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Results for "Ulrica Lundgren"

1 - 25 of 43 Records

Ulrica Ersson Lundgren - 1764 to 1840

Birth: 29 JUN 1764 Bonneråd, Östra Vingåker (D)birth0

Death: 11 Feb 1840 E. Vingaker, Sodermanland, Swedendeath0


Father: Erik Nilsson

Mother: Kerstin Olsdotter

Ulrica Eliasdotter Lundgren - 1788 to 1867

Birth: 23 Juli 1788 Flerohopps Järnbruk Madesjöbirth1

Death: 1 April 1867 Rödeby Blekingedeath1


Father: ELIAS Hindriksson LUNDGREN

Mother: Christina Stina Danielsdotter Lander

Ulrica Eliasdotter Lundgren - 1788 to 1867

Birth: 23 Juli 1788 Flerohopps Järnbruk Madesjöbirth2

Death: 1 April 1867 Rödeby Blekingedeath2


Father: ELIAS Hindriksson LUNDGREN

Mother: Christina Stina Danielsdotter Lander

Ulrica Sophia Lundgren - 1783

Birth: 6 MAY 1783 Kuopio, Finlandbirth3



Father: Israel Lundgren

Mother: Ulrika Catharina Blankenstein

Ulrica Wilhelmina Lundgren - 1819

Birth: sep 06 1819 Åbo Finlandbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Lundgren

Mother: Eva Henricsdr

Ulrica Charlotta Lundgren - 1829 to 1895

Birth: 1829 Stockholms domkyrkoförs (ABbirth5

Death: 29 Maj 1895 deshögs, Östergötland, Sverige


Father: Carl Ulric Lundgren

Mother: Maria Charlotta Sandberg

Ulrica Susanna Lundgren - 1829

Birth: 2 Apr 1829 Falkenberg, Halland, Swedenbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Tobias Lundgren

Mother: Petronella Larsson

Ulrica Carolina Lundgren - 1862 to 1928

Birth: 5 nov 1862 Skellefteå, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth7

Death: 15 jan 1928 Fjälbyn, Västerbotten, Swedendeath7


Father: Pehr August Lundgren

Mother: Anna Catharina Andersdotter Lundmark

Ulrica Lundgren - 1762

Birth: 30 MAR 1762 Sigtunabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Isac Lundgren

Mother: Anna Catharina Berg

Ulrica Lundgren - 1762

Birth: 30 MAR 1762 Sigtunabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Isac Lundgren

Mother: Anna Catharina Berg

Ulrica Lundgren - 1843

Birth: 4 NOV 1843 Överselö (D)birth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Jan Eric Lundgren

Mother: Lotta Andersdotter

Ulrica Lundgren - 1843

Birth: 4 NOV 1843 Överselö (D)birth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Jan Eric Lundgren

Mother: Lotta Andersdotter

Ulrica Lundgren - 1762

Birth: 30 MAR 1762 Sigtunabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Isac Lundgren

Mother: Anna Catharina Berg

Ulrica Lundgren - 1824 to 1825

Birth: 26 OCT 1824 Dalkarsbo, Silvberg, Sweden

Death: 1 MAR 1825 Dalkarsbo, Silvberg, Sweden


Father: Samuel Samuelsson

Mother: Beata Charlotta Ersdotter

Ulrica Lundgren - 1826

Birth: 15 APR 1826 Dalkarsbo, Silvberg, Sweden

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Samuelsson

Mother: Beata Charlotta Ersdotter

Ulrica Gustava Lundgren - 1818

Birth: 10 Sep 1818 G

Death: Not Available


Father: Anders Lundgren

Mother: Britta Stina Petersdotter

Ulrica Lundgren - 1792

Birth: 30 APR 1792 Stora Ire, Hellvi (Ibirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Johan Lundgren

Mother: Catharina Hansdotter

Ulrica Lundgren - 1771

Birth: 1771 Sankt Laurentii (tidigare Söderköping

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lundgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lundgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Sophia Lundgren - 1804

Birth: 15 Apr 1804

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Susanna Lundgren - 1823

Birth: 1823

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lundgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lundgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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