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Results for "Sharon Palmer"

1 - 25 of 238 Records

Sharon Jolene Palmer - 1937 to 2009

Birth: 26 Sep 1937 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesotabirth0

Death: 09 Jan 2009 St Louis Park, Hennepin, Minnesotadeath0


Father: Howard Gideon Palmer

Mother: Marion Pauline Rocksted

sharon Palmer - 1949 to 2006

Birth: 14 May 1949 Powhatan Point, Belmont, Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 26 Sep 2006 Martins Ferry, Belmont, Ohiodeath1


Father: Guy Sylvan Palmer

Mother: Mamie Loretta Burns

Sharon Jolene Palmer - 1937 to 2009

Birth: 26 Sep 1937 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesotabirth2

Death: 09 Jan 2009 St Louis Park, Hennepin, Minnesotadeath2


Father: Howard Gideon Palmer

Mother: Marion Pauline Rocksted

Sharon Ann Palmer - 1945 to 2022

Birth: 5 Sep 1945 Harper, Harper, Kansas, USAbirth3

Death: 9 Mar 2022 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USAdeath3


Father: Ralph Edward Palmer

Mother: Emma Louise Catherwood

Sharon Lee Palmer - 1946 to 2018

Birth: 17 Aug 1946 Carlton, Minnesota, USAbirth4

Death: 4 Sep 2018 Wadena, Minnesota.Âdeath4


Father: George

Mother: Flora Zelda Pion

Sharon Lee Palmer - 1958 to 1997

Birth: 09 May 1958 Portland, Multnomah County, Oregonbirth5

Death: 29 Sep 1997 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath5


Father: robert henry palmer

Mother: Edna Ruth Thorne

Sharon Lee Palmer - 1958 to 1997

Birth: 09 May 1958 Portland, Multnomah County, Oregonbirth6

Death: 29 Sep 1997 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath6


Father: robert henry palmer

Mother: Edna Ruth Thorne

sharon Lee Palmer - 1952 to 2016

Birth: 07 MAR 1952 washington D.C United Statesbirth7

Death: 26 Aug 2016 Marylanddeath7


Father: Lawrence William Palmer

Mother: Lillian Mathias

sharon Lee Palmer - 1952 to 2016

Birth: 07 MAR 1952 washington D.C United Statesbirth8

Death: 26 Aug 2016 Marylanddeath8


Father: Lawrence William Palmer

Mother: Lillian Mathias

Sharon Margaret Palmer - 1945 to 2020

Birth: 05 oct 1945 Peterborough, Northamptonshire, Englandbirth9

Death: 14 Apr 2020 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Englanddeath9


Father: John Daily Palmer

Mother: Alice Gardner

Sharon D. Palmer - 1956 to 2015

Birth: 11 Dec 1956 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAbirth10

Death: 28 Apr 2015 Dahlonega, Lumpkin, Georgia, USAdeath10


Father: Rex Duyck

Mother: Evelyn Dillingham

Sharon L Palmer - 1950 to 1998

Birth: 26 Feb 1950 Licking County, Newark, Ohiobirth11

Death: 21 Sep 1998 Franklin County, Columbus, Ohiodeath11


Father: Robert E. Palmer

Mother: Mildred Hupp

Sharon Sue Palmer - 1947

Birth: abt 1947 Louisianabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: John Palmer

Mother: Susie Decker

Sharon Palmer - 1949 to 2018

Birth: abt 1949 Illinoisbirth13

Death: 16 Sep 2018


Father: James Wayne Smith

Mother: Rosemary Pauline Schroder

Sharon Palmer - 1941

Birth: abt 1941 Coloradobirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter James Palmer

Mother: Mildred Bernice Maxfield

Sharon Palmer - 1942

Birth: abt 1942 Nebraskabirth15

Death: Not Available




Sharon Lynn Palmer - 1956 to 1956

Birth: 16 Apr 1956 Athens, Henderson, Texas, USAbirth16

Death: 16 Apr 1956 Athens, Henderson, Texas, USAdeath16


Father: Richard Lee Palmer

Mother: Mary Carol Norton-Palmer

Sharon Nadine Palmer - 1942

Birth: 1942 Idahobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Clement Palmer

Mother: Edna M Jennings Palmer

Sharon Kay Palmer - 1945 to 1948

Birth: 13 OCT 1945 Columbia, Boone County, Missouribirth18

Death: 10 AUG 1948 Columbia, Boone County, Missourideath18


Father: James William Palmer

Mother: Nelly Irene Calvert

Sharon Lynn Palmer - 1956 to 1956

Birth: 16 Apr 1956 Athens, Henderson, Texas, USAbirth19

Death: 16 Apr 1956 Athens, Henderson, Texas, USAdeath19


Father: Richard Lee Palmer

Mother: Mary Carol Norton-Palmer

Sharon Marie Palmer - 1919 to 1920

Birth: 20 Jan 1919 Whitfield, Georgia, United Statesbirth20

Death: 1920 Dalton, Whitfield Co. GAdeath20


Father: William PALMER

Mother: Oather Etta Smith

Sharon Palmer - 1946

Birth: 1946 Indianabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Earle Lundy

Mother: Louise Johnson Lundy Norman

Sharon Kay Palmer - 1949

Birth: 7 Oct 1949 Yakima, Washington, USAbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Alvie Louis Palmer

Mother: Arlene M Queen

Sharon Sally "Snooky" Palmer - 1935 to 2000

Birth: 23 Sep 1935 Port Angeles, Washingtonbirth23

Death: 2 May 2000 Polk, Oregon, United Statesdeath23


Father: Halley Reed Palmer

Mother: Alice Eveline Clark

Sharon Denise Palmer - 1953 to 1986

Birth: 11 Sep 1953 Cincinnati, Ohbirth24

Death: 14 Sep 1986 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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