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Results for "Ulla Lindback"

1 - 20 of 20 Records
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Ella Forrest Lineback - 1860 to 1899

Birth: 18 September 1860 New Bloomfield, Callaway Co., Missouribirth0

Death: 24 November 1899 St Louis, St. Louis Co., Missourideath0


Father: William Thomas Lineback

Mother: Mary J. Woodruff

Ella Lineback - 1861 to 1898

Birth: 1861 Valle, Jefferson, Missouri, USAbirth1

Death: 1898


Father: William Thomas Lineback

Mother: Mary J. Woodruff

Ulla Josefina Lundbäck - 1924 to 2010

Birth: 8 maj 1924 Moheda, Kronoberg, Swedenbirth2

Death: 2010 Malmö death2


Father: Josef Lundbäck

Mother: Karin Elisabeth Kronberg

Ella Lineback - 1896 to 1930

Birth: abt 1896 Iowabirth3

Death: 30 May 1930 Lisbon, Linn, Iowa, USAdeath3


Father: William H Lineback

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Dixon

Ulla Ingegerd Lindbeck - 1933 to 2012

Birth: 22 JUL 1933 Hedemora SF (W)birth4

Death: 11 Dec 2012 Stockholm, Swedendeath4


Father: Axel Alfred Lindbeck

Mother: Ebba Ottilia Hedlund ✳️1️⃣2️⃣

Ulla Sofia Lindmark - 1842 to 1854

Birth: 11 Jan 1842 Strängnäs, Södermanland, Sverigebirth5

Death: 16 Mar 1854 Strängnäs, Södermanland, Sverigedeath5


Father: Carl-Gustaf Lindmark

Mother: Anna-Stina Ekberg

Ulla Wilhelmina Johansson Lindmark - 1921 to 2001

Birth: 26 Jul 1921 Bromma, Stockholmbirth6

Death: 23 Jan 2001 Movägen 4, Ytterhogdal, Jämtlanddeath6


Father: Hjalmar Fredrik Johansson Lindmark

Mother: Edla Wilhelmina Eklund

Ulla Carolina Lindmark - 1840 to 1921

Birth: Abt 1840

Death: 18 Maj 1921 Bodan, Lövånger, Västerbotten, Sverigedeath7


Father: Anders Andersson Lindmark

Mother: Maria Pehrsdotter

Ulla-Greta Lundbäck - 1931 to 2003

Birth: 21 jan 1931 Våmb, Västra Götaland, Sverigebirth8

Death: 28 jan 2003 Strömstad, Västra Götaland, Sverigedeath8


Father: Johan Valfrid Lundbäck

Mother: Anna Matilda Hjärtman

Ulla Gustva Lindbäck - 1800 to 1809

Birth: 1800 Värmlandbirth9

Death: 9 NOV 1809 Aspberg, Segerstad,Värmlanddeath9


Father: Nils Lindbäck

Mother: Kjerstin Andersdotter

Ulla Lindmark - 1907

Birth: 3 Sept 1907 Skeppsholm, Stockholm, Sverigebirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: John Gunnar Lindmark

Mother: Ruth Signe Maria Nordqwist

Ulla Amanda Lindmark - 1892

Birth: 9 dec 1892 Storträsk, Jörnbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Olov Lindmark

Mother: Maria Amanda Andersdotter

Ulla Lidbeck - 1912

Birth: 29 Jul 1912

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Lidbeck

Mother: Sigrid Charlotta Hult

Ella Lineback - 1896

Birth: abt 1896 Iowabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: John Lineback

Mother: Not Available

Ulla-Britta Lindmark - 1946 to 2015

Birth: 19 Maj 1946 Pellboda, Västerbotten, Sverige

Death: 26 Dec 2015 Järfälla, Stockholm, Sverigedeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulla Lindmark - 1829

Birth: Abt 1829

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulla Lindmark

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ulla Carina Lindmark - 1956 to 2012

Birth: 11 OCT 1956 Nederlulebirth17

Death: 11 DEC 2012


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ella Lineback

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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