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Results for "Thelma Nathan"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Thelma Minnie Nathan - 1925 to 2013

Birth: 23 February 1925 Alaskabirth0

Death: 11 June 2013 Alaskadeath0


Father: Peter Nathlan

Mother: Nina Nix Hamilton

Thelma Minnie Nathan - 1925 to 2013

Birth: 23 February 1925 Alaskabirth1

Death: 11 June 2013 Alaskadeath1


Father: Peter Nathlan

Mother: Nina Nix Hamilton

Thelma Nathan - 1861 to 1943

Birth: 18 May 1861 Saint Louis, Saint Louis (City), Missouri, United Statesbirth2

Death: 1943 Saint Louis, Saint Louis (City), Missouri, United Statesdeath2


Father: Edward Adalbert NATHAN

Mother: Fredericka BAER

Thelma Ethyle Nathan - 1915 to 1932

Birth: 14 October 1915 San Francicso, California, USAbirth3

Death: 28 September 1932 Sacramento, California, USAdeath3


Father: Harry Washington Nathan

Mother: Ida Marie Reiter

Thelma Nathan - 1919 to 2005

Birth: 2 Feb 1919 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 05/24/2005 Chicago , Cook (Chicago), Illinois, USAdeath4


Father: David King Nathan

Mother: May/Mae Bernstein

Thelma Merle Nathan - 1920 to 1996

Birth: 1920 Colac, Victoria, Australiabirth5

Death: 5 Apr 1996 Morwell, Victoria, Australiadeath5


Father: Herbert Benjamin NATHAN

Mother: Elizabeth Rose Witham

Thelma Nathan - 1925

Birth: Feb.23.1925 Alaska, USAbirth6

Death: Not Available Alaska, USAdeath6


Father: Peter William Nathan

Mother: Nina Marie Nix

Thelma Nathan - 1948 to 2006

Birth: 1948 Mississippi, USAbirth7

Death: 24 Oct 2006 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48198


Father: Not Available

Mother: Cassie May Ewing

Female IconMale Icon

Thelma Nathan - 1952

Birth: Jul 1952 Liverpool South, Lancashirebirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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