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Results for "Thankful Nickerson"

1 - 25 of 80 Records

Thankful Nickerson - 1784 to 1875

Birth: 14 OCT 1784 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAbirth0

Death: 14 Apr 1875 Searsport, Waldo Co. MEdeath0


Father: Seth Nickerson

Mother: Deborah Weekes

Thankful Nickerson - 1784 to 1875

Birth: 14 OCT 1784 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 14 Apr 1875 Searsport, Waldo Co. MEdeath1


Father: Seth Nickerson

Mother: Deborah Weekes

Thankful Nickerson - 1860 to 1888

Birth: September 1860 Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth2

Death: 7 Apr 1888 Dennis, MAdeath2


Father: Cyrus Nickerson (DNA)

Mother: Thankful Winslow Baxter

Thankful Nickerson - 1860 to 1888

Birth: September 1860 Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 7 Apr 1888 Dennis, MAdeath3


Father: Cyrus Nickerson (DNA)

Mother: Thankful Winslow Baxter

Thankful Nickerson - 1860 to 1888

Birth: September 1860 Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 7 Apr 1888 Dennis, MAdeath4


Father: Cyrus Nickerson (DNA)

Mother: Thankful Winslow Baxter

Thankful Nickerson - 1801 to 1866

Birth: 7 December 1801 Massachusettsbirth5

Death: 11 January 1866 Truro, Massachusettsdeath5


Father: Thomas Childs

Mother: Anna Knowles

Thankful Nickerson - 1792 to 1888

Birth: 16 Jul 1792 South Dennis, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth6

Death: 9 May 1888 South Dennis, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath6


Father: Eleazer Nickerson

Mother: Thankful Chase

Thankful Nickerson - 1810 to 1880

Birth: 27, Jan 1810 Eastham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, or Tamworth, Carroll, NH United States

Death: 1880 Eaton Center, Carroll, New Hampshire, United Statesdeath7


Father: Jonathan Nickerson

Mother: Almira Mary Otis


Birth: 26 Aug 1745 Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth8

Death: 9 MAY 1823 Abington, Massachusettsdeath8


Father: Nathaniel Nickerson

Mother: Thankful Nickerson Ellis


Birth: 17 Nov 1751 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 12 July 1792 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath9


Father: Joshua Nickerson

Mother: Thankful ELDREDGE

Thankful Freeman Nickerson - 1829 to 1881

Birth: 16 Dec 1829 Massachusetts, USAbirth10

Death: 03 Nov 1881 Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath10


Father: Jonathan Nickerson

Mother: Thankful Higgins

Thankful Nickerson - 1770 to 1842

Birth: 1770 Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth11

Death: 15 May 1842 Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Enos Nickerson

Mother: Elizabeth (Betsey) Ellis

Thankful Nickerson - 1787 to 1873

Birth: 26 Mar 1787 Provincetown, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USAbirth12

Death: 18 May 1873 Dennis, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath12


Father: Seth Nickerson

Mother: Isabelle ELDRIDGE

Thankful Nickerson - 1792 to 1796

Birth: 9 Jul 1792 Dennis, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth13

Death: 20 Nov 1796 Dennis, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath13


Father: Eleazer Nickerson

Mother: Thankful Chase

Thankful Wheldern Nickerson - 1841 to 1887

Birth: 03 Aug 1841 Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusettsbirth14

Death: 04 Feb 1887 Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAdeath14


Father: Watson Nickerson

Mother: Mary Ann Kempton Ellis (Nickerson)

Thankful Nickerson - 1709 to 1788

Birth: 09 OCT 1709 Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth15

Death: 1788 Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath15


Father: Thomas (Nicholson) Nickerson

Mother: Mary Bangs

Thankful Nickerson - 1787 to 1863

Birth: 20 Dec 1787 Harwich, Barnstable, MAbirth16

Death: 11 Feb 1863 Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath16


Father: Sheber Nickerson

Mother: Esther Ellis

Thankful Nickerson - 1785 to 1875

Birth: abt 1785 Massachusettsbirth17

Death: 14 April 1875


Father: Seth Nickerson

Mother: Deborah Weekes

Thankful Nickerson - 1799 to 1870

Birth: 1799 Boston, Massachusettsbirth18

Death: 20 Sep 1870 or 1871 Boston or Cambridge, Massachusettsdeath18




Thankful H Nickerson - 1828 to 1829

Birth: 1828 Yarmouth, Barnstable Co. MAbirth19

Death: 09 Apr 1829 Yarmouth, Massachusettsdeath19


Father: Capt. Isaac Nickerson

Mother: Susannah Nickerson (Hallett )

Thankful Nickerson - 1703 to 1769

Birth: 1703 Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of Americabirth20

Death: 1769 Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Joseph Nickerson

Mother: Mary Snow

Thankful Nickerson - 1700

Birth: 1700 of Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massbirth21

Death: Not Available Madeath21


Father: William Nickerson

Mother: Mary Bangs

Thankful M Nickerson - 1855 to 1896

Birth: abt 1855 Swanville, Mainebirth22

Death: 19 Nov 1896 Camden, Mainedeath22


Father: Nathaniel Nickerson

Mother: Drusilla E Parsons

Thankful Nickerson - 1759 to 1870

Birth: 27 JUL 1759 Chatham, Barnstable Co., MAbirth23

Death: 7 Jul 1870 Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusettsdeath23


Father: William Nickerson

Mother: Martha Ellis

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