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Results for "Tibitha Adams"

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Tabitha Angeline Adams - 1844 to 1929

Birth: 05 Jan 1844 Missouribirth0

Death: 22 Aug 1929 Garden City, Cass, Missouri, USAdeath0


Father: John W Adams

Mother: Mary Cartwright

Tabitha Angeline Adams - 1844 to 1929

Birth: 05 Jan 1844 Missouribirth1

Death: 22 Aug 1929 Garden City, Cass, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: John W Adams

Mother: Mary Cartwright

Tabitha Catherine Adams - 1847 to 1885

Birth: 16 December 1847 Chattooga County, Georgia, USAbirth2

Death: 1885 Decatur, Morgan, Alabama, USAdeath2


Father: Thaddeus Adams

Mother: Elizabeth Williams

Tabitha Catherine Adams - 1847 to 1885

Birth: 16 December 1847 Chattooga County, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 1885 Decatur, Morgan, Alabama, USAdeath3


Father: Thaddeus Adams

Mother: Elizabeth Williams

Tabitha Adams - 1838 to 1903

Birth: 1838 Pearl River, Mississippi, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1903 Nibletts Bluff, Vinton, Calcasieu, Louisiana, USAdeath4


Father: John Q Adams

Mother: Rhoda Frizzell Adams

Tabitha Jane ADAMS - 1835 to 1873

Birth: November 10, 1835 Georgiabirth5

Death: 02 Nov 1873 Georgia, USAdeath5


Father: Elijah Cowan Adams

Mother: Julia Ann Thompson (Adams)

Tabitha Jane ADAMS - 1835 to 1873

Birth: November 10, 1835 Georgiabirth6

Death: 02 Nov 1873 Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: Elijah Cowan Adams

Mother: Julia Ann Thompson (Adams)

Tabitha Caroline Adams - 1820 to 1899

Birth: 1820 Rutherford, Tennessee, United Statesbirth7

Death: Jul 1899 Bankston, Saline, Illinois, United Statesdeath7


Father: William D. Adams

Mother: Catherine Clarkson

Tabitha C Adams - 1829 to 1901

Birth: abt 1829 Bedford Co. Virginia birth8

Death: 1901 Bedford Co, Virginia death8


Father: John Witt

Mother: Jane White

Tabitha C Adams - 1829 to 1901

Birth: abt 1829 Bedford Co. Virginia birth9

Death: 1901 Bedford Co, Virginia death9


Father: John Witt

Mother: Jane White

Tabitha ADAMS - 1834 to 1906

Birth: abt 1834 Marlboro, South Carolinabirth10

Death: 13 Jul 1906 Bennettsville, Marlboro, South Carolina, United Statesdeath10


Father: Welcome Ernest ADAMS

Mother: Elizabeth Jones

Tabitha Adams - 1794 to 1831

Birth: 1794 Chivelstone Devon Englandbirth11

Death: 1831 Middlesex, Englanddeath11


Father: Richard Adams

Mother: Mary White

Tabitha Adams - 1794 to 1831

Birth: 1794 Chivelstone Devon Englandbirth12

Death: 1831 Middlesex, Englanddeath12


Father: Richard Adams

Mother: Mary White

Tabitha Adams - 1707 to 1727

Birth: Abt. 1707 possibly County Charles, COLONY of Maryland, North Americabirth13

Death: 1727 or AFT Clinch, County Tazewell, COLONY of Virginia, North America death13


Father: Samuel Adams (No Viable Information 26Jul14)

Mother: Charity Courts

Tabitha Adams - 1707 to 1727

Birth: Abt. 1707 possibly County Charles, COLONY of Maryland, North Americabirth14

Death: 1727 or AFT Clinch, County Tazewell, COLONY of Virginia, North America death14


Father: Samuel Adams (No Viable Information 26Jul14)

Mother: Charity Courts

Talitha Cunaliah Quincy Adams - 1842 to 1917

Birth: 04 Mar 1842 Marion,Williamson,Illinois,USAbirth15

Death: 17 SEP 1917 Eden, Concho, Texas, USAdeath15


Father: William Adams

Mother: Susan England

Talitha J. "Lithia" Adams - 1878 to 1916

Birth: Apr 1878 Grundy County, Tennessee, USAbirth16

Death: 11 March 1916 Alabama, USAdeath16


Father: William W Adams

Mother: Talitha Emily Thomas Adams

Tabitha Adams - 1728 to 1788

Birth: 7 JUL 1728 New Kent, Virginia, United Statesbirth17

Death: Aug 1788 Augusta, Virginia, USAdeath17


Father: Captain Ebenezer Adams

Mother: Tabitha Cocke

Tabitha Adams - 1740 to 1776

Birth: 8 Jan 1740 Somerset County, Maryland, USAbirth18

Death: Dec 1776 Castlewood, Tazewell County, Virginiadeath18


Father: Samuel Moore Adams

Mother: Charity Courts

Tabitha L Adams - 1877 to 1945

Birth: 7 Dec 1877 Rockford, Coosa, Alabama, USAbirth19

Death: 18 Aug 1945 Rockford, Coosa, Alabama, USAdeath19


Father: Simeon M Adams

Mother: Martha Ann McEwen

Tabitha Adams - 1838 to 1903

Birth: 1838 Pearl River County, Mississippi, United States of Americabirth20

Death: 1903 Nibletts Bluff, Vinton, Louisianadeath20


Father: John Mason Adams

Mother: Rhoda Adeline 'Rhody' Frizzel

Talitha Frances Addams - 1848 to 1901

Birth: 8 Nov 1848 Antioch Mills, Harrison, Kentucky, USAbirth21

Death: 13 Dec 1901 Lair, Harrison, Kentucky, United Statesdeath21


Father: John Wesley Adams

Mother: Elizabeth Whitaker

Tobitha Elizabeth "Bytha" Adams - 1862 to 1900

Birth: abt 1862 Texas, USAbirth22

Death: Aft. 1900 Texas, USAdeath22


Father: James Tighlman Adams

Mother: Elizabeth "Bettie" Morgan

Tabitha Addams - 1730 to 1758

Birth: 30 Aug 1730 Somerset, Maryland, United Statesbirth23

Death: 1758 Somerset, Maryland, United Statesdeath23


Father: Phillip Adams

Mother: Ellis TAYLOR

Tabitha Elizabeth "Bettie" Adams - 1880 to 1954

Birth: 12 Dec 1880 FANNIN CO TEXASbirth24

Death: 19 Feb 1954 Sherman, Grayson, Texas, USAdeath24


Father: William Smith Adams

Mother: Mary Jane Burns

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