 to 1839

Birth: 31 Mar 1776 Ob'Glasbach-Rohrtachgraben, Switzerlandbirth9

Death: 20 Jun 1839 Switzerlanddeath9


Father: Andreas Leuenberger

Mother: Maria Leuenberger

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1814 to 1877

Birth: 9 Apr 1814 Bern, Bern, Switzerlandbirth10

Death: 24 Mar 1877 Ursenbach, Bern, Switzerlanddeath10


Father: Christian Christen Leuenberger von BE

Mother: Elizabetha Schar

Ulrich (Uli) LEUENBERGER - 1702

Birth: 29 Jan 1702 Durrenroth, Bern Canton, Switzerlandbirth11

Death: Not Available Durrenroth, Bern Canton, Switzerlanddeath11


Father: Jakob Leuenberger(3)

Mother: Barbara Schaer

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1564

Birth: ABT 1564 Wynigen, Bern, Switzerlandbirth12

Death: Not Available Riniken, Aaragu, Switzerlanddeath12


Father: Christian Leuenberger

Mother: Barbli Niderjuser

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1645 to 1657

Birth: 3 Aug 1645 Dürrenroth, Bern, Switzerlandbirth13

Death: 1657 Dürrenroth, Bern, Switzerlanddeath13


Father: Ulrich Jakob Leuenberger

Mother: Magdalena Jordi

Ulrich Leuenberger - 1832

Birth: 30 Jul 1832 Bern, Switzerlandbirth14

Death: Not Available USAdeath14


Father: Jakob Leuenberger

Mother: Barbara Steiner

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