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Results for "Tomas Nedbal"

1 - 25 of 105 Records
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Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth0

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath0


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth1

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath1


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth2

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath2


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth3

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath3


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth4

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath4


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Bednal - 1800 to 1858

Birth: 22 Jun 1800 Hanbury, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth5

Death: 30 Mar 1858 37 Derby street, Hulme, Manchesterdeath5


Father: John Bednal

Mother: Sarah Godwin

Thomas Lee Nedbalek - 1945 to 2004

Birth: 05 April 1945 Quinter Gove, Kansasbirth6

Death: 20 November 2004 Wichita, Kansasdeath6


Father: Joseph Jacob Nedbalek

Mother: Eleanora Dazie Zemen

Tomas Olsa Nerdal - 1730 to 1781

Birth: 1730 Råna, Nordland, Norwaybirth7

Death: Jul 1781 Råna, Nordland, Norwaydeath7


Father: Ola Olsen

Mother: Dordie Andersdatter

thomas nedzbala - 1942 to 1994

Birth: 2/14/1942 njbirth8

Death: 15 Mar 1994 Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USAdeath8


Father: Frank T. Nedzbala

Mother: Pauline Gigel

Thomas Stanley Nedham - 1827 to 1857

Birth: abt 1827 Leicestershire, Englandbirth9

Death: 29 Aug 1857 Leicester, Leicestershire, Englanddeath9


Father: John Nedham

Mother: Sarah Bankart

Thomas Nedbalek - 1909 to 1982

Birth: 11 Jun 1909 Loup County, Taylor, Nebraskabirth10

Death: 10 Nov 1982 Twin Falls, Idahodeath10


Father: Jan "John" August Nedbalek

Mother: Terezie "Tracy" Sebesta

Thomas Nedham - 1612 to 1682

Birth: Mar 1612 Worksop, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Jan 1682 Worksop, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath11


Father: George Needham

Mother: Elizabeth Watson

Thomas Nedham - 1630 to 1690

Birth: 1630 Adderley, Shropshire, Englandbirth12

Death: ABT 1690 Duttondeath12


Father: Robert Needham ME Royalist, 2nd Viscount of Kilmorey and 2nd Feudal Baron of Orhera

Mother: Elinour Dutton Needham, Viscountess of Kilmorey

Thomas Nedham - 1713 to 1718

Birth: 13 Aug 1713 St Martin's Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandbirth13

Death: 4 Jun 1718 St Martin's Leicester, Leicestershire, Englanddeath13


Father: John Nedham

Mother: Mary Twenkyn

Thomas Nedham - 1733 to 1733

Birth: 14 Apr 1733 St Martin's Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandbirth14

Death: 14 May 1733 St Martin's Leicester, Leicestershire, Englanddeath14


Father: John Nedham

Mother: Mary Bushfield

Thomas Nedham - 1674 to 1675

Birth: Sep 1674 Gaddesby, Leicestershire, Englandbirth15

Death: Feb 1675/76 Gaddesby, Leicestershire, Englanddeath15


Father: Francis Nedham

Mother: Martha Cole

Thomas Stanley Nedham - 1885 to 1967

Birth: April 1885 Leicester, Leicestershire, Englandbirth16

Death: Sep 1967 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englanddeath16


Father: Albert Nedham

Mother: Rosetta Clarke

Thomas Moreton Bednal - 1827

Birth: 1827 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Bednal

Mother: Hannah Moreton

Thomas Nedham - 1562

Birth: ABT 1562 England, United Kingdombirth18



Father: Thomas Needham, Esq.

Mother: Anne Talbot Needham

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