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Results for "Thirza Allen"

1 - 25 of 78 Records

Thirza A. Allen - 1854 to 1920

Birth: January 1854 Tilney St Lawrence, Norfolk, Englandbirth0

Death: Mar 1920 Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Jacob Allen

Mother: Thirza Swaby

Thirza A. Allen - 1854 to 1920

Birth: January 1854 Tilney St Lawrence, Norfolk, Englandbirth1

Death: Mar 1920 Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, Englanddeath1


Father: Jacob Allen

Mother: Thirza Swaby

THIRZA Estella Allen - 1898 to 1977

Birth: 1 Aug 1898 Worcester, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 01 Nov 1977 Greenfield, MA, Franklin Co.death2


Father: Elmer J Allen*

Mother: Amelia Elizabeth Griffin*

Thirza Allen - 1831 to 1888

Birth: abt 1831 Ludham, Norfolk, Englandbirth3

Death: NOV 1888 Ludham, Norfolkdeath3


Father: John Fulcher

Mother: Sarah

Thirza Allen - 1840 to 1907

Birth: 27 Jan 1840 St Mary Bourne, Hampshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 11 Jan 1907 Redcar, Guisborough, Yorkshire, Englanddeath4


Father: Thomas Allen

Mother: Lucy Gamester

Thirza Allen - 1805 to 1861

Birth: 1805 Barnwell District, South Carolina, USAbirth5

Death: 1861 Tallahassee, Leon, Florida, USAdeath5


Father: Joseph P. Allen

Mother: Sarah Ann Bryan

Thirza Anne Allen - 1847 to 1897

Birth: 1847 Bath, Somerset, Englandbirth6

Death: Jun 1897 Walcot, Bath, Somerset, Englanddeath6


Father: Frederick Allen

Mother: Caroline Smith

Thirza Anne Allen - 1847 to 1897

Birth: 1847 Bath, Somerset, Englandbirth7

Death: Jun 1897 Walcot, Bath, Somerset, Englanddeath7


Father: Frederick Allen

Mother: Caroline Smith

Thirza Selina Allen - 1868 to 1948




Father: William Allen


Thirza Allen - 1870 to 1911

Birth: 16 May 1870 Bright, York, New Brunswick, Canadabirth9

Death: Bef 1911


Father: Alexander Allen

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Jewett

Thirza Ezelle Allen - 1895 to 1962

Birth: Jul 1895 Sopchoppy, Wakulla, Florida, USAbirth10

Death: Oct. 1962 Crawfordville, Wakulla, Floridadeath10


Father: Joseph Milton Allen

Mother: Carrie Rouse

Thirza Allen - 1783 to 1866

Birth: 17 Dec 1783 Vermont, USAbirth11

Death: 12 January 1866 Springwater, Livingston County, New York, USAdeath11




Thirza / Teresa / Thurza Allen - 1805 to 1888

Birth: 28 July 1805 Westport, Connecticut, USAbirth12

Death: 30 Jul 1888 Trenton, Mercer, NJ, USAdeath12


Father: Hezekiah Allen

Mother: Deborah Allen

Thirza M Allen - 1888 to 1919

Birth: 10 May 1888 Dixmont, Penobscot, Maine, USAbirth13

Death: 24 Jan 1919 Mainedeath13


Father: George F. Allen

Mother: Cora E Harrington

Thirza Allen - 1840 to 1907

Birth: 27 Jan 1840 St Mary Bourne, Hampshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 11 Jan 1907 Guisborough, Yorkshire North Riding, Englanddeath14


Father: Thomas Allen

Mother: Lucy Gamester

Thirza Allen - 1848

Birth: July 1848 Newport, Monmouthshirebirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Allen

Mother: Mary Allen

Thirza Ann Allen - 1853 to 1927

Birth: 13 Jul 1853 Watlington, Norfolk, Englandbirth16

Death: 30 Jan 1927 Downham Market, Norfolk, Englanddeath16


Father: Charles Allen

Mother: Phoebe Adams

Thirza Allen - 1841 to 1921

Birth: 1841 Great Glen, Leicestershirebirth17

Death: 29 Mar 1921 Welford, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath17


Father: William Allen

Mother: Priscilla Sharpless

Thirza Allen - 1863 to 1912

Birth: Jan 1863 Luton, Bedfordshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 23 Dec 1912 Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdomdeath18


Father: Albert Simpkins Allen

Mother: Hannah Elliot Bates

Thirza Allen - 1838 to 1911

Birth: 1838 Black Torrington, Holsworthy, Devonbirth19

Death: 4 Feb 1911 Stratton, Cornwall, Englanddeath19


Father: Richard Allin

Mother: Mary Susan Banbury

Thirza T Allen - 1857 to 1917

Birth: abt 1857 Mainebirth20

Death: 27 Feb 1917 Lewiston, Maine, United Statesdeath20


Father: Otis Allen

Mother: Charlotte C. Richardson

thirza june allen - 1848 to 1907

Birth: abt 1848 Exeter Holy Trinity, Devon, Englandbirth21

Death: Oct 1907 Devonshire, United Kingdom, thiriza jane hunns


Father: Henry Turner Allen

Mother: Thyrza (Theresa) Tout

Thirza Maria Allen - 1861 to 1861

Birth: 1861 Lowestoft, Suffolkbirth22

Death: Mar 1861 Lowestoft, Suffolkdeath22


Father: William Allen

Mother: Thirza Harrison

Thirza Allen - 1805 to 1888

Birth: 28 July 1805 Westport, Connecticut, USAbirth23

Death: 30 July 1888 Trenton, New Jersey, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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