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Results for "Tomas Narripa"

1 - 25 of 62 Records
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Thomas W. Harrica - 1913 to 1986

Birth: 10 May 1913 New York, United Statesbirth0

Death: 10 Aug 1986 Whitesboro, Oneida, New York, United Statesdeath0


Father: John W. Harrica

Mother: Margaret F. Reed

TOMAS GARRIGA - 1932 to 2007

Birth: 3 DEC 1932 Penuelas, Penuelas, Puerto Rico, USAbirth1

Death: 2007 Penuelas, Penuelas, Puerto Rico, USAdeath1


Father: Rafael Garriga Feliciano

Mother: Porfiria Figueroa

Tomasa Bustaman Barriga - 1918 to 1993

Birth: 25 Aug 1918 Presidio, Texasbirth2

Death: 23 Feb 1993 Odessa, Ector, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Escolastico Bustamante

Mother: Eloisa Bustamante

Thomas Louis Nardina - 1899 to 1990

Birth: 17 Jul 1899 Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: 19 Aug 1990 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Thomas Nardine

Mother: Palmyra Nardina

Tomas Garriga - 1934 to 2004

Birth: 27 Jun 1934 Peñuelas, Puerto Ricobirth4

Death: 30 Nov 2004


Father: Dámaso Garriga

Mother: Concepcion Torres

Tomas Närripä - 1818 to 1895

Birth: 12 MAY 1818

Death: 23 May 1895


Father: Mädara Karl Nörgapäe (Närripä)

Mother: Seriko Kaddri Nörgapäe

Thomas Louis Nardina - 1919 to 1987

Birth: 04//0/4/19 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 18 Oct 1987 McCandless Township, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USdeath6


Father: Thomas Louis Nardina

Mother: Selma A. Diemert

Tomasa Barriga - 1918 to 1993

Birth: 25 Aug 1918 Texasbirth7

Death: 23 Feb 1993 Odessa, Ector, Texas, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Angustino G. Barriga

Mother: Refugia (Cuca) Ruth Rede

Thomas Narrier - 1915 to 1975

Birth: 8 Dec 1915 Moora, Western Australia, Australiabirth8

Death: 26 May 1975 Moora Dist., Western Australia, Australia (60


Father: Thomas David Narrier

Mother: Mary Angelina aka Angelina Williway or Willoway

Thomas David Narrier - 1890 to 1956

Birth: 3 Feb 1890 New Norcia, Western Australia, Australiabirth9

Death: 11 Aug 1956 Perth Dist., Western Australia, Australia (66death9




Tomasa Barriga - 1875 to 1881

Birth: 1875

Death: 23 Sep 1881 La Huacana, Michoacán, Méxicodeath10


Father: Pedro Barriga

Mother: Maria Andrea Tinoco

Female IconMale Icon

Tomas Barriga - 1877

Birth: 1877

Death: Not Available


Father: Lucio Barriga

Mother: Juana Sanchez

Thomas J Marria - 1898 to 1963

Birth: 8 Dec 1898

Death: 5/13/1963


Father: Stephen K. Marria

Mother: Mary Ellen Burke

Female IconMale Icon

Tomas Barriga - 1877

Birth: 1877

Death: Not Available


Father: Lucio Barriga

Mother: Juana Sanchez

Tomas Barriga - 1848 to 1914

Birth: abt 1848

Death: 6 Nov 1914 Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Méxicodeath14


Father: Dionisio Barriga

Mother: Remígía Ruíz

Tomas Narrits - 1802 to 1875

Birth: 29 OCT 1802

Death: 9 SEP 1875


Father: Märt Narrits

Mother: Marri Narrits

Tomasa Blanco Barriga - 1906

Birth: 1906 Danao, Cebu, Phils

Death: Not Available


Father: Arsenio MONTES Barriga

Mother: Leonora MULON Blanco

Tomasa Garriga

Birth: Not Available Pinar del Rio, Cubabirth17

Death: Not Available Punta Brava, La Habana, Cubadeath17


Father: Tomas Garriga

Mother: Isabel Castañeda

Female IconMale Icon

Tomas Barriga - 1810

Birth: 1810

Death: Not Available




Tomasa Nuñez Barriga - 1850

Birth: 21 APR 1850 Arequipa,Arequipa,Perubirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Mariano NUÑEZ DELGADO

Mother: Not Available

Tomas Barriga - 1889

Birth: 1 Enero 1889 Totolapam, Oaxaca, Méxicobirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Santos Barriga

Mother: Not Available

Thomas Richard Carrita - 1974 to 2012

Birth: 18 DEC 1974 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusettsbirth21

Death: 01 MAY 2012 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusettsdeath21


Father: Richard J. Carrita

Mother: Not Available

Tomas Garriga - 1874

Birth: 1874 Hungarybirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Tomasa Barriga - 1834

Birth: 29 Dec 1834 Santa Rosa De Lima, Yotala, Chuquisaca, Boliviabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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