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Results for "Theodora Nielsen"

1 - 25 of 49 Records

Theodora Nielsen - 1874 to 1959

Birth: 18 Sep 1874 utterslev mark brønshøjbirth0

Death: 03 Jun 1959 de gamles by kbh.death0


Father: Hans Theodor Nielsen

Mother: Amalie Christine Trolle

Theodora Alexandria NIELSEN - 1889 to 1966

Birth: 21 MAR 1889 Chicago, Ilbirth1

Death: 29 OCT 1966 Evergreen Park, ILdeath1


Father: Theodore Svend NIELSEN

Mother: Anna Matilda Jensen

Theodora Catharine Caroline Nielsen - 1855 to 1931

Birth: July 13, 1855 Helsingør, Lynge-Kronborg, Frederiksborg, Denmarkbirth2

Death: May 4, 1931 København, Denmarkdeath2


Father: Henrik Nielsen

Mother: Bodil Kirstine Pedersdr

Theodora Nielsen - 1896

Birth: 18 Jan 1896 Sønder Balling, Balling, Viborg,birth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Christian Nielsen Manberg

Mother: Jensine Margrethe Christensen

Theodora Marie Nielsen - 1875 to 1906

Birth: 8 Dec 1875

Death: 26 Febr 1906 Storeh Købstad Egestrode


Father: Adam Ludvid Nielsen

Mother: Ane Larstine Christiansen

Theodora Edna Anna Nielsen - 1918 to 2007

Birth: 27 Jun 1918 Racine, Racine, Wisconsinbirth5

Death: 16 Jul 2007 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath5


Father: Axel Oskar Eyvind Lucian Nielsen

Mother: Sophia Adelhaide Henningsen

Theodora Johanne Schanche Nielsen - 1808 to 1858

Birth: 06 Dec 1808 Stavanger, Rogalandbirth6

Death: 02 Jul 1858 Rødtangendeath6


Father: Niels Nielsen

Mother: Elisabeth Theophilusdtr. SCHANCHE

Theodora Nielsen - 1884

Birth: 3 Juli 1884 Hammelbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Niels Peter Nielsen

Mother: Ane Pedersen

Theodora Marie Nielsen - 1888

Birth: 25 AUG 1888 Oester Starup Vejle Amtbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Nielsen

Mother: Anne Andersen

Theodora Nielsen - 1901

Birth: 11 Aug 1901 Dalsgaarde Vejlby Sogn Sønder Herred

Death: Not Available


Father: Anton Nielsen

Mother: Nielsine Kirstine Kolind Kolind

Theodora Marie Nielsen - 1898

Birth: 16 Juni 1898 Sundby, Stadager Sogn, Falsters Nørre Herred

Death: Not Available


Father: Kristian Pedersen Nielsen

Mother: Johanne Rasmussen

Theodora Johanna Dora NIELSEN - 1880

Birth: 12 Feb 1880 Horsens, Denmarkbirth11

Death: Not Available Coloradodeath11


Father: Niles P NIELSEN

Mother: Johanna Unknown

Theodora Nielsen - 1885

Birth: 1885 Opholdskom Minen

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Nielsen

Mother: Anne Kirstine Jensen Nielsen

Theodora Nielsen - 1850

Birth: 29 Okt 1850

Death: Not Available


Father: Carl Friderich

Mother: Fanny Kjerrumgaard

Theodora Nielsen - 1874

Birth: 1874/04/15

Death: Not Available


Father: Anders Nielsen

Mother: Thora Henriette Kallehauge

Theodora Maria "Dowe Nielsen" Nielsen - 1845 to 1924

Birth: 13 Feb 1845 Wrixumbirth15

Death: 21 Jan 1924 Wrixumdeath15


Father: Peter Nielsen

Mother: Maria Volkerts

Theodora Josefine Nielsen - 1873

Birth: 17 Mai 1873

Death: Not Available


Father: Herman Nilsen Aorestod

Mother: Rakel Kristensdattr.

Theodora Nielsen - 1893

Birth: 1893 Norwaybirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Tobias Nielsen

Mother: Not Available

Theodora Frederikke Nielsen - 1879

Birth: 7 Sept 1879 Sundberg

Death: Not Available


Father: Johanne Marie Andersen F Jensen

Mother: Not Available

Theodora Nielsen - 1903 to 1903

Birth: 1903 Födselsstiftelsen St Johannes Stiftelse

Death: 2 Juni 1903 St. Johannes Stiflelse


Father: Not Available

Mother: Karen Nielsen

Theodora Nielsen - 1905 to 1980

Birth: 27 Jun 1905 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth20

Death: 27 Mar 1980 Venice, Sarasota, Florida, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Marie Petersen

Theodora Margrethe Nielsen - 1888 to 1978

Birth: 19 May 1888 Denmarkbirth21

Death: 2 Dec 1978 Sierradeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Ane Kathrine Friis

Theodora Nielsen - 1852 to 1903

Birth: 1852 Københavnbirth22

Death: 29 Jan 1903 Perstrup Nødager Sogn Sønder Herred


Father: Niels Jensen

Mother: Not Available

Theodora Katinka Nielsen - 1867 to 1936

Birth: 29 Dec 1867 Mandal, NORWAYbirth23

Death: 21 Dec 1936


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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