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Results for "Therese Allet"

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Theresa Allen - 1846 to 1911

Birth: 22 Feb 1846 Minnesota City, Winona, Minnesota, USAbirth0

Death: 17 Sep 1911 Carterville, Jasper, Missouri, United Statesdeath0


Father: John Allen

Mother: Lavina Jane Kinman

Theresa Allen - 1869 to 1945

Birth: Jun 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 18 Jan 1945 Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath1


Father: James Allen

Mother: Clara J. Miller

Theresa Francis ALLEY - 1916 to 1986

Birth: 8 Nov 1916 Cameron, Marshall, West Virginia, USAbirth2

Death: 5 Mar 1986 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Woodburn Bruce ALLEY

Mother: Roberta Palmer

Theresa Allen - 1846 to 1911

Birth: 22 Feb 1846 Minnesota City, Winona, Minnesota, USAbirth3

Death: 17 Sep 1911 Carterville, Jasper, Missouri, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Allen

Mother: Lavina Jane Kinman

Theresa Allen - 1846 to 1911

Birth: 22 Feb 1846 Minnesota City, Winona, Minnesota, USAbirth4

Death: 17 Sep 1911 Carterville, Jasper, Missouri, United Statesdeath4


Father: John Allen

Mother: Lavina Jane Kinman

Theresa Allen - 1869 to 1945

Birth: Jun 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 18 Jan 1945 Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath5


Father: James Allen

Mother: Clara J. Miller

Theresa Allen - 1869 to 1945

Birth: Jun 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: 18 Jan 1945 Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath6


Father: James Allen

Mother: Clara J. Miller

Theresa Allen - 1869 to 1945

Birth: Jun 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 18 Jan 1945 Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvaniadeath7


Father: James Allen

Mother: Clara J. Miller

Theresa M Allen - 1846 to 1887

Birth: 25 Dec 1846 Edmeston, Otsego, NYbirth8

Death: june 17th 1887 Altadena, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath8


Father: Asel E Allen

Mother: Susan Burdick

Theresa A Allen - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 09 Dec 1924 Kansas, USAbirth9

Death: 13 Nov 2000 Hoyt, Jackson, Kansasdeath9


Father: Bernard Charles Allen

Mother: Ellen T Shaughnessy

Theresa S Allen - 1858 to 1912

Birth: 09 Jun 1858 Near Bedford, Lawerence County, INbirth10

Death: Aug 05, 1912 Odon, Indianadeath10


Father: Cyrus M. Allen

Mother: Lodusky Hyatt Compton

Theresa Allen - 1891 to 1959

Birth: 4 Sep 1891 Coleharbor, Mclean, North Dakota,USAbirth11

Death: 22 Dec 1959 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath11


Father: William Henry Allen

Mother: Laura Winn

Theresa S Allen - 1858 to 1912

Birth: 09 Jun 1858 Near Bedford, Lawerence County, INbirth12

Death: Aug 05, 1912 Odon, Indianadeath12


Father: Cyrus M. Allen

Mother: Lodusky Hyatt Compton

Theresa Allen - 1830 to 1869

Birth: 25/7/1830 Islingtonbirth13

Death: January 1869 Shoreditch, Londondeath13


Father: William Powell

Mother: Caroline Ann Woods

Theresa Elaine Allen - 1950 to 1987

Birth: 18 Nov 1950 Denton County, Texasbirth14

Death: 3 Aug 1987 Plano, Collin, Texas, USAdeath14


Father: Marion Allen

Mother: Geneva Florenne Pendleton

Theresa Marie Allen - 1959 to 2013

Birth: 10 Jan 1959 Hennepin, Minnesotabirth15

Death: 2 Mar 2013 St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USAdeath15


Father: Chester LeRoy Allen

Mother: Reva Lilyquist

Theresa Kay Allen - 1954 to 2007

Birth: 18 Oct 1954 Eunice, Lea, New Mexico, USAbirth16

Death: 29 Apr 2007 Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: Luther Melford Allen

Mother: Ruby Glenn Tate

Theresa Louisa Allen - 1879 to 1966

Birth: 30 Jan 1879 Islington Londonbirth17

Death: 1966 Gosport, Hampshire, Englanddeath17


Father: Thomas Allen

Mother: Emily mary Trowbridge

Theresa A Allen - 1914 to 1984

Birth: 30 Nov.1914 Georgiabirth18

Death: 24 Nov.1984 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utahdeath18


Father: Lisbon Cyrus ALLEN

Mother: Willie Benton BONDS

Theresa Allen - 1884 to 1964

Birth: Dec 1884 Swindon, Wiltshire, Englandbirth19

Death: 19 Nov 1964 Bridgwater, Somerset, Englanddeath19


Father: Francis Edward Allen

Mother: Emily Brooks

Theresa Jean Allen - 1927 to 2015

Birth: 14 May 1927 Kenton County, Kentucky, USAbirth20

Death: 24 November 2015 Elsmere, Kenton, Kentucky, USAdeath20


Father: Anthony C Allen

Mother: Helen M Liedhegener

Theresa Allen - 1887 to 1960

Birth: 22 July 1887 Irish Free Statebirth21

Death: 7 May 1960 Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath21


Father: John Allen

Mother: Margaret Burke

Theresa Allen - 1810 to 1876

Birth: about 1810 Clark, Kentucky, USAbirth22

Death: 07 Jan 1876 Montgomery, Kentucky, USAdeath22


Father: Joseph Clark

Mother: Jane Frame

Theresa Allen - 1810 to 1876

Birth: about 1810 Clark, Kentucky, USAbirth23

Death: 07 Jan 1876 Montgomery, Kentucky, USAdeath23


Father: Joseph Clark

Mother: Jane Frame

Theresa D. Allen

Birth: 27, April West Virginia, USAbirth24

Death: 12, April 2002 Dallas Texasdeath24


Father: Theodore Washington Allen

Mother: Rose Christine Hoff

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