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Results for "Thomas Navy"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Thomas Navy - 1837 to 1872

Birth: 23 Dec 1837 Taylors Island, Dorchester County, Marylandbirth0

Death: 24 Aug 1872 Dorchester County, Maryland, USAdeath0


Father: Moses Geoghegan Navy

Mother: Sarah Hooper

Thomas E. Navy - 1847 to 1848

Birth: 1847 Dorchester County, Maryland, USAbirth1

Death: September 23, 1848 Dorchester County, MDdeath1


Father: Henry Geoghegan Navy

Mother: Elizabeth Dean

Thomas E. Navy - 1847 to 1848

Birth: 1847 Dorchester County, Maryland, USAbirth2

Death: September 23, 1848 Dorchester County, MDdeath2


Father: Henry Geoghegan Navy

Mother: Elizabeth Dean

Thomas Navy - 1792 to 1856

Birth: 1792 Dorchester, Marylandbirth3

Death: November 2, 1856 Dorchester, Marylanddeath3


Father: Thomas Navey

Mother: Elizabeth Geoghegan

Thomas Navy - 1882

Birth: Mar 1882 Iowabirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Novy

Mother: Mary Kozisek

Thomas Navy - 1882

Birth: Mar 1882 Iowabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Novy

Mother: Mary Kozisek

Thomas J. Navy - 1856 to 1925

Birth: August 22, 1856 Dorchester, Marylandbirth6

Death: 31 Oct 1925 Taylors Island, Dorchester, Maryland, United Statesdeath6


Father: Moses Dean Navy

Mother: Susan Caroline Tall

Thomas Dey Navy - 1868 to 1872

Birth: February 21, 1868 Dorchester, Marylandbirth7

Death: February 21, 1872 Dorchester, Marylanddeath7


Father: Thomas Navy

Mother: Cornelia Augusta Radcliffe

Thomas E Navy - 1873

Birth: 1873 New Yorkbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Thomas Navy - 1768 to 1836

Birth: 1768

Death: 1836


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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