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Results for "Theresia Adiss"

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Theresa Amiss - 1868 to 1938

Birth: 1868 Newington, Surrey, Englandbirth0

Death: Jun 1938 Southwark, London, Englanddeath0


Father: Robert John Nathaniel Amiss

Mother: Eliza Mary Barrett

Theresa C Diss - 1905 to 1961

Birth: 30 Mar 1905 Pittsburgh, Allegheny Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: 18 Aug 1961 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvaniadeath1


Father: Charles Diss

Mother: Mary Koch

Theresia Adis - 1874 to 1893

Birth: 1874 Bruce Cobirth2

Death: January 1893 Bruce Co. Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: Francis Addis

Mother: Magdelena Brenner

Theresa Diss - 1858

Birth: 24/02/1858 Otterswiller, Alsace, Francebirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Sebastian Diss

Mother: Katharina Diebold

Theresa Grace Griffen Diss - 1886

Birth: abt 1886 Little Chishall, Royston Hertfordshire

Death: Not Available


Father: Fredrick James Diss

Mother: Mary Griffin

Teresia (Theresa) Diss - 1811 to 1883

Birth: 1811 Hesse Darmstadt, Germanybirth5

Death: 3 Aug. 1883


Father: Michael (?). Diss

Mother: Not Available

Theresia Adis

Birth: Not Available

Death: 17 DEC 1856 Rottenburg a.N., Schwarzw., Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath6


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theresia Addiss - 1769

Birth: ABT 1769 Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theresia Diss

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theresa Diss

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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