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Results for "Theresia Schneider"

1 - 25 of 1,630 Records

Theresia Eleanor Schneider - 1918 to 2006

Birth: December 14,1918 Celestine, Dubois, Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: January 30,2006 Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Frank John Schneider

Mother: Mary W Bromm

Theresia Miller Schneider - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 24 Jun 1887 Pittsburgh Allegheny Co, PAbirth1

Death: Jan 1973 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath1


Father: John H Miller

Mother: Mathilda Minna Klein

Theresia Schneider - 1893 to 1973

Birth: July 4, 1893 Hungarybirth2

Death: Nov 1973 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USAdeath2


Father: Johann Schneider

Mother: Elizabeth Jungert

Theresia Eleanor Schneider - 1918 to 2006

Birth: December 14,1918 Celestine, Dubois, Indiana, USAbirth3

Death: January 30,2006 Huntingburg, Dubois County, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Frank John Schneider

Mother: Mary W Bromm

Theresia Schneider - 1811 to 1891

Birth: 12 Oct 1811 Beffendorf, Schwarzwaldkreis, Württemberg birth4

Death: 12 Apr 1891 Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Manhattan, New Yorkdeath4


Father: Anton Schneider

Mother: Brigitta Braun

Theresia Julia Schneider - 1884 to 1952

Birth: 25 Oct 1884 515 East 15th Street, New Yorkbirth5

Death: 24 April 1952 656 West 160th Street, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Valentin SCHNEIDER

Mother: Maria Theresia KNUETTEL

Theresia Julia Schneider - 1884 to 1952

Birth: 25 Oct 1884 515 East 15th Street, New Yorkbirth6

Death: 24 April 1952 656 West 160th Street, New Yorkdeath6


Father: Valentin SCHNEIDER

Mother: Maria Theresia KNUETTEL

Theresia Schneider - 1859 to 1928

Birth: 3 Dec 1859 Ohio, United Statesbirth7

Death: 18 Nov 1928 Weingarten, Ste. Genevieve Co., MOdeath7


Father: Joseph Schneider

Mother: Theresa Schichtel

Theresia Schneider - 1836 to 1921

Birth: 26 Feb 1836 Buhlertann, Jagstkreis, Wuerttembergbirth8

Death: 23 Mär 1921 Bühlertann, Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath8


Father: Franz Maxmilian Schneider

Mother: Veronika Schimmele

Theresia Schneider - 1901 to 1988

Birth: 1901 North Dakota, USAbirth9

Death: 17 Dec 1988 Billings, Yellowstone Co, MTdeath9


Father: Wendelin Schneider

Mother: Catherine BURCKHARD

Theresia Augusta Schneider - 1895 to 1954

Birth: 11 Jun 1895 USAbirth10

Death: 19 Aug 1954 New Westminster, BCdeath10


Father: Felix Charles Schneider

Mother: Bertha Catherine Schmidt

Theresia Schneider - 1813 to 1849

Birth: 26 Okt 1813 Sanmartin, Arad, Rumänienbirth11

Death: nach APR 1849 unbekannt


Father: Jakob Schneider

Mother: Eva Kilian

Theresia Schneider - 1782 to 1831

Birth: 19 Jul 1782 Breitenbrunn/Széleskút, Ödenburg/Sopron, Ungarn/Magyarországbirth12

Death: 15 Aug 1831 Breitenbrunn/Széleskút, Ödenburg/Sopron, Ungarn/Magyarországdeath12


Father: Joseph Schneider

Mother: Theresia Thenner

Theresia Schneider - 1829 to 1888

Birth: 11 Oct 1829 Sanmartin, Arad, Romania birth13

Death: 8 Dec 1888 Sanmartin, Arad, Romania death13


Father: Thomas Schneider

Mother: Theresia Strifler

Theresia Schneider - 1858 to 1921

Birth: abt 1858 New Yorkbirth14

Death: 8 Dez 1921 Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschlanddeath14


Father: Frederick George Schneider

Mother: Elisabeth Klos

Theresia Schneider - 1874 to 1919

Birth: 12 Jun 1874 Elek, Bekes, Hungarybirth15

Death: 11 Feb 1919 Elek, Bekes, Hungarydeath15


Father: Josef Schneider

Mother: Franziska Niedermayer

Theresia Schneider - 1826 to 1904

Birth: Dec 1826 Germanybirth16

Death: 18 November 1904


Father: Johann Jacob Heim

Mother: Catharina Elisabetha Hofmaierin

Theresia Schneider - 1837 to 1922

Birth: 4.12.1837 Hilgartsberg, Passau, Bayern, Germanybirth17

Death: 30 Nov 1922 Mühldorferöd, Bez.Vilshofendeath17


Father: Josef Schreieder

Mother: Katharine Eder

Theresia -Theresa- Schneider - 1890 to 1964

Birth: Oct 1890 Brown, Minnesota, USAbirth18

Death: 1964


Father: Fidel Schneider

Mother: Margaret R Sprenger

Theresia Schneider - 1854 to 1942

Birth: 12 Jun 1854 Germanybirth19

Death: 1 Dec 1942 Monmouth, Warren, Illinoisdeath19


Father: Ignaz SCHNEIDER

Mother: Agatha Schaumann

Theresia Schneider - 1808 to 1894

Birth: 17.10.1808 kojetice nr.21, Ústí nad Labem, Ústí, Tschechische Republikbirth20

Death: ca. 1894 Nová Ves Nr.18, 400 03 Ústí nad Labem-Střekov, Tschechiendeath20


Father: Joseph Schneider

Mother: Apollonia Schubert

Theresia Schneider - 1791 to 1870

Birth: 2 FEB 1791 Marienfeldbirth21

Death: 7 FEB 1870 Ostern (Comlosu Mic), Banat, Rumäniendeath21


Father: Lorenz Schneider

Mother: Katharina Alt

Theresia Schneider - 1812 to 1861

Birth: 15 Nov 1812 Gruolbirth22

Death: 4 Feb 1861 Mühlen, Horbdeath22


Father: Johannes Baptist Schneider

Mother: Kumerana Eger

Theresia Schneider - 1861 to 1945

Birth: 07 Aug 1861 Plittersdorf, Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth23

Death: 16 Mar 1945 Plittersdorf, Rastatt, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath23


Father: Vinzenz Schneider

Mother: Magdalena Barbara Mueller

Theresia Schneider - 1846 to 1910

Birth: 12 Jan 1846 Zichydorf, Austria, Hungarybirth24

Death: 3 Feb 1910 Zichyfalva, Austria, Hungarydeath24


Father: Michael Schneider

Mother: Eva Niessner

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