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Results for "Thomas Ahaspe"

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Thomas Quincy Sharpe - 1900 to 1980

Birth: abt 1900 Georgiabirth0

Death: 24 Aug 1980 Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Omar Sharpe


Thomas Llewellyn Sharpe - 1878 to 1971

Birth: 2/4/1878 Cardigan, Wales, United Kingdombirth1

Death: 7 Dec 1971 Lockport, NYdeath1


Father: John Sharpe

Mother: Anna Maria Sharpe Owen

Thomas Benjamine Sharpe - 1874 to 1936

Birth: 10 Jun 1874 Eye, Eye Green, Northamptonshire, Englandbirth2

Death: Mar 30, 1936 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Sharpe

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Harbour

Thomas Sharpe - 1876 to 1915

Birth: Jan 1876 Dartford, Kent, Englandbirth3

Death: 24 May 1915 , Warwickshire, , Englanddeath3


Father: Thomas Sharpe

Mother: Anne Maria Waller

Thomas Henry Sharpe - 1893 to 1971

Birth: 16 Aug 1893 Houghton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth4

Death: Jul 1971 Dewsbury, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath4


Father: Enoch Sharpe

Mother: Emma Tonks

THOMAS SHARPE - 1833 to 1902

Birth: 1833 Thorp Audlin, near Badsworth, Yorkshire, Englandbirth5

Death: Mar 1902 Doncaster probably Tickhill, Yorkshiredeath5


Father: Joseph Sharp

Mother: Mary Hall

Thomas Chasse - 1867 to 1949

Birth: Jun 1867 Mainebirth6

Death: 19 Apr 1949 St Agatha, Aroostook, Maine, USAdeath6


Father: Germain Thomas Chassé

Mother: Dometilde Collin

Thomas James Sharpe - 1862 to 1947

Birth: 29 April 1862 Clarkebirth7

Death: 24 Nov 1947 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath7


Father: John Sharpe

Mother: Margaret McKague

Thomas Sharpe - 1798 to 1878

Birth: 1798 Martin, NCbirth8

Death: 11 Nov 1878 Newton, Georgia, United Statesdeath8


Father: Samuel Lafayette Sharp - Kings Mountain

Mother: Hannah Humbard

Thomas Frederick Sharpe - 1902 to 1937

Birth: 24 Mar 1902 Hanover County, Vabirth9

Death: Feb 1937 Troy, Albany, New York, USAdeath9


Father: David Sharpe

Mother: Margaret Mulholland

THOMAS SHARPE - 1820 to 1863

Birth: Feb 1820 Lancashire, Englandbirth10

Death: Oct 1863 Ulverston Lancashiredeath10


Father: Laurence Sharp

Mother: Mary Sharp

Thomas Erving Sharpe - 1911 to 1990

Birth: abt 1911 Mainebirth11

Death: February 17, 1990 Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath11


Father: Albert Cecil Sharpe

Mother: Cora Bloodsworth

Thomas Llewellyn Sharpe - 1878 to 1971

Birth: 2/4/1878 Cardigan, Wales, United Kingdombirth12

Death: 7 Dec 1971 Lockport, NYdeath12


Father: John Sharpe

Mother: Anna Maria Sharpe Owen

Thomas W Sharpe - 1887 to 1986

Birth: Q1 1887 Leicester, Leicestershirebirth13

Death: 27 Jul 1986 Pinellas, Clearwater, Florida, United Statesdeath13


Father: Walter Sharpe

Mother: Mary Robinson

THOMAS SHARPE - 1833 to 1902

Birth: 1833 Thorp Audlin, near Badsworth, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Mar 1902 Doncaster probably Tickhill, Yorkshiredeath14


Father: Joseph Sharp

Mother: Mary Hall

Thomas Henry Sharpe - 1893 to 1971

Birth: 16 Aug 1893 Houghton, Yorkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Jul 1971 Dewsbury, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath15


Father: Enoch Sharpe

Mother: Emma Tonks

Thomas J Tharpe - 1886 to 1964

Birth: 23 May 1886 Holly River, Webster Co., West Virginia, USAbirth16

Death: 20 Nov 1964 Richwood, Nicholas County, West Virginiadeath16


Father: Brown T Tharp

Mother: Mary Kathryn Fisher

Thomas M Sharpe - 1866 to 1947

Birth: 12 Aug 1866 Spartanburg County, South Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 01 Jul 1947 Dallas, Texasdeath17


Father: John David Sharp

Mother: Sarah Melinda Davis

Thomas R. Sharpe - 1840 to 1908

Birth: 20 Jul 1840 Wells, Norfolk, Englandbirth18

Death: April 1908 Mutford, Suffolkdeath18


Father: John Sharpe

Mother: Maria Youngs

THOMAS SHARPE - 1820 to 1863

Birth: Feb 1820 Lancashire, Englandbirth19

Death: Oct 1863 Ulverston Lancashiredeath19


Father: Laurence Sharp

Mother: Mary Sharp

Thomas Connette Sharpe - 1878 to 1945

Birth: 06 Jan 1878 Iredell County, North Carolinabirth20

Death: 28 Aug 1945 Statesville, Iredell Couinty, North Carolinadeath20


Father: Hiram Wilson Sharpe

Mother: Lydia Isabelle Prevett**

Thomas M. Sharpe - 1851 to 1922

Birth: 21 May 1851 North Carolinabirth21

Death: 24 Nov 1922 Calhoun, Alabama, United Statesdeath21


Father: Claiborne I. Sharpe

Mother: Courtney A Johnson

Thomas Chasse - 1867 to 1949

Birth: Jun 1867 Mainebirth22

Death: 19 Apr 1949 St Agatha, Aroostook, Maine, USAdeath22


Father: Germain Thomas Chassé

Mother: Dometilde Collin

Thomas H Sharpe - 1808 to 1893

Birth: 2 August 1808 Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 12 Feb 1893 Indianapolis, Marion, Indianadeath23


Father: Ebenezer Sharpe

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Lake

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