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Results for "Sarah Harris"

1 - 25 of 25,122 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1837 Wellington, Shropshire, England

Death: 1899 Nottinghamshire Mansfield 7b 53


Father: James Roden

Mother: Rosanna Davies

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Josephine Harris

Birth: 13 June 1903 Texas

Death: 19apr1968 Amarillo, Potter, Texas, USA


Father: David Ayers Park

Mother: Myrtle Cartwright

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah "Frances" Harris

Birth: 15 Oct 1868 Kirklin, Clinton, Indiana, USA

Death: 09 May 1934 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA


Father: Benjamin Franklin Harris

Mother: Harriet H. Hart

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: January 1865 Illinois

Death: 2 Mar 1948 Boise, Ada, Idaho, USA


Father: John Sylvester Harris

Mother: Mary Fox

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Catharine Harris

Birth: Oct 1856 Indiana

Death: 12 March 1950 Dubois County, Indiana, USA


Father: Richard Harris

Mother: Sarah Kirkland

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: Abt. 1848 Missouri

Death: 16 Jun 1934 Iconium, St Clair, Missouri, USA


Father: William Harris

Mother: Sarah Hudspeth

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Cordelia Harris

Birth: 31 Dec 1916 Harrison, West Virginia

Death: 2007 Due West, South Carolina, USA


Father: Charles Hermon Harris

Mother: Bertha Eliza Kilmer

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 8 Jul 1833 Brooke, West Virginia, United States

Death: 6 Feb 1910 Fairbury, Jefferson, Nebraska, United States


Father: Isaac Harris

Mother: Jane E Swearingen

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Virginia Harris

Birth: 3 January 1856 Carroll County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 09 Mar 1940 Pollard, Clay County, Arkansas, United States of America


Father: Thomas Laughton Harris

Mother: Virginia Hobbs

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1860 Aldgate, Middlesex, England

Death: Dec 1935 Stepney, London, England


Father: Aaron Harris

Mother: Leah V. ISAACS

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Malinda Harris

Birth: 28 July 1854 Englands Point, Cherokee, North Carolina, USA

Death: 13 Aug 1919 Wartrace, Bedford County, Tennessee, USA


Father: Benjamin Washington HARRIS E2GGF

Mother: Susan Elizabeth Forrester

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Francis Harris

Birth: Feb 1856 Tennessee

Death: 18 Dec 1916 Lisbon, Hardeman County, Tennessee, USA


Father: Robert Thomas Harris

Mother: Lucinda Cheshire (Cheshier)

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah A. Harris

Birth: 10 SEP 1881 Philipsburg, Centre County, PA

Death: 25 JAN 1978 Box 250, Road 3, DuBois, Clearfield County, PA


Father: William Henry Harris

Mother: Hannah Long

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 29 Jul 1879 Fort Douglas, Johnson, Arkansas, USA

Death: 10 Dec 1970 Kress, Swisher, Texas, USA


Father: James Harris

Mother: Tennessee Arabella Robinson

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1812 Kentucky,USA

Death: 1878 Kentucky,USA


Father: Charles W. Harris

Mother: Elizabeth "Bettie" Howard

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Lovina Harris

Birth: 21 July 1846 Mansfield, Tolland County, Connecticut, United States of America

Death: 11 January 1905 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States of America


Father: Chauncey Sumner Harris

Mother: Caroline Abbey Conant

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1 Dec 1816 Bedford County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 4 Oct 1910 Unionville, Bedford, Tennessee, USA


Father: Captain James Harris*

Mother: Ann Nancy Thompson

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 28 Nov 1813 Hyde, North Carolina

Death: 1879 Hyde, North Carolina, USA


Father: Jonathan Harris

Mother: Cassandra Gibbs

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1810 Westbury Wiltshire England

Death: Jan 1878 Melksham, Wiltshire, England


Father: James Harris

Mother: Rachel Hyman

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah J Harris

Birth: 22 Feb 1899 Mt Salem, Washington, Arkansas, USA

Death: 21 Feb 1993 Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, USA


Father: John Taylor Harris

Mother: Perdema Woodphim Harrelson

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Catherine Harris

Birth: Mar 1861 Quincy, Hickory, Missouri, USA

Death: 11 Mar 1957 Osceola Stclair Mo, , Missouri, USA


Father: Satyr Harris

Mother: Fannie Powers

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 10 Mar 1849 North Carolina, USA

Death: 10 Jan 1924 Stanly County, North Carolina, USA


Father: Richard Caswell Miller

Mother: Joicy Earnhardt

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 05 Feb 1843 Robertson County, Tennessee

Death: 19 Jun 1909 Robertson, Tennessee, United States


Father: William McKendree Harris

Mother: Lucinda Groves

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Harris

Birth: 1896 Baltimore, Independent Cities, Maryland, USA

Death: oct 1945 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA


Father: James Harris

Mother: Susie W Harris

Female IconMale Icon

Sarah Elizabeth HARRIS

Birth: 04 Jan 1851 Mississippi, United States

Death: 14 May 1911 Union (Simpson County), Simpson County, Mississippi, USA


Father: Henson Henry HARRIS

Mother: Britanna Poole

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