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Results for "Theodule Allart"

1 - 25 of 30 Records
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Theodore Allard - 1888 to 1968

Birth: 03 Jan. 1888 Ludington, Mason, Michigan, USAbirth0

Death: 01 May 1968 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: John Baptist Allard

Mother: Harriet Allard

Theodore Allard - 1888 to 1968

Birth: 03 Jan. 1888 Ludington, Mason, Michigan, USAbirth1

Death: 01 May 1968 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: John Baptist Allard

Mother: Harriet Allard

Theodore K Allard - 1902 to 1968

Birth: 2 Feb 1902 North Dakotabirth2

Death: May 1968 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: Noah Allard

Mother: Mary Louise DeFoe

Theodore Allard - 1906 to 1906

Birth: 1906 Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United Statesbirth3

Death: 1906 Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United Statesdeath3


Father: Joseph Edward Allard

Mother: Vilsino Portier

Theodore Allard - 1906 to 1906

Birth: 1906 Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1906 Norwich, New London, Connecticut, United Statesdeath4


Father: Joseph Edward Allard

Mother: Vilsino Portier

Theodore Allard - 1907

Birth: 7 Jul 1907 Eastman, Quebec, Canadabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Alexandre Allard

Mother: Rose-Anna Dame

Theodore Archibald Arthur Allard - 1928 to 1956

Birth: 1 Apr 1928 Saint John, Rolette, North Dakota, USAbirth6

Death: 18 Nov 1956 Auburn, King, Washington, USAdeath6


Father: Henry/Harry Allard

Mother: Mary Louise (Allard) Slater

Theodore J Allard - 1898 to 1953

Birth: 6 Feb 1898 Rhode Islandbirth7

Death: 1 Jan 1953 Rhode Island, United Statesdeath7


Father: François Xavier Allard

Mother: Marie Emerence Bouin Dufresne

Theodore Harry Allard - 1927 to 2011

Birth: 11 Feb 1927 St. George, Knox, MEbirth8

Death: 24 May 2011 Largo, Pinellas, FLdeath8


Father: Harry Dow Allard

Mother: Alice Rose CLARK

Theodore Allard - 1890

Birth: 23 Apr 1890 St-Hippolyte, Wotton, Quebec, Canadabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Adolphe Allard

Mother: Philomene Lacroix

Theodule Allard - 1845

Birth: 29 November 1845 Baie-St-Paul (St-Pierre et St-Paul), Québec, Canadabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Ephrem Allard

Mother: Hilarie Vandal

Theodore Allard - 1813

Birth: 1813 Kaskaskia, Randolph, Illinois, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Auguste Allard

Mother: Marie Louise Wittmer

Theodore Edward Allard - 1913 to 1913

Birth: 14 Jan 1913 Lebanon, NH parents David1884-1947 MarySanville1888-1970birth12

Death: 2 Apr 1913 Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire, USAdeath12


Father: David Francois Allard

Mother: Exilda O Sanville

Theodore Allard - 1928 to 1944

Birth: 1928 CT parents Alcide Maxwell Allard 1895-1965 & Marie Aurore BERTRAND 1902-1969

Death: 19 Feb 1944 Norwich, CTdeath13


Father: Alcide Maxwell Allard

Mother: Marie "Aurora" C Bertrand

Theodore Marcel Allard - 1928 to 1970

Birth: 07 12 1928 Sollies Pont Francebirth14

Death: 24 12 1970 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canadadeath14


Father: Leon Marius Allard

Mother: Marie Magdeleine Dol

Theodore Jean-Pierre Allard - 1903

Birth: 29 Mar 1903 the, , Luxembourg, Belgiumbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis Denis Allard

Mother: Euphrasie Hustin

Theodule Allard - 1862

Birth: abt 1862 Quebecbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Octave Allard

Mother: Victorine Gauthier

Theodore Allard - 1907

Birth: July 1907 Quebecbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexandre Allard

Mother: Rosanna Dame

Theodore Wilson Allard - 1893

Birth: 5 Nov 1893 Porter Township, Scioto, Ohiobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Frederick Allard

Mother: Margaret "Maggie" Woodring

Theodore Chadwick Allara - 1962

Birth: 1962

Death: Not Available


Father: Frank W Allara

Mother: Not Available

Théodule Allart - 1853 to 1853

Birth: 1853 La Neuville

Death: 2 Sept 1853 La Neuville, Francedeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Marie Nicolle Allart

Theodore Allard - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 Francebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theodore H Allard - 1921

Birth: abt 1921 Rhode Islandbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theodore Allard - 1889

Birth: 1889 Francebirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Theodore Allard - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 Francebirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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