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Results for "Ullrich Schulte"

1 - 25 of 45 Records
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Ullrich Schulze - 1905 to 1973

Birth: abt 1905 Germanybirth0

Death: 4 Nov 1973 Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Carl Schultz

Mother: Auguste Grosskoph

Ullrich Schulze - 1905 to 1973

Birth: abt 1905 Germanybirth1

Death: 4 Nov 1973 Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Carl Schultz

Mother: Auguste Grosskoph

Ulrich Schultz - 1870 to 1926

Birth: 22 Sep 1870 Grünwald-Barenbruch, Naugard, Pommern, Polenbirth2

Death: 26 Juni 1926 Polendeath2


Father: Franz Schultz

Mother: Anna Eichgrün

Ulrich Schultz - 1805 to 1888

Birth: 12 Juli 1805 Rohr, Germanybirth3

Death: 12 Jul 1888


Father: Johann Jakob Schuldt

Mother: Barbara Alberin Schuldt

Ulrich Schultz - 1805 to 1888

Birth: 12 Juli 1805 Rohr, Germanybirth4

Death: 12 Jul 1888


Father: Johann Jakob Schuldt

Mother: Barbara Alberin Schuldt

Ulrich Schultz - 1896

Birth: 3 März 1896 Rostock, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Deutschlandbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Schultz

Mother: Hulda Jochens

Ulrich Julius Carl Schultz - 1839 to 1931

Birth: 1839 Germanybirth6

Death: 1931 Harvard, McHenry, Illinois USAdeath6


Father: Georg Friedrich Carl Schultz

Mother: Eva Maria Amalie (Martha) Englebrecht

Alerich Schulte - 1909 to 1989

Birth: 3 Sep 1909 Völlenerkönigsfehn, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: 20 Aug 1989 Placentia, Orange, California, USAdeath7


Father: Evert Schulte

Mother: Lamke Lalk

Ulriche Schultz - 1763

Birth: March 10, 1763 Greve, Copenhagen, Denmarkbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Christian Schultz

Mother: Pernille Christine Stohr

Ulrich "Ricky" Theodore Schulte - 1944 to 2012

Birth: 26 Mar 1944 Essen, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germanybirth9

Death: 12 Sept 2012 Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Theodor Anton Wilhelm Schulte

Mother: Luise Adolphine Tytz

Ulrich Schultz - 1891

Birth: 1891 Illinoisbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Hugo Schuth

Mother: Tabia Theofs Schultz

Ulrich Paul Martin Schult - 1925 to 1996

Birth: 11.11.1925 Breslau, Niederschlesien, Polenbirth11

Death: 03.03.1996 Sebnitz, Sachsen, Deutschlanddeath11


Father: Kurt Schult

Mother: Elly Berger

Female IconMale Icon

Ulrich Schulze - 1832 to 1909

Birth: 24 Jan 1832

Death: 1 Feb 1909 Polendeath12


Father: Adolf Schulze

Mother: Wilhelmine Casten Schulze

Ulrich Christian Schultz - 1726

Birth: 1726 Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norgebirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Jojada Johannison Schultz

Mother: Abel Katrine Zeuthen

Female IconMale Icon

Ulrich Schultz - 1886 to 1886

Birth: 27 Nov 1886

Death: 13 Feb 1886


Father: Ulrich Schultz

Mother: Dora Vitense

Ulrich Carl Wilhelm Schultz - 1900

Birth: 4. Dez 1900 Lehmkuhlen, Ludwigslust-Parchim, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschlandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilhelm Heinrich Christian Gottlieb Schultz

Mother: Carolina Dorothea Maria Baetcke

Ulricha Sophia Wilhelmine Schultz

Birth: Unknown

Death: 22 Jan 1796


Father: Philip Gosche Michael Schultz

Mother: Cathrine Margrethe Trahne

Ulrich Schulze - 1916

Birth: 1916 Germanybirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Rudolff Schulze

Mother: Not Available

Ullrich Schultz

Birth: Not Available Prussia, Germanybirth18

Death: Not Available Mußbach, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germanydeath18


Father: Leonhard Schultz

Mother: Not Available

Ulrich Schulter - 1533

Birth: 1533 Metzingen,Schwarzwald,Baden-Wurttemberg,Germanybirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrich Schultze - 1659 to 1729

Birth: 1659 Lübenbirth20

Death: 3 JAN 1729 Lübendeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrich Schultz - 1852

Birth: 15 März 1852 Schwerinbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrich Schulte - 1943 to 1996

Birth: 07. Feb 1943 Deutschlandbirth22

Death: 07. Jan. 1996 Gießen, Hessendeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulrich Schulter - 1533

Birth: 1533 Metzingen,Schwarzwald,Baden-Wurttemberg,Germany

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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