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Results for "Thomas Neesam"

1 - 25 of 44 Records

Thomas NEESAM - 1876 to 1950

Birth: April 1876 New Seaham, Durham, England, UKbirth0

Death: 1950 CHESTER LE STREET County Durham Englanddeath0


Father: Robert G Neesam

Mother: Jane Bird

Thomas Neesam - 1851 to 1905

Birth: 1851 Barnsley, Yorkshirebirth1

Death: Jan 1905 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath1


Father: Neesam

Mother: Catherine Carrol

Thomas Neesam - 1851 to 1905

Birth: 1851 Barnsley, Yorkshirebirth2

Death: Jan 1905 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath2


Father: Neesam

Mother: Catherine Carrol

Thomas Neesam - 1851 to 1905

Birth: 1851 Barnsley, Yorkshirebirth3

Death: Jan 1905 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath3


Father: Neesam

Mother: Catherine Carrol

Thomas Neesam - 1851 to 1905

Birth: 1851 Barnsley, Yorkshirebirth4

Death: Jan 1905 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath4


Father: Neesam

Mother: Catherine Carrol

Thomas Neesam - 1851 to 1905

Birth: 1851 Barnsley, Yorkshirebirth5

Death: Jan 1905 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Ridingdeath5


Father: Neesam

Mother: Catherine Carrol

Thomas Neesam - 1917 to 1995

Birth: 26 Oct 1917 Chester le Street, Durhambirth6

Death: Nov 1995 CHESTER LE STREET County Durham Englanddeath6


Father: Thomas Neesam

Mother: Dorothy Jopling

Thomas Neesam - 1823 to 1857

Birth: 1823 Brompton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth7

Death: 1857


Father: Thomas Neesam

Mother: Jane FAWCETT

Thomas Neesam - 1823 to 1857

Birth: 1823 Brompton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth8

Death: 1857


Father: Thomas Neesam

Mother: Jane FAWCETT

Thomas Neesam - 1823 to 1857

Birth: 1823 Brompton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth9

Death: 1857


Father: Thomas Neesam

Mother: Jane FAWCETT

Thomas Edward Neesam - 1925 to 2009

Birth: Jul 1925 West Hartlepool, Durham, Englandbirth10

Death: 04 Feb 2009 Hartlepool, Durham, Englanddeath10


Father: John Robert Neesam

Mother: Olive Fryer

Thomas Neesam - 1811 to 1888

Birth: 1811 Osmotherley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: January 1888 Northallerton, Yorkshire North Ridingdeath11


Father: Ralph Neesam

Mother: Jane Short

Thomas Neesam - 1816 to 1867

Birth: 16 May 1816 Brompton, Yorkshire, , Englandbirth12

Death: 1867 Brompton by Northallerton Yorkshiredeath12


Father: John Neesam


Thomas Johnson Neesam - 1877 to 1968

Birth: September 1877 Middlesborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 16 January 1968 Leeds Yorkshire Englanddeath13


Father: George Neesam

Mother: Alice Newton Chester

Thomas Neesam - 1876 to 1950

Birth: April 1876 New Seaham, Durham, England, UKbirth14

Death: 30 May 1950 CHESTER LE STREET County Durham Englanddeath14


Father: Robert G Neesam

Mother: Jane Bird

Thomas Neesam - 1783 to 1866

Birth: 12 Jan 1783 Brompton, Northallerton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Dec 1866 Yorkshire - North Riding, North Yorkshire, United Kingdomdeath15


Father: Robert Neesam #

Mother: Mary Iley

Thomas Neesam - 1917 to 1995

Birth: 26 Oct 1917 CHESTER LE STREET County Durham Englandbirth16

Death: Nov 1995 Chester, le, Street, County, Durham, Englanddeath16


Father: Thomas Neesam

Mother: Dorothy Jopling

Thomas Neesam - 1928 to 1991

Birth: 14 Jun 1928 Middlesbrough, North Yorkshirebirth17

Death: 16 Dec 1991 Central Cleveland, Cleveland, Englanddeath17


Father: Fred Neesam

Mother: Annie Burns

Thomas Edward Neesam - 1909 to 1968

Birth: October 1909 Holmside, Durham, Englandbirth18

Death: Jun 1968 Durham Northern, Durham, Englanddeath18


Father: John Neesam

Mother: Mary Dresser

Thomas Neesam - 1833 to 1916

Birth: 1833 Brompton Yorkshire Englandbirth19

Death: Jun 1916 Castle Ward, Northumberland, Englanddeath19


Father: John Neesam


Thomas h Neesam - 1879 to 1951

Birth: 1879

Death: 1951


Father: George Neesam

Mother: Jane Fawcett

Thomas Neesam - 1833

Birth: 17 JUN 1833 Brompton Yorkshire Englandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: John Neesam

Mother: Jane Elgie

Thomas Neesam - 1928 to 1991

Birth: 14 Jun 1928 Middlesborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth22

Death: 16 Dec 1991 Skinningrove Clevelanddeath22


Father: Albert Edward Neesam

Mother: Catherine Burns

Thomas Neesam - 1876 to 1926

Birth: Jun 1876 Easington, Durham, Englandbirth23

Death: Feb 1926 Hartlepool, Durham, Englanddeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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