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Results for "therese quinchon"

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Name: Theresa Quinton

Birth: abt 1838 Chester, Chester County, South Carolina, USA

Death: 21 February 1906 Chester, Chester County, South Carolina, USA

Father: William George Lackey

Mother: Nancy Spears

Name: Therese Perrine Marie QUINTON

Birth: 28 JAN 1824 Saint-Denis-de-Gastines,53500,Mayenne,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Death: 22 OCT 1889 Saint-Denis-de-Gastines,53500,Mayenne,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Father: Andre QUINTON

Mother: Perrine Françoise Marie HAMON

Name: Theresa Quinton

Birth: 1891 St. Croix

Death: Not Available

Father: Charles Quinton

Mother: Caroline Quinton

Name: Therèse Louise Guichon

Birth: 27 AUG 1876 Saint-Hilaire, 03238, Allier, Auvergne, France

Death: Not Available

Father: Jean Guichon

Mother: Marie Berger

Name: Therese QUINTON

Birth: 16 AUG 1800 Saint-Denis-de-Gastines,53500,Mayenne,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Death: 8 FEB 1802 Vautorte,53500,Mayenne,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Father: Jean François QUINTON

Mother: Denise HAMARD

Name: Theresa Quinton

Birth: October 1846 Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: William Quinton

Mother: Henrietta Hudson

Name: Therese Françoise QUINTON

Birth: 25 DEC 1792 Carelles,53120,Mayenne,Pays de la Loire,FRANCE

Death: Not Available

Father: Jean Charles QUINTON

Mother: Françoise PEAN

Name: Theresa Quinton

Birth: abt 1907 New Jersey

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Mary A "Mamie" Krips Quinton

Name: therese tinchon

Birth: 31 octobre 1919 bruay en artois

Death: 09 mai 2008 Ploermel, Bretagne, France

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Therese Pinchon

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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