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Results for "Samuel Paulsson"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Samuel Paulsson - 1780 to 1840

Birth: 22 juli 1780 Mellansjö, Norra Vi, Malexander, Östergötland

Death: 18 maj 1840 Malexander, Östergötlands län, Sverigedeath0


Father: Paul Nilsson

Mother: Gertrud Samuelsdotter

Samuel Paulsson - 1790 to 1859

Birth: 1790 Steigenbirth1

Death: ABT 1859 Bdeath1


Father: Povel Hansen

Mother: Berith Marie Iversdatter Fjersløv

Samuel Paulsson - 1867 to 1914

Birth: 8 juni 1867

Death: 30 sept 1914 Moo, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige


Father: Paul Andreasson

Mother: Johanna Fredrika Gustavsdotter Augustin

Samuel Paulsson - 1768 to 1768

Birth: 20 mar 1768 Siggarp, Säby, Jönköpings länbirth3

Death: 18 jul 1768 Siggarp, Säby, Jönköpings ländeath3


Father: Paul Enochsson

Mother: Greta Johansdotter

Samuel Paulsson - 1776

Birth: 11 Jul 1776

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Mattsson

Mother: Beatha Andersdr

Female IconMale Icon

Samuel Paulsson - 1832

Birth: 19 Heinäkuuta 1832

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Samuelss. Kasonen

Mother: Anna Andersdotter Laamanen

Female IconMale Icon

Samuel Paulsson - 1782

Birth: 1782

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Joh Lasoin

Mother: Anna Hendriksdr

Samuel Paulsson - 1776 to 1852

Birth: 11 Heinäkuuta 1776

Death: 8 Kesäkuuta 1852


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Samuel Paulsson - 1872 to 1956

Birth: 25 May 1872 Strövelstorp, Kristianstad, Swedenbirth8

Death: 16 May 1956 Strövelstorp 6 Solhem, Strövelstorp, Kristianstad, Swedendeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Samuel Paulsson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Samuel Paulsson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Samuel Paulsson

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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