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Results for "Ulrica Lillstrom"

1 - 25 of 66 Records
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Ulrika M Hellstrom - 1834 to 1905

Birth: May 1834 Swedenbirth0

Death: 13 MAY 1905 Lindsborg, Mc Pherson County, Kansas, USAdeath0


Father: Anders Persson Hällström

Mother: Helena Hällström

Ulrika M Hellstrom - 1834 to 1905

Birth: May 1834 Swedenbirth1

Death: 13 MAY 1905 Lindsborg, Mc Pherson County, Kansas, USAdeath1


Father: Anders Persson Hällström

Mother: Helena Hällström

Alrick J Lindstrom - 1876 to 1925

Birth: 26 Dec 1876 Bro, Västmanland, Swedenbirth2

Death: 17 SEP 1925 Aurora, Kane, Illinoisdeath2


Father: Per Johan Lindström

Mother: Charlotta Kristina Winge

Ulrica Stillstrom - 1806

Birth: 26 OCT 1806 Högsby (Kalmar län)birth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Okänd Stillström

Mother: Okänd Okänd

Ulrika Tillström - 1822 to 1859

Birth: 24 Aug 1822 Nytorp, Kvillinge, Östergötland, Sverigebirth4

Death: 31 Jan 1859 Fredriksdal u Jursla, Kvillinge, Östergötland, Sverigedeath4


Father: Johan Tillström

Mother: Britta Lisa Eriksdotter

Ulrica Stillstrom - 1806

Birth: 26 OCT 1806 Högsby (Kalmar län)birth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Okänd Stillström

Mother: Okänd Okänd

Ulrika Johanna Hallstrom - 1758 to 1809

Birth: 26 October 1758 Björnlunda, Södermanland, Swedenbirth6

Death: 11 September 1809 Swedendeath6


Father: Johan Svenson Hallstrom

Mother: Christina Bergqvist

Ulrika Emilia KIHLSTROM - 1860 to 1887

Birth: 29 Sep 1860 By, Sverigebirth7

Death: 09 May 1887 By, Värmland, Sverigedeath7


Father: Lars Gustaf KIHLSTROM

Mother: Amalia Carolina Larsdotter

Ulrica Charlotta Mellstrom - 1798 to 1839

Birth: 6 november 1798 Aspö, Södermanlands län, Sverigebirth8

Death: 3 december 1839 Rögle stora lantegendom



Mother: Christina Smedberg

Ullrica Hillström - 1751

Birth: 2 december 1751 Gävle stadsförsamling, Gästrikland, Sverigebirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Eric Hillström

Mother: Anna Springer

Ulrika Dillström - 1827

Birth: 1827/02/19 Putkisalo by i Rantasalmi

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Dillström

Mother: Ulrica Kosuin

Ulricka HELLSTROM - 1846

Birth: 29 Nov 1846 Njurunda, Vasternorrl, , Swedenbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Nils Hellström

Mother: Stina Greta Tiderman

Ulrika Eleonora Gillström - 1861 to 1864

Birth: 18 Jul 1861 Gryt, Östergötland, Swedenbirth12

Death: 26 Nov 1864 Gryt, Östergötland, Sverigedeath12


Father: Carl Gustaf Månsson Gillström

Mother: Ulrika Maria Cederman

Ulrica Hellstrom - 1824 to 1885

Birth: 08 Jul 1824

Death: 31 Maj 1885 Klara stockholmdeath13


Father: Gustaf Hellstrom

Mother: Karin Andersdr

Ulrica Catharina Efraimsdotter Gullstrom - 1829 to 1830

Birth: 1829 Finlandbirth14

Death: 1830


Father: Efraim Johansson Gullstrom

Mother: Ulrica Andersdotter Ihala

Ulrika Augusta Hallstrom - 1837

Birth: 27 Jul 1837 Sorunda, Stockholm, Sverigebirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Berndt August Hallstrom

Mother: Christina Elisabeth Brockman

Ulricka HELLSTROM - 1846

Birth: 20 Nov 1846 Njurunda, Vasternorrl, Swedenbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Sven Nils Hellström

Mother: Stina Greta TIDERMAN

Ulrica Lindstrom - 1788

Birth: 09 May 1788

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Lindstrom

Mother: Anna Rega Vahlberg

Ulrica Sophia Lindstrom - 1815

Birth: 06 May 1815

Death: Not Available


Father: Israel Lindström

Mother: Ulrica C. Hallerstrom

Ulrika Kinlock Kihlstrom - 1767 to 1809

Birth: 1767/05/02 Dals Ed, Alvsborg, Dalsland, Swedenbirth19

Death: 1809/02/28 Dals Ed, Alvsborg, Dalsland, Swedendeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Maja Pehrsdotter

Ulrika Johanna Billström - 1825 to 1917

Birth: 27 AUG 1825 Sundsvall (Y)birth20

Death: 23 Juli 1917 Härnösand, Västernorrland, Sverigedeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Lindstrom - 1744

Birth: 1744 Fresta Stockholms länbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Lindstrom - 1800 to 1862

Birth: 1800

Death: 19 Dec 1862 Adolf Fredrik, Stockholm, Sverigedeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika Katarina Lindstrom - 1841 to 1926

Birth: 1841 Rådmansö, Strömsholmenbirth23

Death: 06 Oct. 1926 Hjelsta, Uppsala, Sverigedeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrika M Hellstrom - 1834

Birth: May 1834 Swedenbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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