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Results for "Ulla Larn"

1 - 25 of 173 Records
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Lula Ellen LAUN - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 21 Mar 1878 Winkler, Missouribirth0

Death: 10 Mar 1957 St. James, Phelps, Missouri, United Statesdeath0


Father: George Laun

Mother: Mary Jane BURGESS

Lula B Lain - 1884 to 1939

Birth: 27 Oct 1884 Texasbirth1

Death: 29 Mar 1939 Wichita County, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Joseph Elijah Lain

Mother: Martha Lain

Lula B Lain - 1884 to 1939

Birth: 27 Oct 1884 Texasbirth2

Death: 29 Mar 1939 Wichita County, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Joseph Elijah Lain

Mother: Martha Lain

Lula Jane Lain - 1876 to 1966

Birth: DEC 1876 McNairy County, Tennesseebirth3

Death: 21 January 1966 Selmer, McNairy County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Alexander Lain

Mother: Amanda Caroline Wilson

Lula Garn - 1896 to 1966

Birth: 1 Jun 1896 Carey, Crawford Twp. Wyandot, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 21 October 1966 Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Elza N Garn

Mother: Emma L. Hostler

Lula Jane Lary - 1875 to 1960

Birth: 25 October 1875 Cherokee, Alabama, United Statesbirth5

Death: April 24, 1960 Oakland Cemetery, Rome, Floyd Co GA findagrave 71663696death5


Father: George Preston Lary

Mother: Susan Fauntleroy Quarles

Lula Mae Lard - 1921 to 1999

Birth: 17 or 19 MAR 1921 Waterloo, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USAbirth6

Death: 4 Mar 1999 Counce, Hardin, Tennessee, USAdeath6


Father: Charlie Oscar LARD

Mother: Lucy Hunt

Ella Mae Lard - 1925 to 2004

Birth: 3 Nov 1925 Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USAbirth7

Death: 23 Apr 2004 Mio, Oscoda County, Michigan, USAdeath7


Father: James Lard

Mother: Mattie Odale Rhodes

Lula Mae Lard - 1921 to 1999

Birth: 17 or 19 MAR 1921 Waterloo, Lauderdale County, Alabama, USAbirth8

Death: 4 Mar 1999 Counce, Hardin, Tennessee, USAdeath8


Father: Charlie Oscar LARD

Mother: Lucy Hunt

Ella Lark - 1914 to 1981

Birth: abt 1914 Louisianabirth9

Death: 4 Jan 1981 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: Charly Johnson

Mother: Grace Freels

Lula R Carn - 1904 to 1987

Birth: September 26 1904 Bamberg County, South Carolina, USAbirth10

Death: February 1 1987 Richmond, VAdeath10


Father: Hadler Rice

Mother: Eliser

Lula R Carn - 1904 to 1987

Birth: September 26 1904 Bamberg County, South Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: February 1 1987 Richmond, VAdeath11


Father: Hadler Rice

Mother: Eliser

Lula Mae Lard - 1901 to 1973

Birth: 5 Dec 1901 Illinoisbirth12

Death: 3 Jan 1973


Father: John W. Ward

Mother: Nora Lenear

Ella Lahn - 1895 to 1981

Birth: 5 Feb 1895 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United Statesbirth13

Death: 18 Aug 1981


Father: Hermann Lahn

Mother: "Mattie" Pieper

Lula Mae Lard - 1901 to 1973

Birth: 5 Dec 1901 Illinoisbirth14

Death: 3 Jan 1973


Father: John W. Ward

Mother: Nora Lenear

Ella N Carn - 1876 to 1961

Birth: abt 1876 Marylandbirth15

Death: 1961


Father: WIlliam Thomas Cain

Mother: Mary Caine

Ella Lahn - 1895 to 1981

Birth: 5 Feb 1895 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United Statesbirth16

Death: 18 Aug 1981


Father: Hermann Lahn

Mother: "Mattie" Pieper

Ella M Lark - 1876 to 1949

Birth: 10 Apr 1876 Mineral County, West Virginiabirth17

Death: 24 Apr 1949 Stowe, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath17


Father: Henry John Lark

Mother: Eliza Ellen Kane

Ella M Lark - 1876 to 1949

Birth: 10 Apr 1876 Mineral County, West Virginiabirth18

Death: 24 Apr 1949 Stowe, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: Henry John Lark

Mother: Eliza Ellen Kane

Ella Learn - 1866 to 1936

Birth: 20 March 1866 Mondovi, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USAbirth19

Death: 29 NOV 1936 Ischua, Cattaraugus County, NYdeath19


Father: David J. Jr. Green

Mother: Mary Lucretia Hoisington

Lula A. Lann - 1911 to 1993

Birth: 2 June 1911 Hackleburg, Marion, Alabama, USAbirth20

Death: 14 July 1993 Hackleburg, Marion, Alabama, USAdeath20


Father: Wesley Van Buran Yielding

Mother: Millie Jane Raburn

Lula Pearl Harn - 1871 to 1937

Birth: 15 JAN 1871 West Bridgewater, PAbirth21

Death: 28 JUL 1937 West Bridgewater, PA; 922 Market St


Father: Thornton Fleming Harn

Mother: Margaret Molter

Ella Virginia Lark - 1885 to 1968

Birth: 15 Nov 1885 Boyd, Kentucky, USAbirth22

Death: Jan 1968 Cabell County, West Virginia, United States of Americadeath22


Father: John R Lark

Mother: Sidney Jane Stewart

Ella Harn - 1851 to 1884

Birth: Abt. 1851 Indiana, USAbirth23

Death: Between 1884/ 1900 Saluda,Jefferson County,Indiana, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Catharine Hale

Ella Harn - 1851 to 1884

Birth: Abt. 1851 Indiana, USAbirth24

Death: Between 1884/ 1900 Saluda,Jefferson County,Indiana, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Catharine Hale

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