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Results for "Ulric Lofgren"

1 - 15 of 15 Records
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Ulrica Löfgren - 1804 to 1858

Birth: 28 Nov 1804 Hökmark, Lövånger, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth0

Death: 26 May 1858 Degerbyn, Skellefteå lfs, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath0


Father: Anders Andersson Löfgren

Mother: Elisabeth Håkansdotter

Ulrica Löfgren - 1804 to 1858

Birth: 28 Nov 1804 Hökmark, Lövånger, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth1

Death: 26 May 1858 Degerbyn, Skellefteå lfs, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath1


Father: Anders Andersson Löfgren

Mother: Elisabeth Håkansdotter

Ulrica Löfgren - 1769 to 1770

Birth: 18 NOV 1769 Umeå stadsförs (AC)birth2

Death: 16 APR 1770 Umeå stadsförs (AC)death2


Father: Jonas Löfgren

Mother: Brita Nilsdotter

Ulrica Gustava Löfgren - 1831

Birth: 16 Jul 1831 Lojsta, Gotland, Swedenbirth3

Death: Not Available Swedendeath3


Father: Matthias Annason Bössegård (Löfgren)

Mother: Elisabeth Svensdotter

Ulrica Johanna Löfgren - 1820 to 1900

Birth: 22 jan 1820 Karlholms bruk, Västland, Uppsala, Sverigebirth4

Death: 8 Nov 1900 Wesslands, Uppsala, Sverigedeath4


Father: Anders Löfgren

Mother: Katarina Tegelström

Ulrich Löfgren - 1930 to 1998

Birth: 6 maj 1930 Björke, Gotland, Sverigebirth5

Death: 24 juli 1998 Björke, Gotland, Sverigedeath5


Father: Sigurd Löfgren

Mother: Ester Dagmar Ingeborg Löfgren

Ulric Löfgren - 1805 to 1808

Birth: 04 Jul 1805 Fellingsbro, Swedenbirth6

Death: 8 Okt 1808


Father: Eric Jansson Leufgren

Mother: Cajsa Jakobsdotter

Ulrica Aronsdr Hoffren - 1741

Birth: 17 Jun 1741 Myrskyla, Finlandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Aron Johan Hoffrén

Mother: Martha Catharina Stierncreutz

Ulrica Leufgren - 1793

Birth: 20 Nov 1793

Death: Not Available


Father: Eric Jansson Leufgren

Mother: Cajsa Jakobsdotter

Ulrik Johan Löfgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Per Göran Löfgren

Mother: Maria Elisabeth Wolffenstein

Ulrica Blomgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: ABT 1811


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Hoffren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Hoffren

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Gustava Hofgren - 1837 to 1865

Birth: 5//9 /1837

Death: 18/2 1865 Västerlösa församling


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrica Blomgren

Birth: Not Available

Death: ABT 1811


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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