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Results for "Sarah Qua"

1 - 22 of 22 Records

Sarah Patterson Qua - 1928 to 2003

Birth: 30 Aug 1928 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USAbirth0

Death: 14 Oct 2003 Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: Vernon Blakeman Qua

Mother: Constance Alison Smith

Sarah Qua - 1749 to 1825

Birth: 1749 Irelandbirth1

Death: 1825 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Robert Qua 5gg

Mother: margaret polly chambers

Sarah Qua - 1749 to 1825

Birth: 1749 Irelandbirth2

Death: 1825 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Robert Qua 5gg

Mother: margaret polly chambers

Sarah P. Qua - 1842 to 1917

Birth: 1842 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 6 Dec 1917 Kingsbury, Washington, New York, United Statesdeath3


Father: George W Qua

Mother: Sarah E. Tilford

Sarah Elizabeth Qua - 1847 to 1849

Birth: 11 Aug 1847 Hebron, Washington, New York, USAbirth4

Death: 14 Aug 1849 Hebron, Washington, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph L Qua

Mother: Harriet Flack

Sarah Qua - 1893 to 1960

Birth: Abt. 1893 Maybole, AYRbirth5

Death: 1960 Maybole, AYRdeath5


Father: William Qua

Mother: Elizabeth Allison

Sarah Annette Qua - 1851 to 1925

Birth: 1851 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 5 Jul 1925 Cossayuna, Washington County, New Yorkdeath6


Father: Lyman Qua

Mother: Martha Jane Getty

Sarah Qua - 1893 to 1960

Birth: Abt. 1893 Maybole, AYRbirth7

Death: 1960 Maybole, AYRdeath7


Father: William Qua

Mother: Elizabeth Allison

Sarah Jane Qua - 1871

Birth: 24 OCT 1871 Mountnorris, Co Armaghbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: David Qua

Mother: Agnes Clegg

Sarah QUA - 1824

Birth: 1824 Irelandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel QUA

Mother: Mary HARPER

Sarah Qua - 1772

Birth: 1772

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Qua

Mother: Margaret Peggy Armstrong

Sarah Qua - 1782 to 1803

Birth: 1782

Death: 1803


Father: John Qua

Mother: Jane McGilry

Sarah QUA - 1772

Birth: 1772

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available


Sarah Qua - 1772 to 1823

Birth: 1772 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAbirth13

Death: 1823 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAdeath13


Father: John Qua

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua - 1749 to 1825

Birth: 1749 Irelandbirth14

Death: 1825 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAdeath14


Father: William Quay

Mother: Not Available

Sarah F. Qua - 1842 to 1914

Birth: 12 Apr 1842 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAbirth15

Death: 29 Jun 1914 Fort Edward, Washington, New York, United Statesdeath15


Father: Ebenezer Qua

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua - 1790

Birth: abt 1790 Argyle, Washington County, New York, USAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua - 1790

Birth: abt 1790 Argyle, Washington County, New York, USAbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua - 1849

Birth: abt 1849 Corndy, Mayo, Irelandbirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua - 1749 to 1825

Birth: 1749

Death: 1825 Hebron, Washington County, New York, USAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sarah Qua

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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