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Results for "Schuyler Parker"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Schuyler Parker - 1858 to 1957

Birth: 27 Apr 1858 Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United Statesbirth0

Death: 7 Jan 1957 Lee County, Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: William Christmas Parker

Mother: Hannah Brubaker

Schuyler Parker - 1858 to 1957

Birth: 27 Apr 1858 Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United Statesbirth1

Death: 7 Jan 1957 Lee County, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: William Christmas Parker

Mother: Hannah Brubaker

Schuyler Parker - 1858 to 1957

Birth: 27 Apr 1858 Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United Statesbirth2

Death: 7 Jan 1957 Lee County, Illinois, USAdeath2


Father: William Christmas Parker

Mother: Hannah Brubaker

Schuyler Parker - 1837 to 1912

Birth: 1837 New York, USAbirth3

Death: Feb 1912 New York, USAdeath3


Father: Schuyler Ransom Parker

Mother: Hetty Spies

Schuyler Parker - 1837 to 1912

Birth: 1837 New York, USAbirth4

Death: Feb 1912 New York, USAdeath4


Father: Schuyler Ransom Parker

Mother: Hetty Spies

Schuyler Colfax Parker - 1895 to 1979

Birth: 9 Apr 1895 Eldorado, Saline, Illinoisbirth5

Death: Feb 1979 Durango, La Plata, Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: Schuyler Colfax Parker

Mother: Elnora Westbrook

Schuyler R Parker - 1865 to 1896

Birth: 17 August 1865 Illinoisbirth6

Death: 24 Jun 1896


Father: Ira Parker

Mother: Mary Louise Cowl

Schuyler "Lyle" William Parker - 1868 to 1926

Birth: 06 Nov 1868 Carsonville, Sanilac, Michigan, USAbirth7

Death: 11 Oct 1926


Father: William Steven Parker

Mother: Cynthia H Rockwood

Schuyler Parker - 1816 to 1866

Birth: 26 Jun 1816 Utica, New Yorkbirth8

Death: 03 Feb 1866 Warsaw, Wyoming, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Alexander PARKER

Mother: Jane Berry Dougherty

Schuyler Clark Parker - 1804 to 1805

Birth: 13 Jul 1804 Putney, Windham, Vermont, USAbirth9

Death: 13 Jan 1805 Putney, Windham, Vermont, USAdeath9


Father: Roswell 'Capt' Parker

Mother: Chloe Poole

Schuyler C Parker - 1888 to 1923

Birth: 24 December 1888 Indianabirth10

Death: 10 February 1923


Father: James Frederick Parker

Mother: Ellen Genevive --Rosetta McCormick

Schuyler Ransom Parker - 1797 to 1866

Birth: Abt. 1797

Death: May 1866


Father: Joshua Parker

Mother: Susannah Ranson

Schuyler C Parker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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