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Results for "Tochter Aebli"

1 - 25 of 33 Records

Tochter Aebli - 1811 to 1812

Birth: 19 Sep 1811 Ennenda, Ennetbuehls, Glarus, Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 19 Sep 1812 Ennenda, Ennetbuehls, Glarus, Switzerlanddeath0


Father: Fridolin Aebli

Mother: Anna Altmann

Tochter Aebli - 1819 to 1819

Birth: 17 Sep 1819 Ennenda GL, Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 17 Sep 1819 Ennenda GL, Switzerlanddeath1


Father: Johann Balthasar Aebli

Mother: Anna Margaretha Hösli

Tochter Aebli - 1811 to 1812

Birth: 19 Sep 1811 Ennenda, Ennetbuehls, Glarus, Switzerlandbirth2

Death: 19 Sep 1812 Ennenda, Ennetbuehls, Glarus, Switzerlanddeath2


Father: Fridolin Aebli

Mother: Anna Altmann

Tochter Aebli - 1774 to 1774

Birth: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GL)birth3

Death: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GL)death3


Father: Johannes Aebli

Mother: Rosina Leuzinger

Tochter Aebli - 1789 to 1789

Birth: 11 NOV 1789 Ennenda (GL)birth4

Death: 11 NOV 1789 Ennenda (GL)death4


Father: Jakob Aebli

Mother: Agatha Dürst

Tochter Aebli - 1774 to 1774

Birth: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GL)birth5

Death: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GL)death5


Father: Johannes Aebli

Mother: Rosina Leuzinger

Tochter Aebli - 1904 to 1904

Birth: 22 NOV 1904 Ennenda (GL)birth6

Death: 22 NOV 1904 Ennenda (GL)death6


Father: Jakob Aebli

Mother: Anna Maria Jenny

Tochter Aebli - 1819 to 1819

Birth: 17 Sep 1819 Ennenda GL, Switzerlandbirth7

Death: 17 Sep 1819 Ennenda GL, Switzerlanddeath7


Father: Johann Balthasar Aebli

Mother: Anna Margaretha Hösli

Tochter Aebli - 1866 to 1866

Birth: 14.11.1866 Ennenda (GLbirth8

Death: 14.11.1866 Ennenda (GLdeath8


Father: Fridolin Aebli

Mother: Salome Trümpy

Tochter Aebli - 1844 to 1844

Birth: 25.09.1844 Glarus (GLbirth9

Death: 25.09.1844 Glarus (GLdeath9


Father: Niklaus Aebli

Mother: Anna Maria Staub

Tochter Aebli - 1803 to 1803

Birth: 25.02.1803 Glarus (GLbirth10

Death: 27.02.1803 Glarus (GLdeath10


Father: Johann Jakob Aebli

Mother: Barbara Aebli

Tochter Aebli - 1883 to 1883

Birth: 26.12.1883 Glarus (GLbirth11

Death: 26.12.1883 Glarus (GLdeath11


Father: Balthasar Aebli

Mother: Emilie Egli

Tochter Aebli - 1795 to 1795

Birth: 10.06.1795 Glarus (GLbirth12

Death: 10.06.1795 Glarus (GLdeath12


Father: Balthasar Aebli

Mother: Sara Streiff

Tochter Aebli - 1772 to 1772

Birth: 15.11.1772 Bilten (GLbirth13

Death: 15.11.1772 Bilten (GLdeath13


Father: Jakob Aebli

Mother: Anna Margreth Staub

Tochter Aebli - 1757 to 1757

Birth: 07.09.1757 Bilten (GLbirth14

Death: 07.09.1757 Bilten (GLdeath14


Father: Johann Heinrich Aebli

Mother: Barbara Blum

Tochter Aebli - 1738 to 1738

Birth: 02.09.1738 Bilten (GLbirth15

Death: 02.09.1738 Bilten (GLdeath15


Father: Heinrich Aebli

Mother: Magdalena Egger

Tochter Aebli - 1774 to 1774

Birth: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GLbirth16

Death: 24.01.1774 Bilten (GLdeath16


Father: Johannes Aebli

Mother: Rosina Leuzinger

Tochter Aebli - 1870 to 1870

Birth: 29.11.1870 Ennenda (GLbirth17

Death: 29.11.1870 Ennenda (GLdeath17


Father: Jost Aebli

Mother: Anna Luchsinger

Tochter Aebli - 1870 to 1870

Birth: 05.06.1870 Glarus (GLbirth18

Death: 05.06.1870 Glarus (GLdeath18


Father: Johann Jakob Aebli

Mother: Katharina Iselin

Tochter Aebli - 1841 to 1841

Birth: 17.01.1841 Ennenda (GLbirth19

Death: 17.01.1841 Ennenda (GLdeath19


Father: Johann Heinrich Aebli

Mother: Columbina Hösli

Tochter Aebli - 1795 to 1795

Birth: 06.05.1795 Ennenda (GLbirth20

Death: 06.05.1795 Ennenda (GLdeath20


Father: Heinrich Aebli

Mother: Adelheid Vogel

Tochter Aebli - 1795 to 1795

Birth: 10 JUN 1795 Glarus (GL)birth21

Death: 10 JUN 1795 Glarus (GL)death21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Sara Streiff

Tochter Aebli - 1772 to 1772

Birth: 15 NOV 1772 Bilten (GL)birth22

Death: 15 NOV 1772 Bilten (GL)death22


Father: Jakob Aebli

Mother: Not Available

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