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Results for "Tessie Nichols"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Tessie Nichols - 1913 to 2007

Birth: 2 Nov 1913 Pittsburgh|birth0

Death: 19 Aug 2007


Father: Tom Mantzoros

Mother: Theodora Drys Mantzoros

Tessie Leona Nichols - 1893 to 1968

Birth: October 22, 1893 Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 8 Nov 1968 Chillicothe, Ross, Ohio, United Statesdeath1


Father: William Carl Nichols

Mother: Rebecca A. Rains

Tessie Opal Nichols - 1908 to 1975

Birth: 11 February 1908 Nineveh, Bartholomew, Indiana, USAbirth2

Death: 08 May 1975 Columbus, Bartholomew, Indiana, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Edwin Nichols

Mother: Eulola Mae Bolinger Nichols

Tessie H Nichols - 1887 to 1974

Birth: 2 May 1887 Missouribirth3

Death: 22 Dec 1974


Father: Jefferson Lee 'Bud' Nichols

Mother: Louella Hall

Tessie Nichols - 1920 to 2015

Birth: 8 December 1920 Quannah, Hardemen County, Texas

Death: 21 November 2015 Quannah, Hardemen County, Texas


Father: James Alverstien Nichols

Mother: Minnie Ola Steffey

Tessie Nichols - 1901 to 1984

Birth: 17 Aug 1901 Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, USAbirth5

Death: Jan 1984 Warren, Macomb, Michigan, USAdeath5


Father: James Franklin Nichols

Mother: Martha Azilee Tucker

Tessie "Tossie" Aldonia Nichols - 1896

Birth: abt 1896 Arkansasbirth6

Death: Deceased Oklahomadeath6


Father: George Layfayette Nichols

Mother: Minnie Jane Hill

Tessie Leona Nichols - 1872 to 1878

Birth: 18 May 1872 Albion, Dane County, Wisconsinbirth7

Death: April 27, 1878 Albion, Dane County, Wisconsindeath7


Father: Verdyne Eugene Nichols

Mother: Mary Vernella Woolworth

Tessie Nichols - 1909

Birth: 14 NOV 1909 Brigham City, Box Elder, Utahbirth8

Death: Not Available of Californiadeath8


Father: Joseph Nichols

Mother: Rose Agnes Brady

Tessie Nichols - 1874 to 1878

Birth: 19 MAY 1874

Death: 27 APR 1878


Father: Estus P Nichols

Mother: Not Available

Tessie Nichols

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Tessie Nichols

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Tessie Nichols

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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