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Results for "Torbjorg Narheim"

1 - 25 of 36 Records
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Torbjorg Norheim - 1877 to 1955

Birth: August 8, 1877 Norheim, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth0

Death: December 14, 1955 Sakkestad Haugesund, Rogaland, norwaydeath0


Father: Anders Olavson Norheim

Mother: Guro Nilsdotter Kjosas

Torbjørn Larsson Norheim - 1822 to 1858

Birth: 12 Mar 1822 Furre, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaybirth1

Death: 18 Sep 1858 Norheim, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaydeath1


Father: Lars Torbjørnson Norheim

Mother: Anna Jonesdatter Furre

Torbjørn Larsson Norheim - 1822 to 1858

Birth: 12 Mar 1822 Furre, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaybirth2

Death: 18 Sep 1858 Norheim, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaydeath2


Father: Lars Torbjørnson Norheim

Mother: Anna Jonesdatter Furre

Torbjorn Nerheim - 1891 to 1967

Birth: 20 Apr 1891 Stavanger, Rogaland, Norwaybirth3

Death: 15 Dec 1967 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath3


Father: Lars Sjursen

Mother: Siri Torbjørnsdatter

Torbjørg OLSDATTER Herheim - 1816 to 1845

Birth: 28 Feb 1816 Voss, Hordaland,Norwaybirth4

Death: 11 Nov 1845 Voss, Hordaland,Norwaydeath4


Father: Ola Sonnesson Herheim

Mother: Sigvor Davidsdatter Vetle-Høn

Torbjørn Haaheim - 1923 to 1942

Birth: 18 NOV 1923 Neidenbirth5

Death: 03 OCT 1942 Neidendeath5


Father: Johan Haaheim

Mother: Augusta Pettersen

Torbjørn Johanneson Norheim - 1600 to 1647

Birth: 1600 Vikoy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth6

Death: 1647 Vikoy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaydeath6


Father: Johannes Ingvarson

Mother: Anna Torbjornsdatter

Torbjorn Hauge Nerheim - 1833 to 1908

Birth: 03 Jan 1833

Death: 1908 Norwaydeath7


Father: Rasmus * Torbjornsen

Mother: Britha "Brita" Olsdatter Nerheim Ljusnes

Torbjorn Hauge Nerheim - 1833 to 1908

Birth: 03 Jan 1833

Death: 1908 Norwaydeath8


Father: Rasmus * Torbjornsen

Mother: Britha "Brita" Olsdatter Nerheim Ljusnes

Torbjørn Gunnarsson Norheim - 1757 to 1795

Birth: 1757 Etne i Sunnhordaland, Norheimbirth9

Death: 1795 Etne i Sunnhordaland, Norheimdeath9


Father: Gunnar Åsmundsson Norheim

Mother: Anna Johannesdotter Fitja

Torborg Olsdotter Norheim - 1629 to 1695

Birth: about 1629 Jelsa, Rogaland, Norwaybirth10

Death: Abt. 1695 Vatsdeath10


Father: Ola Eriksen Norheim

Mother: Torborg Reidarsdotter

Torborg Olsdatter Norheim - 1685

Birth: 1685 Norheim, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Ole (Olav) Larsson.Jørstad


Torborg Olsdatter Norheim - 1685

Birth: 1685 Norheim, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Ole (Olav) Larsson.Jørstad


Torbjørg Nerheim - 1899

Birth: 26 Jul 1899 Florøbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Erik Nerheim

Mother: Margrethe Nerheim

Torbjørn1 Johannesson NORHEIM - 1614 to 1710

Birth: Bef 1614 Norheim, Vikøy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth14

Death: Bef 1710 Nilsgarden, Norheim, Vikøy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norway


Father: Johannes Ingvarson Norheim


Torbjørn Johanneson Norheim - 1600 to 1647

Birth: 1600 Vikoy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaybirth15

Death: 1647 Vikoy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norwaydeath15


Father: Sjur Steinsen

Mother: Anna Torbjørnsdatter Sandven

Torbjorg Talleivsdotter Aasheim - 1854

Birth: 1854 Midtsund, Kviteseid, Sundbygdi, Kviteseid, Telemark, Norgebirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Talleiv Halvorsson Aasheim (Age 87)

Mother: Asgjerd Tovsdotter unknown (Age72)

Torbjørg ONARHEIM - 1923

Birth: 1923 Tysnesbirth17

Death: Not Available Tysnesdeath17


Father: Johannes ONARHEIM

Mother: Kassianna FLATRÅKER

Torbjørg Narheim - 1695

Birth: 1695 Rene, V

Death: Not Available


Father: Arve Ivarson Rene

Mother: Kari Gitlesdtr.

Torborg Olson Norheim - 1685

Birth: ABT 1685 Norheim, Sjernarøy, Rogaland, Norwaybirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Ole (Olav) Larsson.Jørstad


Torborg Olsdtr Norheim - 1685

Birth: 1685 Norheim, Sjernarøybirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Ole (Olav) Larsson.Jørstad


Torbjørn Haaheim - 1923 to 1942

Birth: 18 NOV 1923 Neidenbirth21

Death: 03 OCT 1942 Neidendeath21


Father: Johan Haaheim

Mother: Not Available

Torbjørn3 Johannesson NORHEIM - 1658 to 1755

Birth: 1658 Nilsgarden, Norheim, Vikøy, Kvam, Hordaland, Norway

Death: Bef 1755 Norwaydeath22


Father: Johannes2 Torbjørnson NORHEIM

Mother: Not Available

Torbjørn Johannesson Norheim - 1600 to 1644

Birth: abt 1600 Norwaybirth23

Death: Aft. 1644 Norwaydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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