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Results for "Therese Natalino"

1 - 25 of 78 Records
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Theresa Casalino - 1888 to 1950

Birth: 11 May 1888 San Lucido, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth0

Death: 1950 Chicago City, Cook, Illinoisdeath0


Father: Domenico Casalino

Mother: Nicolette Calvano

Theresa Navarino - 1913 to 1958

Birth: 12 Feb 1913 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United Statesbirth1

Death: 1958 Staten Island, Richmond, New York, United Statesdeath1


Father: Angelo Navarino

Mother: Philomene DiOrio

Theresa Casalino - 1888 to 1950

Birth: 11 May 1888 San Lucido, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth2

Death: 1950 Chicago City, Cook, Illinoisdeath2


Father: Domenico Casalino

Mother: Nicolette Calvano

Theresa Catalano - 1924 to 2006

Birth: 31 May 1924 Wheeling Ohi, West Virginiabirth3

Death: 13 Mar 2006 Williamsburg, James City, Virginiadeath3


Father: Joseph Pasquale Catalano

Mother: Martha J. Verdier

Theresa Patalano - 1886 to 1963

Birth: abt 1886 Italybirth4

Death: 1963


Father: Francesco Patalano

Mother: Maria Catuongo

Theresa Patalano - 1886 to 1963

Birth: abt 1886 Italybirth5

Death: 1963


Father: Francesco Patalano

Mother: Maria Catuongo

Theresa M Catalano - 1920 to 2011

Birth: 15 Jul 1920 Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USAbirth6

Death: 21 May 2011


Father: Pete Pietro Catalano

Mother: Rosalia Corsentino

Theresa Catalano - 1902 to 1956

Birth: abt 1902 San Roberto, Reggio di Calabria, Calabria, Italybirth7

Death: 19 Feb 1956 Albany, Albany, New Yorkdeath7


Father: Antonino Saccá

Mother: Serafina

Theresa Catalano - 1883 to 1953

Birth: abt 1883 Italybirth8

Death: 03 Dec 1953


Father: Diego Catalano

Mother: Maria Cannizzaro

Theresa Catalano - 1883 to 1968

Birth: 31 Oct 1883 Reggio di Calabria, Calabria

Death: 23 Dec 1968 Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, USAdeath9


Father: Nicola Catalano

Mother: Filomena Versaci

Theresa Salvadora Catalano - 1902 to 1946

Birth: February 1, 1902 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisianabirth10

Death: 13 May 1946 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath10


Father: Nicasio "Charley" Catalano

Mother: Margherita Saiele

Theresa Patalano - 1912 to 2001

Birth: abt 1912 New Yorkbirth11

Death: 27 Sep 2001 Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: Thomas Patalona

Mother: Frances La Sorte

Theresa C Catalano - 1887 to 1959

Birth: 22 Jan 1887 Chicago, Illinoisbirth12

Death: 1959 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath12


Father: Francesco Catalano

Mother: Rosa Maria Palumbo

Theresa Catalano - 1897 to 1984

Birth: 4 SEP 1897 Buffalo, Erie, New York, United Statesbirth13

Death: 25 DEC 1984 Buffalo, Erie, New York, United Statesdeath13


Father: William Salvatore Catalano

Mother: Mary Josephine SATERINA

Theresa Catalano - 1913 to 1997

Birth: 29 Aug 1913 Albany, New Yorkbirth14

Death: 28 Aug 1997


Father: Nicholas George Catalano

Mother: Geoveffa Mignuola

Theresa Catalano - 1915 to 1992

Birth: 8 Jan 1915 Bryan, Texasbirth15

Death: May 1992


Father: Francesco "Frank" CATALANO

Mother: Concetta Cataline

Theresa Catalano - 1924 to 2006

Birth: 31 May 1924 Wheeling Ohi, West Virginiabirth16

Death: 13 Mar 2006 Williamsburg, James City, Virginiadeath16


Father: Joseph P Catalano

Mother: Martha J. Verdier

Theresa A. Catalano - 1908 to 1986

Birth: 16 May 1908 Revere, Suffolk, Massachusettsbirth17

Death: 1 Dec 1986 Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath17


Father: Angelo Raffaele Catalano

Mother: Jennie Romano

Theresa Catalano - 1932

Birth: abt 1932 New Yorkbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Pasquale P Catalano

Mother: Palma Scappator

Theresa Patalano - 1929

Birth: abt 1929 New Yorkbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Sandora Cattalano

Mother: Frances Patalano

Theresa Victoria Catalano - 1906 to 1996

Birth: 29 Sep 1906 Meriden, New Haven, CT, USbirth20

Death: 7 September 1996 Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticutdeath20


Father: Felice Felix Catalano

Mother: Maria Concetta Salzarulo

Theresa Catalano - 1930 to 2011

Birth: 20 Jun 1930 Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth21

Death: 13 Jun 2011 Uniondale, Nassau, New Yorkdeath21


Father: Antonio "Tony" Catalano

Mother: Giovanna "Nellie" DiMarco

Theresa Patalano - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 3 MAR 1905 Italybirth22

Death: MAR 1978 Sayville, Suffolk, New York, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theresa Catalano - 1905

Birth: abt 1905 Italybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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