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Results for "Ulderic Leblond"

1 - 25 of 112 Records
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Alderic LeBlanc - 1899 to 1964

Birth: 6 Oct 1899 Lincoln, Johnson, Nebraska, United Statesbirth0

Death: 28 Feb 1964 Shamrock Txdeath0


Father: Pierre LeBlanc

Mother: Mathilde Mathilda Mercier

Alderic LeBlanc - 1906 to 1982

Birth: abt 1906 Haute Aboujagane, N.B.birth1

Death: 1982 Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath1


Father: Félicien A. Leblanc

Mother: Joséline Cormier

Alderic Leblanc - 1931 to 2000

Birth: 24 Jan 1931 Canadabirth2

Death: 26 Jun 2000 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath2


Father: Hector LeBlanc

Mother: Élise Doucet

Méderic LeBlanc - 1930 to 2010

Birth: 01 May 1930 Four Roads, Gloucester County, New Brunswick, Canadabirth3

Death: 10 Sep 2010 Tracadie-Sheila, Gloucester County, New Brunswick, Canadadeath3


Father: Jimmy James Leblanc

Mother: Catherine Édith Godin

Alderic LeBlanc - 1927 to 2004

Birth: 1927 Sainte Marie de Kent, New Brunswickbirth4

Death: 2004 Moncton, Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canadadeath4


Father: Joseph Albini Leblanc

Mother: Olive Cormier

Alderice Leblanc - 1930 to 1980

Birth: 19 Jan 1930 Haute-Aboujaganebirth5

Death: 24 juin 1980 DuPuis Corner, New Brunswick, CANADAdeath5


Father: Joseph Leblanc

Mother: Yvonne Babineau

Alderice Leblanc - 1930 to 1980

Birth: 19 Jan 1930 Haute-Aboujaganebirth6

Death: 24 juin 1980 DuPuis Corner, New Brunswick, CANADAdeath6


Father: Joseph Leblanc

Mother: Yvonne Babineau

Alderic Leblanc - 1928 to 2009

Birth: 06 Jun 1928 Bouctouche, co.Westmorland, NBbirth7

Death: 2009


Father: Joseph Adelbert Leblanc

Mother: Marguerite LeBlanc

Alderic Joseph LeBlanc - 1896 to 1985

Birth: 04 Mar 1896 St Anne Kent, Canadabirth8

Death: Apr 5 1985


Father: Cyprien Leblanc

Mother: Marie Luce Richard

Alderic LEBLANC - 1902 to 1992

Birth: 06 Jan 1902 Sweenyville Kent N.Bbirth9

Death: 21 Jun 1992 Leominster, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAdeath9


Father: Joseph Adolphe LeBlanc

Mother: Josephine St. Pierre

Alderic LeBlanc - 1912 to 1983

Birth: 1912 Breau's Creek, New Brunswick, Canadabirth10

Death: 6 Sep 1983 Moncton, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canadadeath10


Father: Clarence LeBlanc

Mother: Euphémie Goguen

Alderic Leblanc - 1898 to 1949

Birth: 18 Oct 1898 Legerville, Kent, New Brunswick, Canadabirth11

Death: 26 Aug 1949 Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath11


Father: Siméon E LeBlanc

Mother: Osite Eugenie Gaudet

Mederic Leblanc - 1848 to 1934

Birth: 12 JAN 1848 Cheticamp, Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth12

Death: 1 MAR 1934 Cheticamp, Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath12


Father: Simon LeBlanc

Mother: Susanne Chiasson

Alderic LeBlanc - 1928 to 2005

Birth: 1928 New Brunswick, Canadabirth13

Death: 14 Mar 2005 Villa Providence, Shediac, Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canadadeath13


Father: Avila Leblanc

Mother: Anna Gaudet

Goderic Leblanc - 1860 to 1862

Birth: 9 JAN 1860 Paroisse St-Thomas-de-Memramcook, N-Bbirth14

Death: BEF 8 JAN 1862 Memramcook, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canadadeath14


Father: Louis LeBlanc

Mother: Marguerite Gaudet

Aldéric André LeBlanc - 1913 to 1914

Birth: 20 Nov 1913 Notre Dame, Kent, New Brunswick, Canadabirth15

Death: 1914 Notre Dame, Kent, New Brunswick, Canadadeath15


Father: Edouard LeBlanc

Mother: Marine Surette

Alderic Leblanc - 1941 to 2008

Birth: 03 May 1941 Cocagne, Dundas Parish, Kent Co., NBbirth16

Death: 04 Apr 2008 Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Moncton, N.-B.death16


Father: Joseph Albert Leblanc

Mother: Délia Cormier

Alderice Leblanc - 1897 to 1898

Birth: 8 SEP 1897 Paroisse-Ste-Thérčse-de-Cap-Pelé, N-Bbirth17

Death: SEP 1898 Paroisse-Ste-Thérčse-de-Cap-Pelé, N-Bdeath17


Father: Albert G LeBlanc

Mother: Evangeline(Angéline) Drisdelle

Alderic Leblanc - 1941 to 2008

Birth: 03 May 1941 Cocagne, Dundas Parish, Kent Co., NBbirth18

Death: 04 Apr 2008 Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, Moncton, N.-B.death18


Father: Joseph Albert Leblanc

Mother: Délia Cormier

Alderic LEBLANC - 1895 to 1965

Birth: 18 SEP 1895 Ontario, Canadabirth19

Death: 30 JUN 1965


Father: Moise Leblanc

Mother: Rosalie Duperron

Goderic Leblanc - 1860 to 1862

Birth: 9 JAN 1860 Paroisse St-Thomas-de-Memramcook, N-Bbirth20

Death: BEF 8 JAN 1862 Memramcook, Westmorland County, New Brunswick, Canadadeath20


Father: Louis LeBlanc

Mother: Marguerite Gaudet

Mederic J. LEBLANC - 1917 to 2005

Birth: 26 APR 1917 res. of Paincourtville, Labirth21

Death: 4 MAR 2005 10:50 p.m. in Napoleonville, La. ( See obit. notesdeath21


Father: Duvellier Le Blanc

Mother: Dilia Pauline Daigle

Alderic Leblanc - 1901 to 1989

Birth: 13 avr 1901 Ste-Anne-de-Kent, N.-Bbirth22

Death: 1989


Father: Frank J Leblanc

Mother: Obéline Henri

Aldéric LeBlanc - 1901 to 1986

Birth: 21 SEP 1901 Cape Bald, Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canadabirth23

Death: 1986


Father: Thomas H LeBlanc

Mother: Bibianne Bourque

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