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Results for "Shirley Paddock"

1 - 16 of 16 Records

Shirley Mae Paddock - 1926 to 2000

Birth: 23 May 1926 South Lima, Lima, New Yorkbirth0

Death: 21 August 2000


Father: Floyd D. Paddock

Mother: Gertrude M Hathaway

Shirley Mae Paddock - 1926 to 2000

Birth: 23 May 1926 South Lima, Lima, New Yorkbirth1

Death: 21 August 2000


Father: Floyd D. Paddock

Mother: Gertrude M Hathaway

Shirley Mae Paddock - 1925 to 2019

Birth: 16 Aug 1925 Dillon, Montanabirth2

Death: Mar 2019


Father: Walter Henry Paddock

Mother: Geneviere Evelyn Bostwick

Shirley Barton Paddock - 1880 to 1963

Birth: 14 Oct 1880 Kankakee, Illinois, USAbirth3

Death: 27 Feb 1963 Kankakee, Kankakee, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: Daniel Holmes Paddock

Mother: Katie Almira Barton

Shirley Joyce Paddock - 1929 to 2001

Birth: 29 Nov 1929 Sussex Co NJbirth4

Death: 21 Jan 2001 Morristown, Morris, NJ, USAdeath4


Father: Claude W. Paddock

Mother: Mildred Irene Babb

Shirley Marie Paddock - 1928 to 2004

Birth: 2 Jun 1928 Salisbury, Litchfield, Connecticutbirth5

Death: 31 Aug 2004 W Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath5


Father: Charles Paddock

Mother: Susanne Magnussen

Shirley Maude Paddock - 1935 to 1991

Birth: 15 September 1935 Kalamazoo, Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 28 January 1991 Lawton, Van Buren, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: Vernon Lee Paddock

Mother: Rose Czuk

Shirley Ann Paddock - 1933 to 2013

Birth: 10 May 1933 Wheatland, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth7

Death: 6 January 2013 Farrell, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Earl William Paddock

Mother: Anna Mcintyre

Shirley E Paddock - 1924 to 2008

Birth: 24 Jul 1924 Belchertown, Massachusetts, USAbirth8

Death: 21 Jan 2008 Brooksville, Hernando, Floridadeath8


Father: Harry J Paddock

Mother: Ora R Gerard

Shirley Ann Paddock - 1936

Birth: abt 1936 Oklahomabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: James V Paddock

Mother: Adison Paddock

Shirley M Paddock - 1928 to 2012

Birth: 28 Apr 1928 Gen Pershing Street, New Orleans, Louisianabirth10

Death: November 14, 2012


Father: Arthur Paddock

Mother: Lillian Hazel Hutty

Shirley Ann Paddock

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Lee Morrison Paddock

Mother: Linda Anne Heidebrecht

Shirley Paddock - 1872 to 1873

Birth: WFT Est 1872/1898

Death: WFT Est 1873/1966


Father: Daniel Holmes Paddock

Mother: Katie Almira Barton

Female IconMale Icon

Shirley Paddock - 1957

Birth: Apr 1957 Shrewsbury, Shropshirebirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Shirley F Paddock

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Shirley M Paddock

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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