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Results for "Thomas Neist"

1 - 25 of 398 Records
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Thomas W. Geist - 1892 to 1966

Birth: 30 Dec 1892 Medford, Kansas, USAbirth0

Death: 1966 Reno Co. KSdeath0


Father: Edward Robert Geist

Mother: Mattie Josephine Evans

Thomas W. Geist - 1892 to 1966

Birth: 30 Dec 1892 Medford, Kansas, USAbirth1

Death: 1966 Reno Co. KSdeath1


Father: Edward Robert Geist

Mother: Mattie Josephine Evans

Thomas W Nist - 1920 to 1994

Birth: 22 Jul 1920 Akron, Summit, Ohio, United Statesbirth2

Death: 13 September 1994 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Austin R Nist

Mother: Ruth Dolores Nist

Thomas Edward Neis - 1929 to 2012

Birth: 05 Oct 1929 Wisconsinbirth3

Death: 13 December 2012 Eau Claire WIdeath3


Father: Cletus Adam Neis

Mother: Eileen Brown Neis

Thomas Neish - 1831 to 1887

Birth: abt 1831 Abbotshall, Fife, Scotlandbirth4

Death: 26 Apr 1887 Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotlanddeath4


Father: George Neish

Mother: Cartherine Neish/Beaton

Thomas Neish - 1831 to 1887

Birth: abt 1831 Abbotshall, Fife, Scotlandbirth5

Death: 26 Apr 1887 Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotlanddeath5


Father: George Neish

Mother: Cartherine Neish/Beaton

Thomas Lorenzo Leist - 1904 to 1988

Birth: 28 Jul 1904 Humboldt, Iowabirth6

Death: 13 Oct 1988 Rockwell City, Calhoun, Iowa, USAdeath6


Father: Joseph Michael Leist

Mother: Hannah Jeannette Hetherington

Thomas S Feist - 1888 to 1928

Birth: 1888 Horsham, Sussex, Englandbirth7

Death: 1928 Hailsham, Sussex, Englanddeath7


Father: Frederick George FEIST

Mother: Harriett Agate

Thomas S Feist - 1888 to 1928

Birth: 1888 Horsham, Sussex, Englandbirth8

Death: 1928 Hailsham, Sussex, Englanddeath8


Father: Frederick George FEIST

Mother: Harriett Agate

Thomas Redford Feist - 1845 to 1912

Birth: October 1845 East Grinstead, Sussex, Englandbirth9

Death: January 1912 St Pancras, London, United Kingdomdeath9


Father: John REDFORD

Mother: Mary Flint

Thomas Redford Feist - 1845 to 1912

Birth: October 1845 East Grinstead, Sussex, Englandbirth10

Death: January 1912 St Pancras, London, United Kingdomdeath10


Father: John REDFORD

Mother: Mary Flint

Thomas S Feist - 1888 to 1928

Birth: 1888 Horsham, Sussex, Englandbirth11

Death: 1928 Hailsham, Sussex, Englanddeath11


Father: Frederick George FEIST

Mother: Harriett Agate

Thomas S Feist - 1888 to 1928

Birth: 1888 Horsham, Sussex, Englandbirth12

Death: 1928 Hailsham, Sussex, Englanddeath12


Father: Frederick George FEIST

Mother: Harriett Agate

Thomas Redford Feist - 1845 to 1912

Birth: October 1845 East Grinstead, Sussex, Englandbirth13

Death: January 1912 St Pancras, London, United Kingdomdeath13


Father: John REDFORD

Mother: Mary Flint

Thomas Himmelwright Heist - 1907 to 1985

Birth: 3 OCT 1907 Harrisburg, PAbirth14

Death: AUG 1985 Ocean City, Cape May Co., NJdeath14


Father: Stuart Harrar Heist

Mother: Hannah May Beidelman

Thomas Neish Neish - 1761 to 1833

Birth: 2 Apr 1761 Dundee, Angus, Scotlandbirth15

Death: 18 NOV 1833 Dundee, Angus, Scotlanddeath15


Father: James Niesh

Mother: Margaret Davidson

Thomas Andrew FEIST - 1912 to 1995

Birth: 22 February 1912 Russiabirth16

Death: 25 August 1995 Ponoka, Red Deer Census Division, Alberta, Canadadeath16


Father: Michael Anton Feist


Thomas Leist - 1943 to 2018

Birth: 15 Oct 1943 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAbirth17

Death: 18 Nov 2018 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, USAdeath17


Father: Russell Leist

Mother: Mildred Eloise Wheeler

Thomas D Leist - 1921 to 2015

Birth: 1921 Iowabirth18

Death: 03 Jul 2015


Father: Johann Leist

Mother: Gertje Lena Elsen

Thomas Feist - 1816 to 1895

Birth: abt 1816 Cuckfield, Sussex, Englandbirth19

Death: October 1895 Cuckfield, Sussexdeath19


Father: James Feist

Mother: Martha Uwins

Thomas C Geist - 1879 to 1927

Birth: abt 1879 Ohiobirth20

Death: 23 Dec 1927


Father: Charles H Geist

Mother: Louisa A Acker

Thomas Neish - 1899 to 1988

Birth: 20 JUN 1899 29, Kerr Street, Glasgowbirth21

Death: 3 NOV 1988 Addington Hospital, Durban, South Africadeath21


Father: Thomas Neish

Mother: Marion McConnell

Thomas Neish - 1876 to 1958

Birth: abt 1876 Glasgow, Lanarkbirth22

Death: 1958 Ayrdeath22


Father: Thomas Neish

Mother: Helen Duncan Graham

Thomas Allen Geist - 1855 to 1892

Birth: 1855 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 11 Oct 1892


Father: John Louis Geist

Mother: Esther Ann Shortledge

Thomas Gneist - 1765 to 1827

Birth: 20 DEC 1765 Schwarzenbach, Platzbirth24

Death: 15 FEB 1827 Schwarzenbach, Platz 53death24


Father: Anton Gneist

Mother: Maria Catharina Auer

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