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Results for "Sione Taufa"

1 - 25 of 30 Records

Sione Taufa - 1921 to 2004

Birth: 19 March 1921 Tefisi, Vava'u, Tongabirth0

Death: 18 March 2004 Tofoa, Tongatapu, Tongadeath0


Father: Sione Tauholoakitau

Mother: Sisilia Taufa Latai

Sione Taufa - 1920 to 1920

Birth: Abt 1920 Fata'ulua, Niuafo'ou, Tongabirth1

Death: 1920 Fata'ulua, Niuafo'ou, Tonga.death1


Father: 'Eliesa Taufa

Mother: Lavinia Fusi Langi

Sione Taufa - 1898 to 1924

Birth: 6 APR 1898 Tongabirth2

Death: 7 OCT 1924 Tongadeath2


Father: Peni Langoia'i Pangai Lotuma

Mother: Ana 'Afua Ki Feletoa Havealeta

Sione Lepa Taufa - 1923 to 1933

Birth: 1923 Pangai, Haapai, Tonga, P-Isbirth3

Death: 1933 Pangai, Haapai, Tonga, P-Isdeath3


Father: Sione Taufa

Mother: Sulia Mafileo Fakavainga

Sione Taufa - 1908 to 1908

Birth: February 1908 Ovaka, Vava'u, Tongabirth4

Death: 13 December 1908


Father: Samuela Taufa

Mother: Sione Taufa

Sione Tele Tu'iafitu Taufa - 1934 to 2012

Birth: 1934 Fata`ulua, Niuafo`ou, Tongabirth5

Death: 2012


Father: Tevita Taufa Vaka

Mother: Temaleti Pongi

Sione Vai Taufa - 1950 to 1951

Birth: 03 Dec 1950 Fata'ulua, Niuafo'ou, Tonga, P- Is

Death: 1951


Father: Tevita Taufa Vaka

Mother: Temaleti Pongi

Sione Lutelo Taufa - 1898 to 1940

Birth: 1898 Fata'Ulua, Niuafo'Ou, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth7

Death: 26Feb1940


Father: Tevita Kaufusi

Mother: Sione Lutelo Taufa

Sione Lisimani Taufa - 1926 to 1945

Birth: 1926 Matuku Haapai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth8

Death: 1945


Father: Not Available

Mother: Liku'one Langoia'iPangai

Sione Taufa - 1898 to 1940

Birth: 1898 Fata'Ulua, Niuafo'Ou, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth9

Death: 26Feb1940


Father: Kuli Tongamakave Makaui

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1950 to 2007

Birth: 8 Mar 1950 Lofanga, Ha'apai, Tonga

Death: 25 Aug 2007 Houma, Vava'u, Tongadeath10


Father: Sunia 'Ikahihifo Taufa

Mother: Not Available

Sione 'Ofa Pongi Taufa - 1942 to 2003

Birth: 1942/08/02 Feletoa, Vava'ubirth11

Death: 2003/06/21


Father: Feleti Fakatoumafi Tonga

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa

Birth: Not Available Tongatapubirth12

Death: 1920's Kolomotu'a, Tongatapudeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1879 to 1950

Birth: 1879 Ofu,Vavau,Tongabirth13

Death: Abt1950 Tongadeath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

sione Tuikihaanai TAUFA - 1885 to 1927

Birth: 1885 LOFANGA



Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1825 to 1903

Birth: 1 May 1825 Hihifo, Ha'apai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth15

Death: 6 May 1903 Hihifo, Ha'apai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsdeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1875 to 1958

Birth: 1875 Pangai, Haapai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth16

Death: Jun 1958 Pangai, Haapai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsdeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Tevita Manu Taufa

Birth: Not Available Tongabirth17

Death: JUN 1993 Mangere, Auckland, New Zealanddeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1990

Birth: 22 Jul 1990 San Bernardino, Californiabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa

Birth: Not Available Tongatapu, Tongabirth19

Death: Not Available Kolomotua, Tongatapu, Tongadeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa - 1824

Birth: Abt 1824 Tongatapu, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa

Birth: Not Available tongabirth21

Death: Not Available tongadeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa

Birth: Not Available Pangai, Ha'apai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsbirth22

Death: Not Available Pangai, Ha'apai, Tonga, Pacific Islandsdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Taufa

Birth: Not Available Tongabirth23

Death: Not Available Tongadeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sione Fatu Taufa

Birth: Not Available Tongatapu, Tongabirth24

Death: 2005


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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